News - Activision Does Not Care About Warzone 2

They love spending money on pixels, and hey, it's your money or it's your parents money; whoever the hell it is, I don't care. You guys can do whatever you want with it; it's a free country. That's the best thing about this, but when we do not understand that the gaml is seen as second to the AC division, not first, that's when we have an issue.

modern warfare 3

Why do you think Call of Duty is going on a decline? Why do you think so many people find it? I again said I like the game, but there are simple fixes that piss me off, and the reason why I make so many of these articles is because nothing's going to change unless we say something. Nothing's going to change unless we literally like the article or like these other types of articles on other channels and actually understand what's going on.

It just gets so frustrating. As a Call of Duty fan, I literally love playing Call of Duty. I have grown up on this [__] game. I have grown up playing this with love and passion, trying to be as good as I can be. Yes, it's a article game. Yes, I'm 23 years old, but the best thing is that I have a full-time job.

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But when I come back to the game, I want to be able to relax, and when I have to sweat, I want to be able to sweat. I don't want skill-based matching in my face again. I don't want to look at everybody's. That looks like a different operator every single game, not knowing who's on my team, especially if I'm stunned when I can literally go back to an old Call of Duty and I would know who's on my team based off of how we looked, but that's not the case anymore because they're making so much money off these [__]] idiots that love using the Call of Duty store.


But the main point of the article, as we have been speaking about today, is that when things go wrong in this game, it's never the Call of Duty store; it's always the gameplay. Obviously, this Call of Duty store is a lot smaller than the gameplay itself. The gameplay has a lot of issues and a lot of coding that needs to be done to make it good and make it run perfectly, but when you have simple fixes.

Like attachments not unlocking for people or camos not unlocking for people or basic [__]] like that, and it's been three months in, that's how you know. This [__]] is not on their mind; they are caring about the next operator bundle they're going to make; they're caring about the next camo to get more money on; that's the issue.

So I had to make a article today because it was literally something on my mind for a long time, and I wanted to be able to come here and break it down and talk to you guys over the commentary, and I want to hear what you guys think. Am I wrong? Am I right? I really want to hear what you guys think now.


I mean, hey, you can be an [__]] to me, but when you guys are [__]] talking [__]] to one another and you get all these names, man, I don't want to have to ban people. I want people to be able to say what they want to say. Just don't say anything stupid. That's all I care about. Say what you want to me.

I'll respond back based on how you respond to me if you're nice or slightly disagree with me, and you're saying you're being respectful about it. But if you're going to come at me like an idiot, hey, I'm G. Come back to me. That's just the way it is, brother, but I want to hear what you guys think, man.

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Hey, do your thing. I'm just telling you you're the issue, or are you a normal guy like me who knows what the [__]] is going on and hates it and wants it to be better?

Activision in Modern Warfare 3 does not care about the gameplay in itself. They only care about how much money they can make off the store and how much they can get you to spend on dumb bundles. We need to start getting smarter and realizing what they are doing.
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