News - How To Solo The New Dark Aether Warzone 2 Zombies Season 3 Reloaded Schematics

It's kind of like a purple and white kind of thing. It's actually a color scheme that's going for it, and it's also got smoke that's coming off of it; it's actually a really cool-looking blueprint. It's got the chainsaw attachment already on it so you know it's perfect for zombies and the ram seven actually does pretty good in Zombies I really like that assault rifle last season a lot start our escort Mission here and I, almost went down from all of those zombies that were on that roof right there we were just barely able to get out of there how are you guys feeling about this season so far I mean are you liking the updates that have came through I mean I'm loving the fact that we actually have an increased stat now it feels like I actually have space for some stuff even though it's all filled with legendaries, and Flawless crystals right now definitely not a bad thing and I'm not complaining.


But they need to change that eventually just because it kind of defeats the purpose a little bit if this was on any other run when I saw that legendary ether tool pop up and that Flawless Crystal that would have just gotten me so excited, just to get the best two things in the game, but since my stash I literally have like 10 of each of those in my stash right now, so it's like, well, whatever there's certain zombies that you're going to want to watch for when you're on this escort mission, if they're glowing, green, then those are the ones that are going to end up dropping your powerups.

I definitely like to drop a lot of nukes, so that's definitely going to help you out a lot when you're doing this. There are an insane amount of zombies, so I'm just telling you to bring in that vr11. If you guys are doing this solo, I mean, you're going to need it. Trust me, when the AR that I'm using is the new Bow 27, I will put up the loadout for that at the end of the article.


If you guys want to check that out for an AR, this thing is actually absolutely Does slap it deals with mega Abominations, really good the dark ether zombies really good red tier Zone really good it's just an around really good AR really good weapon definitely going to have to work on that top best weapons to use in Modern Warfare zombies after the reloaded, update article do like a little bit of time to go by just give me some chance that I can actually test a bunch of the weapons that we got in here right now and just see what I think should really be up there at the top plus there's so many other factors that come into it now too like things with Maga holding like when you put Maga holding on certain guns just completely, changes the game with them I haven't had a chance yet to test out the dead wire detonators on the launchers and stuff yet I still need to do that and hearing the putting it on the rgl.


Mega Holding is actually pretty fun, so I'm going to have to do that one. The fact that we can almost get those things completely cooled down in our schematics now is really cool. I have noticed that if I use some of those legendary items by the end of the day, if I play quite a bit of Modern Warfare Zombies, I can almost get those things completely cooled down.


Also, a big shout out to Donuts for the article that he put out earlier. If you guys want a complete, in-depth guide on how X filling with Essence is going to be helping you cool down your schematics. Be sure to check out that article that Donuts just put out the as smart as hell yeah this is definitely one of the longest contracts that we got in here to get done too it just look at the sheer amount of zombies that we got on us and like when the mimic goes to pick us up how everything just goes into slow motion we need to take a match to come in here with a scorcher, and just completely, find out where everything is and see if I can find anything else like any other little Easter eggs or hidden things that we missing but speaking of knowing where everything is if you guys still are wondering where to find things inside of this new dark ether I'm going to throw up this map up on the screen right here big shout out to mwz.

Just because not only does it have those three contracts. But we got all of those locked rooms for chances for a bunch of Wonder Weapons; it just felt like there was a little bit more for us to do in there. That's kind of what I was hoping for one of these new ones: that they start putting in like a little bit more stuff for us to do, like maybe some more Easter eggs or locked rooms, things like that.

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It kind of seems like the last two dark ethers are a little bit more straightforward. But who knows, it's only been a couple of days with this new dark ether and everybody's hands, and there might be something that somebody hasn't found yet coming up to the bridge part here, which just absolutely gives me nightmares.


Also i don't know if you guys have seen this, but all around on Twitter, like Charlie Intel, everybody is saying that the new Black Ops game is actually going to be called Black Ops 6. Now I don't know for me personally, but it seems like it would make a little bit more sense for it to be Black Ops 5, just because Cold War didn't really feel like a mainline title to me when you look at other franchises.


like Battlefield, where they had spin-offs like Hardline, and they didn't actually include it in the main series. I don't know that kind of feels like what they should have done with cold war to me but well it really doesn't matter what the title is to me as long as it's a good game just know that if they you release it as Black Ops 6 there's going to be so many people that are going to be going well where was Black Ops 5 well man whatever works and I guarantee you if they actually put it as like a Mainline, title whether it is Black Ops 5 or Black Ops 6 that's going to sell well way more in marketing, like people are just going to absolutely, eat that up generally people will have more faith in it if it has like a main title name rather than having like a spin-off, name this part on the bridge here just gets absolutely.

So intense, we ended up going down once here too, just because we got so bogged up with so many zombies that we ended up right on top of the ACV. Though, so that's okay. This part I definitely thought was a little bit strange, and this is the first time that we've seen anything like this in any of the dark ethers, yet I ended up getting a, kind of a weird schematic, out of here, so once we finally ended up getting this escort mission done, we ended up getting that golden gas mask filter acquisition, but then I ended up getting the elemental.

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Pop schematic. I thought it was really strange, like this is the first time that we've seen a schematic that we get on the regular big map inside the dark ether. I know that this is definitely one of the rarer ones that a lot of people kind of struggle to get. I'm wondering if maybe that's the reason why it was added to the loophole.


Rift, we can spawn in any of those acquisitions. Hectic as all hell down the big final, egg here even with all these mimics and zombies around us spawn in our big bad boss disciple. For the few times that I did this with a squad, this guy was really, really easy, but I'm not going to lie when I attempted to do this guy solo; he was.

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