News - How To Instantly Improve Warzone 2 Ranked Play

This will go all the way up and over, as you'll see in the kill cam. Flying all the way up, landing directly on the snow, head another one for that exact same spot this time from P2, look up towards the second window, walk forward, and send. Nade, this will land on the snow head glitch, and from the killcam, what that looks like is going up through the P2 window and landing on anybody that's up top in snow, and another angle for that same spot is from the bottom maze.

cod ranked play

A lot of times on P3, you're going to spawn maze while somebody's holding you from top snow, so you want to know an angle to hit that nade. So before you expose yourself to anybody that's up top snow or top P2 from the middle of May, you're just going to look up, walk forward, and send the nade. Just like earlier, this will go up and over, midway.

Landing in that same spot that we've been nading thus far, the next spot we want to nad is top third. This time is going to be from way back in the tunnel. Basically, you want to line up with this corner right here, jump, and send the nade as far as you can. Can this will land up in the top third, going all the way over midway and catching a bounce on the catwalk before getting anybody with that's spot, different nade this time towards River and back server to make it more consistent you want to jump on the crate.

lunch time

Cook the nade for a second before jumping and sending it over the left side of that wall. This will land up in the top third; like I said earlier, over that left corner, jump and send, and this will blow up at about the same time that it lands in the top third. The next spot is back green fences towards P4 the N that from P1 you want to look between this pole on the left and the corner of the catwalk building, cook the nade for just a second before jumping and sending it this will blow up right on that green heady as you'll see in killcam.

The important part is that you cook for a second so that it doesn't go deep, and this will blow up right on anybody that's playing. This green head glitch is here for anybody playing further back, like we talked about earlier. If you already have information that they're playing that deep, what you can do is line up with this wall right here to send it safely directly over.

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Cook that, nade, and it should land right at that head glitch from Kill Cam; it goes up and over the River Landing back sub based on anybody that's playing that head glitch, and for anybody that's playing in P2 or around P2 time, if you find yourself spawning P5, you can actually arc the nade straight through those windows in.


P2, this will land on anybody playing the time. As you see, there are all those windows up top of P2, and all they have to do is Arc the nade just right so that it lands on anybody playing Hill Time. The same thing if you find yourself pushing from the tunnel side of the map; just look straight up and send it.

Nade, this goes through those same windows that we were talking about earlier and lands directly on the hill, and last but definitely not least, the most important spots you'll need to know for P1. P1 gets super mixy and contest-heavy, so if you find yourself three or four down, you're going to want to coordinate team nades on P1 from the server side.

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It's as easy as looking over the building and sending the nade; you don't even have to jump; this lands P1. Of course, going over the server building and landing on time don't require you to do anything fancy with jumping, running, or anything like that; just look up and send that. Similarly, from the P2 or the maze side, all you need to do is look up and send the nade.

So go all the way over Maze and land on anybody playing.

Ranked play mw3 spawns sub base

Ranked play mw3 spawns sub base

modern warfare 3

P1 this is what that looks like from the kill cam just get a good muscle memory for sending these nades keep P1 Mixie especially when you don't have numbers and make sure your teammate to know these n spots as well tip number three is spawns we're going to be watching optic and New York play each other in the recent CDL matches for more clarification as the mini map, this is server side this is P2 side we're going to back up to the initial gunfights when the hill first pops you'll see the white arrows New York and the green arrows optic it gets mixy at first because a lot of the players are straight up on P1, so you'll see one of the optic player spawns towards P2 and the other one spawns out towards P3 so this hill is usually spit up between this side of the map and this side of the map as you'll see the further kills spawn in and they start to normalize so seven spawns towards P3 and four spawns towards P2 and further towards the back you'll see those will start to look a little bit more normal as these kills go through optic has this side spawns.

New York has these side spawns. So keep that in mind as you're playing P1. The important thing is that you get these P2 spawns. That optic seems to be getting, although they did spawn out a little bit towards the end just because New York is getting these kills and getting control, but P1 is very simple.

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Like I said, this map is a lot about power positions and getting to those power positions. But the more that you can read the spawns, the better, and what that looks like, of course, on P1 that we've been talking about is either the left side or the right side of the map. Now next is P2, and you'll see that once this hill pops, it stays pretty similar, although the spawns become a little bit more strict towards this part of P3 and the back garage, and then over here, where five just spawned, towards the back subbase, so when you're playing this hill, you have control.

modern warfare 3 ranked play

The most common spots they're going to be coming from our garage in P5 or tunnel the smart route is usually to hit towards a garage but you'll find people playing tunnel so that's why the power positions of top third and stuff like that are so important, because you can fully block off those two lanes of the map that they're going to be coming from and as you'll see later on in the hill the spawns flip so New York have the spawns towards the new Hill and Optics even spawn as far back as deep subbase which is insane but just keep those in mind when you're on P2 you want to start out with these spawns and then eventually flip towards where New York is on the P3 side once P3 pops you'll see the stickiest spawns are back here towards the actual Hill point over here towards Maze, and then here in P2 closer wear number seven just spawned keep in mind this hill can get extremely.

MW3 Ranked Play How to Get Better in MW3 Ranked Play, get ready for modern warfare 3 ranked play TODAY with best MW3 Ranked Play Gods Spots Sub Base, Sub Base Nade Spots, and MW3 Ranked Play Sub Base Callouts. Hope you enjoy! Call of Duty Modern Warfare III.
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