News - Best" Rebirth Island Settings After Season 3 Update. Pc & Console - Warzone 2

mw3 best settings

You can turn this to low if you want; it's going to affect your GPU and your memory. I like it on normal screen space shadows, off ambient occlusion, off screen space reflections, and normal static reflection. Quality low: this is going to affect your memory desolation. Off volumetric quality low deferred physics quality off weather grid volumes low water quality low coming on board with our third tab The View section I do play on 119 fov over 120, the reason for that is I heard you lose aim assist more at 120 so I like 119, this is a very important setting right here I do play on the affected ads field of view this is going to make your visual recoil less playing on effective it makes guns easier to shoot it makes recoil easier to control don't believe me turn on affected go to Independent tell me which one is easier to control the recoil on weapon field of view I play with this on wide the reason why I do that is it makes the weapon smaller meaning I can see more on my screen, also making recoil easier to control third person field of view 90 vehicle field of view default.

rebirth island

World motion blur off turn this on it looks horrible it makes you sick makes you want to throw up weapon motion blur off same thing film grain zero, first person camera movement absolutely one of the most important settings turn this on releast turn this on 50% it stops all the camera shake majority of all the camera shake it makes controlling recoil that much easier especially the visual recoil those you guys that struggle with motion sickness turn all these off third person lease as well third person ads, transition third person ads my spectator camera helmet camera inverted flashbang.

Best season 3 audio settings

Best season 3 audio settings

rebirth island countdown

If you don't like the bright white light from the flashbang you can you can turn it to inverted so it makes it just black jumping into one of the most commonly talked about settings on my channel the audio settings, so I do play on Cinema audio mix it's my newest setting I've been playing on I enjoy it the most it has the highest dynamic range for Cinema Theater set systems but I use it on my headset and I really do enjoy it I do use the artist War tune with my game volume at 100% And my effects volume at 100%, with everything else turned off besides the dialog volume I advise you guys to follow these settings thoroughly so you can get the best audio yourself, voice chat all this settings is personal preference you guys don't need to change that the only thing you need to change going down here is these two settings right here mono audio a needs to be turned off so it doesn't merge the left and right audio channels into both ears so you still have directional and reduced denitis sound needs to be set to on as well so like sounds from stuns and flashes.

And like the very loud, piercing audio, it's replaced with a dull, murky sound that's not as bad, so that's not the only portion of the audio. I do play on Cinema else I do is now this is going to be for the PC players only you guys talk about how loud my chest are and how clear my audio is I have one setting for you guys a change right now it's going to make your audio that much better unfortunately it's only for people on PC, so if you're on Console unfortunately you need to use like Dolby atmus but those of you guys on PC you're going to go to your desktop in the bottom com this you're going to click on sounds you're going to go to playback right here and you're going to go down and you're going to find whichever audio Source you using to play your game through so if it's an astro if it's a son hoder headset if it's IM, find it here if it's a hyperx headset.

rebirth island update

Find it here and right-click on it. For instance, I use a game slau on my go XLR, so right here's my game. I'm going to right-click on it, so this is your Astros or your headset. Right-click on it and go to properties. Go to Enhancements. Loudness equalization: click this. Turn it on, go to settings, release time, drag it all the way to the left, okay, apply, go back into your game, and tell me that footsteps are not so much easier to hear.

Yes, chests are loud, but it's just part of it if you want to hear footsteps. It is what it is, man. It is what it is. Okay, jumping on board with the rest of the settings article.

Best season 3 interface settings

Best season 3 interface settings

All you guys always ask about the graphics and the quality, so let's go here to interface, and before we read down through here, color customization. I do put on a custom color palette: white, blue, green, red, pink, and orange. I play on Filter 2 with both the world and the interface being filtered with 100% intensity on the interface, but that's not it.

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I will go to my desktop here, right-click on my desktop, go to the Nvidia control panel, open it up, and here I'm going to go to adjust my desktop color settings. I'm going to click on my monitor, which is a Dell monitor. Our color channel is going to be on all channels down here on Digital Vibrance.

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I have this turned up to 100%, so I want you to pay attention to my desktop here as you see it and watch what happens when I turn this down. This is 50% see how doll this is what you guys are normally used to viewing; it's what your game looks like. This is what my game looks like; see the color difference.

rebirth island warzone

So I play on Monday 100; it's going to be a lot for your eyes initially to get used to, so I would advise you guys to start at 75. But changing these settings makes the game look so much better. You got to come back and drop a sub, okay? So back to the interface settings. The only thing you need to change here is the color customization.

The HUD bounds can be changed so you don't have to look far enough with your head, but the mini map shape needs to be set to square over circles so you can see 30% more of your mini map rotation on the horizontal compass on crosshairs and on hit marker visuals on damage base hit markers. And other than that, go down here to Telemetry.

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I have played with my FPS counter to determine my server latency, packet loss, and GPU temperature. With that being said, guys, those are the best settings for Rebirth and the brand new season 3 of War Zone. If you want to make your way back, you guys did enjoy the content, or you're coming back to tell me that the settings are the best.

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