News - New Solo Tombstone Glitch After Patch Warzone 2 Zombies. Full Detailed Guide

after patch

This is the new solo Tombstone duplication glitch after the underwater bad signal glitch was patched. I'm going to show you everything you need to know about this glitch so you can duplicate items completely solo so you can use them in every game that you play and keep your Tombstone. Before we start, a massive shout out to Silent 9 for finding this on his stream.

To start off, I'm going to show you how you can be most efficient with this glitch. With that said, you want to equip a scorcher and Tombstone, a can, and a pack-a-punch crystal in your gear and then load into a game with a character that does not have a large backpack equipped. We are going to first set a tombstone with these three items because the scorcher and the pack crystal are 100% required for this glitch to work, so you need them, and it's much easier to set a tombstone with those before you start the entire process.

The Pack-A-Punch Crystal can be at any level, but you need to make sure that you at least have one, or you can go ahead and Pack-a-Punch your scorcher while you're in game, but to save your time, just go ahead and put a crystal in a tombstone. Also, saving a tombstone can in your inventory is always a good thing to do since you can use it for all future duplications.


That's what you're going to do after you do the first duplication, the glitch. Normally, my articles are a bit shorter than this, but there is a lot I need to explain in this article. The timing is hard to get right at first, and things can go wrong, so I want to make it as clear as I can for you, so I'm going to show you how you can duplicate it, but also what to do if you miss the timing.

This way, you don't lose any of your items because of something that I showed you, and because the stash glitch is now out of the game. I don't want you to lose your items that you worked so hard to keep. The next step is to buy the tombstone perk. If you have a bunch in your stash, then you can use a can at this point.


Now that you have the tombstone perk equipped and you have your scorcher tombstone, can, and Pack-a-Punch Crystal, you are going to get down so that we can set a tombstone with these three items. This is also why you want to use a character that does not have a large backpack on them because, while setting this tombstone, you are going to lose that backpack, so you might as well just save yourself some time while you wait for all of these screens to go by so you can get MW3.

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It is important to remember to have another scorcher and a pack-a-punch crystal in your inventory because you will need to use those to do the glitch. At this point, you can choose not to put the tombstone can in your inventory, like I do if you don't have multiple in your stash. I only have one from my craftable, and I already crafted it, so I'm not able to put one in, but that's completely fine.


You can still go into the game and buy the perk from the perk machine before you start the actual glitching process. At this point, you are ready to load into your game where you're going to duplicate your items, so you do not want to bring a weapon with you, and you also need to make sure that you have the bad signal.

The mission is active if you haven't beat it yet. When you load into your game, you're going to see that your tombstone, with the three items, is wherever you died in your last game, and you're just going to have to go over to it and grab all of those items. As you can see, I loaded into the game all of the items that I wanted to duplicate and save to my tombstone.

And at this point, you can use your scorcher and upgrade it since we have our second set already in the tombstone that we are going to go ahead and grab. If you brought one, then you can use your tombstone perk can at this moment, and then that will save you some time going ahead and buying the perk, but since I didn't.


I quickly went to grab the points required for it and then bought the tombstone perk from a perk machine. Now I'm ready to go over to my tombstone, which I already set to grab the last three items from, and now you can see my inventory is completely set up for the glitch, and I'm ready to go ahead and duplicate.

solo tombstone glitch

Again you need to make sure that you have the tombstone perk equipped, before you start the glitching process and you need to get the tombstone, perk every single game that you play that is why I recommend you put a can in your bag for the duplication, glitch so that you can use it in your next game now you're going to make your way over to the bad signal portal and you are going to activate, it in a certain way because the timing of this glitch is quite hard to get right at first but later in the article I will show you what to do if you miss the timing before I show you the glitching, process I'm going to explain what you need to do because timing is very important and you need to be fast while doing this in order for it to work we are going to activate the portal and use the Scorch or flying method to fly from the portal to make it to the edge of the map before the timer runs out so that we can time our death with the portal animation.

When you're dying from the out-of-bounds screen, so that the zombies leave you alone, and then you are going to throw a decoy grenade so that the zombies leave you alone, and then you are going to hold out your scorcher and start charging it while you're walking through the portal and moving forward.

You want to activate the portal at the latest possible moment so that you can be as far away from the portal as you can be, but still, right before your scorcher launches you up into the air, you're going to keep holding down the charge button for your scorcher so that it shoots you up three times all while still holding forward after the third launch of your scorcher.


You are going to get the Superman flying effect. You are then going to pull your parachute quickly and then cut it so that you can use your scorcher again to keep flying forward. As you can see, I am flying over towards the map barrier, and you want to vote yes to teleport. As late as possible, so right as it turns 2 seconds, you're going to open up your map and vote yes.

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