News - Cod: Warzone 2 Dramatically Increase Performance / Fps With Any Setup. Best Settings 2024

As you can see for me, that's nearly doubled my FPS by about 10%. I'm very happy with how the game looks. Make sure that you move the mouse around and see how it looks in the distance. If you are happy, go back to Graphics, Quality, upscale SL sharpening, and show more, then try out the balanced preset.

The lower the preset you go, the better the performance should be, but you'll get a slight reduction in visual quality. You don't have to go with AMD's FSR 3.0, but it's definitely a very good option to consider for those of you on the Nvidia Gpus. You could also go with Nvidia's DLS options by going to DLS.

warzone fps

Show more and select the exact same presets. Start with quality, select app play, see how it performs, and see how it looks. The good thing about DLSS is that you can actually adjust the sharpness inside of it as well. I would personally recommend going between 70 and 100% sharpness. Start with the quality preset and go back inside your game.

warzone increase fps

As you can see, I'm getting about 222. FPS going down to the balance preset selecting apply seeing how it performs and seeing how it looks you're able to see I'm also getting about another extra 10 FPS by doing that so for everyone I would first of all recommend starting off with FSR 3.0 going for the different profiles and seeing how it performs for NVIDIA users try out FS S R 3 first if you don't get the results you're looking for head over to dlss, try out the different presets but not least for those of you looking for the absolute best crisp visuals possible you'd want to be going with Fidelity FX Cass this won't be increasing your FPS as you won't be running any upscaling Tech but it will leave you with the sharpest and clearest looking game once you've dialed in your upscaling or sharpening method for your game the only last thing left to do now is to potentially introduce, g-sync freesync or a manual FPS cap you want to be utilizing at least one of these methods set up properly because this will drastically reduce micros.

You could be experiencing, along with reducing some of the excess load off of the CPU and GPU, lower temperatures, lower power draw, and a much more stable and consistent experience. Setting up gsync or freesync is super simple and easy to do. For the very basics of this, you need to make sure that the technology is enabled on your monitor head inside the Nvidia control panel or AMD control panel.

Enable free sync or g-sync, depending on what's available to you on your GPU. In the Nvidia or AMD control panels, you need to navigate over to weight for vertical refresh and set this to on. You then need to turn vsync off inside of any game you want to utilize g-sync on inside of the ingame settings for those of you on the Nvidia GPX.

warzone settings 2024

You also need to enable the Nvidia reflex, which will automatically cap your FPS about 10 lower than your monitor's maximum refresh rate, ensuring that you always operate inside of the g-sync window for those of you on the AMD Radon GPU. As you don't have access to Nvidia Reflex, you need to manually set an FPS cap by going to the settings menu Graphics, going to display, scrolling down to the custom frame rate limit, changing this over to custom show more, and setting the gameplay custom frame limit needs to be set to roughly 5 to 10 FPS lower than your monitor's maximum refresh rate.

You're then successfully running on g-sync or freesync, depending on what's available to you, getting a super silky smooth experience. For those of you that aren't planning on utilizing variable refresh rates such as g-sync or freesync, you should at least be looking to cap your FPS at something your system is able to achieve, about 98 to 99% of the time if you're able to play War Zone anywhere from 150 to 220.

warzone settings guide

FPS: You should be looking to cap your FPS at 140 to 150. Because your system is always able to get that FPS, if you cap your FPS at a value you can hardly reach most of the time, it's going to completely invalidate the gains you're going to get from capping your FPS. Even though you're losing some of that high-end FPS, you could potentially be lowering input latency because you're removing a lot of the excess rendering stress from the GPU, leading to lower input latency and more responsiveness.

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