News - Warzone 2i Zombies Just Isn't Zombies Anymore


With everything that Cod NEX has given us recently and with all the news of Modern Warfare 3. I have to say I'm genuinely excited for this game, and I do think it's going to be a very solid game, but there is one thing that is just really offensive and foul in my opinion, and that is mod Warfare 3 zombies.

Now, today I want to talk about Modern Warfare 3 zombies and why this just isn't zombies, in my opinion. Now, I just want to start off by saying that in my opinion, what zombies should be is: you get plunked on a map with a St. starting pistol on round one, and then you fight some zombies, you build your way up through the map, you know, maybe you build some Wonder Weapons or you build a shield, and you get to Pack-A-Punch.


And then you complete an Easter egg or you go to round 100 that's zombies mode, and it's a very simple concept and obviously there's a lot of stuff missing out a lot of like gimmicks for different maps and different games and stuff but that's all you need to make a good Zombies mode and it just seems that recently that's all just been thrown out the window in favor of this new like pro war zone, era of Call of Duty where war zone is just in every single iteration and mode of Call of Duty like mare 3 is definitely the worst for this the campaign is open combat missions which is just set in zikan or the Dan I don't really know which one it is, and then you've got zombies, which is basically DMZ, but with zombies in it, like if you're a DMZ fan, then you're probably going to love zombies because it's pretty much DMZ, but with zombies in there, and I don't really get why they're supporting DMZ.

I have to applaud that, but in my opinion, going ahead and collecting salvage and grenades off of zombies, and that whole like system isn't traditional zombies to me; that's not one I see. Don't get me wrong. I think it's an acceptable deviation from the zombie mode, and that's why I enjoyed Cold War zombies so much.


I don't enjoy as much as Black Ops 3 Zombies, and it was definitely better than Black Ops 4 Zombies because that was just the cold war, which is the biggest deviation of zombies that I'll actually accept. I mean, what we had in Vanguard I thought was foul with the whole thing like transpor to different worlds and the world getting harder like an outbreak version of zombies, but it wasn't outbreak; it was on multiplayer maps, but I think this is worse.

I genuinely think this is probably the worst zombie mode we've ever had, and yeah, sure, you might say it looks more complete than the Vanguard one; it probably is more complete, but that doesn't make it better. I mean, Vanguard is more traditional zombies than this is, and this might be like a really fun version of zombies; it might be a brand new fun game mode that people enjoy playing.

I might enjoy playing if I ever get around to playing it, but it's just not zombies to me when I think of Call of Duty zombies. I think of Mob of the Dead Origins, deriz dra Shadows of Evil. You know the classic round-based games where I go for an Easter egg or I go for a high round with my friends?


There are a lot of maps that I think of when it comes to COD zombies, but I don't think of a war zone map with a 60-minute timer where I extract RAED. That's not zombies; that's DMZ. For [__] sake, why are you trying to change zombies from what they were? It's such a simple mode it doesn't need you don't need a lot.

To actually please zombie fans, you need a big space; you need to put things like the mystery box and the Pack-A-Punch. A main Easter egg quest that would be [__] Nice, but no, we don't get one of those in Modern Warfare 3. Just let me kill zombies. Whether I want to go to round 100, complete the Easter egg, or complete the Easter egg then go to round 100, what does it matter?

Just let me have fun with zombies. I don't get why I have to have a 60-minute timer. In almost every single good zombie game, a solid run on zombies lasts for more than an hour. If you're going for an Easter egg, it's minimum an hour and a half, like 2 hours, and they've kept it for 60 minutes[__] off, like just [__] Off honestly.


I think it's such a middle finger for zombie fans. I'm not going to sit here and say I'm the biggest die-hard zombie fan. Zombie isn't what I buy called G, for I'm way more of a multiplayer person, but I've still played. I think every single Treyarch zombie map, apart from maybe one or two, I've played thoroughly.

I love it as well. I still go back to this day and play original zombie maps like the other day. I just went back and played Five with my friends because it's so simple: you load up the game, you get in and you shoot zombies you get some guns you Pack-A-Punch, and you shoot zombies. Why do I need to run around the map looting?

Instead of just shooting zombies, I don't get it. I just want to see them go back to formula. I want to see them just think, Okay, maybe this is why zombies got so popular because of this. This is this. This is this. Let's do it again. Do we need to do this song and dance about making it a DMZ?


Looter Shooter's biggest experience in the war zone [__] It pisses me off. One thing that caught my eye as well when I was watching the game play for mod Warfare 3 zombies was the UI. Here's the UI for mod Warfare 3 zombies. You might think it's a very normal UI, and this is a very small nitpick.

I know, but it's just something that helps, like the atmosphere and the feeling of zombies. Now Here's a picture of the Black Ops 3 zombies. All you need is the UI on the bottom right of your ammo and your grenades. You've got your gobblegum there, and you've got your perks and your points, whereas in Modare 3 Zombies, you know, it actually reminds me of those meme images from like a few years ago where it was like, you know.

Call of Duty games in 2023 and 2024, and it's just like you've got like slot machines and like, you know, loads of different things across the UI cluttering it so much you can't even [__] see through it. Welcome to the Call of Duty futuristic heads-up display. Warfare stocks are up 2%. Season pass, job team Get ready for the next round.


Once again, it's such a small nitpick, but it's just about distractions, and you know, extra things that they keep adding on top of zombies, like it doesn't need to be as complex as they're making it both in Vanguard. In Warfare 3 and in the Cold War as well, like zombies, it doesn't need to be that difficult.

The reason it's succeeded for over a decade is because of how simple it is. Don't get me wrong, things got complicated later on, but the premise was still the same. You had a map, you got in, you killed zombies, you went to a high round, or you didn't get an Easter egg. You got your perks, your pack-a-punch, your Wonder Weapons—that's it.

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