News - How To Fix Lag Warzone 2. Low Fps. Stuttering. Crash Fix. Fps Drops. Freezing

Warzone 2 fix lag

Warzone 2 fix lag

Okay, this is here and welcome back to a brand new article for today I will show you how to fix lag, low FPS stuttering, network bugs, and many more issues in Warzone 2. So at the beginning of the article. I will show you how to determine what is causing your lag, and then later. I will give you multiple fixes and, as well.

I will explain what the best ways are to make your game run smoother, boost your FPS, and much more. If this sounds interesting to you, then let's get right into it.

Warzone 2 problems

So now let's go over to the settings, and for us to know what is the cause of your lag or other issues, we first of all need to click on the settings icon, then click interface, and then scroll down till the telemetry, and we want to set this on custom then.

fix lag

The most important things to enable are the FPS counter, packet loss, server latency, and graphics card temperature. The next step that you want to do is play a few matches, and whenever a lag spike happens, or, for example, you see enemies in the teleport, or the game itself seems clunky, or maybe you even get a blue screen.

So then whenever something happens, you just take a look at the left corner of your screen and you will be able to see what is the cause of it, so either way your FPS will be dropping, your pocket loss was pushing at least 20 percent, or your GPU temperature was more than 80 degrees. Okay, so then from this point on, you've just played one or two games, and you see that all these stats are good enough: You get more than 60 FPS, your GPU temperature doesn't go above 80 degrees, etc.

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If your packet loss is showing zero percent, then if this is the case, you're most likely in the fourth category theory, which means that the biggest fault is probably your monitor. Okay, so by this point, you should definitely know which category you are in, so that means one, two, three, or four.

The first category is ping or packet loss; the second is low FPS; the third is GPU; and the fourth is that, despite these three other categories, your game still seems visually off, so you get blue screens. If your game is stuttering or you get weird bugs, then the last one will definitely help you.

With all of this said, let's take a closer look at each category and how to fix it.

Warzone 2 ping

Warzone 2 ping

so, Then let's move over to the first category, which is the packet loss, aka your internet connection. If this stat was showing at least 20 or 30 packet loss, or your ping was higher than 70, then it means that you have bad internet, and there are about three solutions on how you can fix it: My first step is to buy a new Wi-Fi router, so for about 2-3 years I had the 40 router that my internet provider gave me for free.

I was paying for about 200 or 300 download and upload speeds, but I never got them. A lot of times I could barely watch a YouTube article while simultaneously playing a game, and for the longest time I could not figure out why I had such bad internet, even though I was paying for a very high speed. This router costs about 65 to 70 dollars on Amazon.

fix lag 2

And, it will improve your life and gaming 10 times over what it costs, so if someone is concerned that the default wifi routers that we get from our internet providers are very cheap and can handle only one or two devices at once, they should consider the Archer c2300. There is a powerful 1.8 Gigahertz dual processor within the actual router, so where the cheap WiFi routers could barely give you decent internet for one or two devices, this guy will be able to handle four, eight, or even up to 10 devices.

If someone is watching Netflix or studying on YouTube and you are trying to play a game, if before the router would prioritize only one or two devices that were connected first, then this router will give you all the maximum and faster speed without sacrificing. Anything for the other device, this router of course is not a sponsor, and you don't have to buy this exact one, but what I'm trying to tell you is that if you have an internet problem, then most likely the Wi-Fi router is at fault, and by buying a new one that has the dual band frequency and supports multiple devices connected at the same time, you'll avoid display fixture issues for sure.

fix lag pc

You don't have to spend a lot of money, but 65 to 70 dollars will give you one of the best Wi-Fi routers on the market that has all the important features for gaming. With that said, let's move over to the second fix, and this one won't cost you any money. So another way to get better internet no matter what type of router you have is by using a feature called QoS, which stands for "quality of servers." So like in the first part I explained, if multiple people use the same internet or multiple devices, then if you don't have a good router, then your internet speed will be very slow or laggy, and some routers split off the internet to all devices then, some prioritize the first device that connected, etc.

Most of the new and even older routers have this QOS feature, which you can access by looking at the back of your Wi-Fi router, where you should see the admin login details. By logging in to your Wi-Fi settings, you will be able to find the QOS feature, in which you can set that when your gaming PC or console is connected to the internet, no matter what, your connection will always get priority.

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So there are two ways that you can connect to the internet: either by wire or by wireless. Most of us know that even though wireless gives very high speeds, the wired option is always the way to go for gaming. The lower the number, the better the connection, and the faster the response time you will get.

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You can of course test this for yourself by Googling my internet speed and then running a few second checkup. A wired connection will always give you the fastest and best results. As long as you're not using an internet cable longer than 50 meters or 150 feet, you should be good to go.

Warzone 2 low fps

Warzone 2 low fps

So then let's move over to the second category, which is the low FPS stuttering or basically any other performance issues in Warzone 2. So if your computer can get above 60 frames per second, or in most games you get plus 100 frames per second or even 200, and in Warzone you get twice as few frames per second, then here are two fixes and problems that might be causing it.

The first and most obvious problem might be that you don't have a good CPU or GPU, and you just need to buy a new one or upgrade your current setup. First of all, make sure that your GPU drivers are up to date. The way you do this is by searching for GeForce. Experience, and then clicking on drivers, then clicking on check for updates, and if you have the latest drivers then you are good to go; if not, then download the latest update.

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