News - How To Solo The New Dark Aether Warzone 2 Zombies Season 3 Reloaded Schematics

No joke, I'm telling you, it seemed like the battle really wasn't doing too much damage at all, then I was able to do a lot more damage with the vr11. But I was putting in some shots into him, which just seemed like they weren't doing anything at all, and with some shots that he was getting, he was receiving a lot of damage.


You know what? Pause that, but just like the boss disciple from the story Mission, this guy's going to be sending out like his little minions after you, and they're going to be like some manglers. You're going to have like mimics and stuff and they're all going to be chasing you and you have to kill these guys before he's going to be taking any damage R11 definitely helped a little bit so I could be turning some of these zombies, acting as decoys, just help me out just a little bit luckily there is an ammo crate on each side of this island I do believe there's three ammo crates on this island so you don't really have to worry too much about running out of ammo luckily these guys will still drop you the powerups if you're still holding the item so when see those guys that are glowing green definitely, shoot those guys and get your power ups it's going to help you out a lot doing this boss fight solo was definitely no walk in the park I would actually compare it to like doing something like the red worm it's honestly not because the boss himself is very hard it's just because if you're trying to do this solo, the sheer, amount of zombies, and special bosses and everything that's going to be running after you just makes doing everything else incredibly.


Difficult, like even just looking for his special zombies that I need to kill so I can damage him. I was having a really hard time finding them just because of the sheer number of enemies toward the end. I was able to clear them out just a little bit, and it was easier to find them, and I was just having like three or four of them all trailing me at once.

What's been your guys's favorite boss fight so far since Modern Warfare Zombies has launched, personally? I got to say I still think the redworm is probably the best and most exciting boss to fight because of his sheer size and the way he pops up out of the ground like a tremor. Once you end up defeating him, he explodes, and in the sky ends UPS like raiding blood for a few minutes.

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I think that's just awesome. Guys will notice up here that I hit him with several shots with the VR11. And it seemed like he wasn't taking any damage at all, but then you'll notice that when I start hitting him with it later, he starts taking a lot of damage, so I don't know; it's a little bit confusing.


It could all be just in the exact spot that I was hitting him in, but I don't know, man. I'm just hipfiring with the vr11 and hitting him like right in the center body, and that's where I seem to be doing a lot of damage, so I also did very conveniently place this boss fight right next to like the only xfill out here, so that's nice as well.

As you guys will see here, I was able to take down at least, or almost, half of his. health with his VR Liv and just a couple of shots, but then he took a few shots before that really didn't seem to damage him too much, so who knows? I don't know. I'm going to have to come in here with like a triple pack W and maybe try it with that hell with all these legendary ether tools I got right now.

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It'd be cool if we could still, like, quadruple. Pack the wa. I think it would be awesome to come here to deal with him that way. Look at this; he's got six little minions chasing me now. I forgot he actually sent out so many, like, look at all of these mimics, and I got a couple of manglers chasing after me as well, just absolutely.


Insane i don't know why this guy just did not want to die. Also, right when I got him down to like a sliver of health left, he just ended up hiding from me. I could not find this guy, like he was playing a game of hide-and-seek or something. I ran around the center of this island forever, and I just could not find him until eventually he finally ended up flying back out again.

I was really kind of scared there for a minute too. I was like, There is no way. I just spent all this time fighting this guy, and he's just going to glitch out and go, fly underneath the map, or something. I would have been so angry here, guys. Here comes our final blow with the VR1. Putting this guy down, and I got to say dealing with this boss and this dark ether solo was definitely not very easy, especially solo, but if you guys are confident and if you have the right stuff.

I think you guys can definitely get this done. Look at that out of the reward Rift; we ended up getting an elder sigil, and then we got some of those dead wire detonators, so I'll definitely be taking both of those on my way over to the Xville.

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