News - Cod Warzone 2 Zombies, Going Into The Elder Aether, Solo Guide


This article is all about the Elder Eternity, or more specifically, how to make it through all three contracts and get what you need from it if you have not explored Dark Eternity at all yet. I highly recommend getting familiar with the regular version of it first. Before we even begin, though, I have to say, don't do this solo.

It's definitely possible, but it's really, really hard. It requires a ton of top-level gear, and you are still dependent on the RNG. Find the company either beforehand or in the match and do it with other people. Really, you've been warned. In essence, the elder ether is the same thing as the dark ether but turned up to 11.

You have to visit the dark ether before you can travel into the Elder, as the Elder sigils only drop in the dark ether. The map and the contract in the Elder ether are exactly the same as in the Dark ether, but all enemies are considerably tougher. There are a lot more special and elite zombies, and on top of that, you only have half the time to complete what you came for.

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Why suffer, then, you may ask? Well, the Elder Ether happens to be the only place to get classified schematics from, so if you want the ability to craft the golden armor, dog bone, and ether blades, your path leads here. Another significant difference is that while you can farm the dark by completing two easier contracts and leaving and still getting everything it has to offer, in Elder Eternity you must complete all three contracts in one goal in order to get the ether blade schematic.

The schematics are guaranteed and predetermined, too. You always get a dog bone schima from your first contract, golden plates from the second contract, and ether blades from the third, regardless of which order you complete them in. Keep in mind that the difficulty is much higher and you have to complete everything.

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Preparation and gear are key to success. Your shopping list includes an elder sigil; without it, you can't get in; you'll have to loot it in the dark ether first. High-damage weapon at punch 3, my favor for this is reversed with akimbo tyrs. As Top Choice and Lockwood 680 close second, whatever you choose, you need.

cod warzone 2

High ability and high damage output for weapons to be useful; legendary tools drop as rewards in the dark, but even there, they're quite rare. Two dog bones or a Tier 3 dog and a dog bone—don't expect your dogs to survive the whole journey, even though these trips don't end well for companions. Both the Ether Blades and the Golden Plates—trust me, you'll need those.

One sh ability of three zombies at once for ether blades makes it the most effective weapon against normal zombies; literally nothing beats it, and self-regenerating armor is a godsend as plates as SCS, and without them, regular zombies will get you down in two hits. Vr11 won the weapon with a pack-a-punch of at least one or more.

It's a rare thing, especially since, as of now, you can't craft it, but without it Completing the last contract is extremely hard since it's the only way to repair your vehicle. Farming can be a pain, but it does drop reasonably regularly from the Act 4 story. Mission boss, three spare self-revivals, four sentry guns, and six or more of your grenades—all perks except maybe death perception, But for the rest, you need all of them.


As you can see, that's quite the least, and you have a limited backpack size too, so again, team up for this. You'll need multiple trips to the regular dock to get all you need. You might get lucky and get it all in one go, but more likely it will be something like me with six full trips to dark ether for a gear set, and you are likely to have to spend the whole round getting money for all upgrades and stuff you need.

Quick advice on this delay: first pack A-punches on your main gun just in case you find a rare or refined ethereum crystal and get an upgrade for free; similarly, only spend money on stuff in the very end, as you do get perks like selfies and custmers as contract rewards as you gear up for free. If this whole list looks really scary, that's because it is.

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I reiterate what I always say about this dark ether and the elder ether: they are meant to be a cooperative team experience. If you don't have people to play with, send a text chat into the match as you INF, asking if anybody is planning to go to the dark or Elder. Chances are you'll only do the solar if you want the challenge or have no other choice.

Elder aether run

Elder aether run

I still feel like you are up for it all, right? Make your way to the portal island at the top of F6. This time, you need the opposite side of the portal, the one facing the Red Zone. The left pillow will have a slot for The Elder sigil slot it in v on the map and off you. Make it to the first rocket and throw a Kazmir; this one has the most enemies, so Kazmir comes in handy.

Pay attention to mangas; their ranged attack can push you away from the rocket, interrupting the Overlord process, so you may have to restart. If I accidentally dropped the second Kazmir, that was a mistake; there was no need for it. It gets to the second rocket; this one has the fewest enemies, so you should be able to do it without using your K or energy in your mind.


Just go straight to the overload panel, and you should be fine until the last. Rocket-drop your energy. Mine by the rocket and overload. It should give you enough time to complete the action, and any zombies surviving this blast will be killed by the explosion when the contract completes the reward.

Rift will contain the dog bone schematic. Congratulations! You got one of the three; let's go to it. A quick note While you are making your way there, don't worry too much about going down; it causes your dog to teleport to you for a rest, and that's a good thing since the dog tends to end up in all kinds of sticky situations, and this way it can break out of those It does happen sometimes, though, that the dog dies before you even get to the first rocket or some other time during the first contract.

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That's really bad, but not critical yet. Use a spare dog bone and carry it. On, Now Outlast, just like before, activate the p& and keep moving your ether blades nonstop to land your energy. Minds, whenever they are available, are your brain. Rod Ammo helps too since it creates more allies is on your.


The same thing about going down as before: rely on your dog to get you up, and no, when you're down in outlast B&D work and the progress starts ticking back, try sticking to the balconies. Jumping from one area to another in the middle is dangerous, as zombies can lock you up in the corner and mle you down in seconds.

Most often, the dog dies during this contract. This is another thing where playing in a squad is super beneficial. Multiple dogs have a much higher survival rate. Two dogs usually survive till some point in the escort contract; three dogs usually survive all the way to the end without a problem.

How to go into the Elder Aether solo and get the classified schematics for the dog bone, golden armor plate and aether blades.
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