News - How To Lower Sbmm Warzone 2/warzone 2 Legitimately

Just to keep it fun that way and keep it from, you know, feeling like a drag, what are you guys thinking about what's kind of going on in the Twitter world? I don't know if you guys know who EXO Ghost is, but he pretty much uploaded a clip of him, you know, fragging out a whole Lobby using the. BG56, so if you put it, it's a burst weapon, but if you put it in manual mode, it, you know.

I'm seeing shoots, but a lot of PC players are setting up macros so it behaves like an assault, and a lot of people are saying this is cheating, and others are saying it's not because it's not banable, or at least it's not, doesn't say anyone. Posos. So, what do you guys think? Is it banable? Is it cheating?


In my opinion, it's not an option in the game. Then I wouldn't say team necessary, but it's not right, similar to how a controller has an assist and a mouse and keyboard don't; it's that's how it's set up; that's how the game is set up; it's not in the settings, but they say if you add a soft aim, you can kind of match an assist with the controller.

That's cheating for sure; it's similar to that in a way, using macros because it's something that's outside of the game's realm of options, so now that I'm learning more about what's on the cheating side. I still think it needs skill to aim and skill to shoot. And if a controller player can't have that same option, it's just a complete disadvantage.

I know people playing on PC are going to just [__] on me, because I'm saying. I'm saying that's not fair for controller players, and then they're going to say. Hey, controller players have an assist, and it's very strong, and the mouse and key don't have an assist. But a mouse and keyboard can quickly flick on a whole bunch of targets through a 360-degree slide canc on everything in a way faster way.


Pace in the controller player, so they each have their own perks, but no. I do not think macros. It should be allowed in the game because it's an external option setting that's being done not within the Call of Duty setting but within the computer settings, so no, it should not be allowed in my opinion, and if you guys have noticed.

I was so lucky to get this noob in this game because if I hadn't. I'm pretty sure we would have lost. I mean, I was not playing OBJ. So yeah, you guys can talk [__] and say. I'm ass why am I not being a team player, but I was trying my best to get this game thing I've been playing for a lot of hours, and it wasn't working out, so I was like.


You know. I want screw obj. I'm just going for kills, and then after I got my kills. I was able to move around more, get my streets, loo my swarm, and so that helped out a lot and pretty much kept them locked down in their spawns. And it almost dropped a double early on in the game; unfortunately, I got killed, and that was stressing me out, but you got it.

So what are your guys thoughts on the XRK? stalker so far, I think it's a really good sniper, and I did enjoy using it. And shout out to all you guys who just subscribed to my last article my last article. C The mission is complete good work, so this is a glass setup I use for the XRK stalker for the barrel.

I use a Handler lkp short barrel for improving ad movement speed, sprint to fire speed, and sprint speed. For the site, this is vital; you need to use an inl cast 14, you get to. 5 magnification, faster ads, and faster aiming stability You can see that it improves ad speed by close to 10% and ad movement speed, so you definitely need to use this attachment for this weapon.

Then, I used a light stock for improved ads, which helped it by 4%. Not a lot, but this is also essential; it improves rechambering speed so you can have a faster fire rate where you can go for longer streaks, and a 10-round

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