News - Warzone 2 Submachine Guns (smgs) Ranked Worst To Best. Warzone 2


Worst to Best is a series where I rank all weapons within a class after I've unlocked forged camo and have a considerable amount of experience with each weapon, and this article is all about Modern Warfare 3's submachine guns. But with that said, let's get started with the worst SMG in MW3. That weapon is the Striker 9.

There is nothing special about this weapon whatsoever, except that it kills slower than all the SMGs. Even if you land a single head shot to reduce your shots a kill down to five, the striker N9 still loses half of the SMGs. Its time to kill is identical to that of the MCW assault rifle, except the striker will actually lose to the MCW up close, where the SMGs are supposed to dominate.

Obviously, the striker will move the handle faster than the MCW. But that just goes to show how bad this weapon is if I'm comparing it to another weapon class instead of other SMGs. All of the striker's other stats are average. It doesn't excel in a specific play style, and there's really just no reason to use this weapon.


Now that I've directly compared the striker 9 stats to other one- and two-star weapons that I reviewed. I don't think the striker 9 is quite as bad as them, so it's not quite a one-star weapon; it is usable, but it certainly is a bad weapon. I literally don't see a reason to ever use it in its current state.

Moving on to the number five spot, we have the WSP 9. Personally, I enjoy using this weapon. It has the potential to be great, but I have to admit it's below average. It's tied for the fastest sprint-to-fire speed in class, which is cool, but it's also tied for the slowest aim-down sight speed in class.

It also has the slowest reload, at only 25 rounds in the mag. More importantly, when it comes to time to kill, the WSP 9 has an open bolt delay of over 50 milliseconds that really holds this weapon back from being good. With the open bolt delay, what you will experience in the game right now is a weapon that kills just as slowly as the striker 9 up close.


I'm not even sure why the open bolt delay exists in the first place because, without the open bolt delay, the wp9 would be a top-tier gun, but it wouldn't be at the best SMG spot. The WP9 also has pretty low recoil. I find it very easy to use, and it feels kind of like an assault rifle at long range, but in the grand scheme of things, it's a pretty mediocre weapon.

I'd keep an eye out for an attachment or an aftermarket part that reduces the open bolt delay in the future because, again, without it, the WSP 9 would give the top two SMGs a run for their money, but right now there's better options, like the next SMG on the list at the number four spot, which is the Amr9.

The AM-9 is identical to the WSP-9 in terms of range falloffs. Mobility handling and ttk kind of sort of kill faster up close as long as you can land your shots to the upper body, but it has some wonky leg damage multipliers at range and it can take an additional two shots to kill. Now, the AR9 is a fairly accurate weapon, and that's one of the things that exceeds that, so if you can land it, you will actually outgun the WSP 9, but at the same time.

best smg

I find the WSP 9 to have less recoil in practice. I find it easier to use, and you can land your shots anywhere in the body where you risk those leg shots with the AR9. One big drawback to the AR9 is that it has the slowest sprint to fire speed in class, but it also benefits from the fastest reload in class and 30 rounds in the mag, unlike the Ws P9.

Now, the difference between the fastest and slowest reloading of Modern Warfare 3 SMGs is 0.3 seconds. It's not really that much of an advantage. I'm not going to mention reloading for the remainder of this article because of that, but overall, the AM-9 is pretty mediocre, and in all honesty, you can use the AM-9 and the WSP-9 interchangeably.

It really just comes down to your preference, whether you like a slow but powerful weapon or a faster-firing weapon that's a bit more forgiving but also requires some more accuracy. Either way, I think these bottom three SMGs are all below average. These top three SMGs are much better options, or the ones that are actually worth using.

best smg mw3

At the number three spot is the striker, which I'm going to refer to as the striker 45 just to avoid confusion. The striker 45 is a fairly average SMG, and to be honest, I'm not really fond of this weapon, the handling, or the mobility. Everything about this weapon is average except for its recoil from damage.

The striker 45 is a very accurate SMG G; its recoil pretty much goes straight up and with attachments. The striker is like the MCW of the SMGs in terms of recoil, again very easy to use outside of its maximum damage range, though it is the slowest-killing SMG in Modern Warfare 3. Yes, even slower than the striker 9.

The only good thing about this weapon is its four-shot kill. A four-shot kill will give you a time to kill of 279 milliseconds, and that four-shot kill is possible up to 19 M, which is about double the range of half of the SMGs in Modern Warfare 3. What I don't like about this weapon is that you need to land your shots from the chest and up to get that four-shot kill.

best submachine gun

Another thing I don't like about this weapon is that its damage falloff is very severe, and it can take up to 650 milliseconds to kill as soon as 36 M. That's extremely slow; in fact, that's the slowest full-auto weapon I've come across in this game so far. I also don't like that this weapon has a slower fire rate that feels wonky up close because if you miss a shot, your time to kill is going to go up significantly, and you'll end up getting beat by a lot of weapons.

I feel like I just roasted the crap out of this weapon. I don't want it to come across like that. The striker 45's bread and butter is up close, and it does have its use cases. It's just one of those weapons that has strengths but also some pretty lows. The second-best SMG in the runner-up spot is the WSP Swarm.

Now this is a meta weapon that will melt whatever you shoot at. It has the fastest sprint-to-fire speed, the fastest aim-down sight speed, and the fastest mobility speed in the entire class. It fires at a rate of over 1,000 rounds per minute, and it will outgun every SMG at every range on paper. It can kill as fast as 220 milliseconds up close, which is where the Swarm excels; it straight up deletes enemies, and it's surprising.

best submachine gun rifle in mw3

Accurately, I feel like its visual recoil is much more intense than its actual recoil. The first three shots do have some kick to them, but after that, it just pulls straight up into the left. It's pretty easy to secure kills from mid- to long range. Now you're not going to be cross-mapping people with the wus swarm, but it is usable beyond close quarters.

Ranking all Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 Submachine Guns based on their stats AND my experiences unlocking Forged Camo in multiplayer! This video includes the Striker, WSP Swarm, AMR9, WSP-9, Rival-9 and Striker-9 MW2 SMGs will be reviewed in an upcoming video.
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