News - What Exactly Changed From Beta To Launch Warzone 2i. Massive Update & Spawn Overhaul

That has been fixed, and you can call those in at any time. They also fix the missing announcer voice lines for enemy UAV V activation.

New issues they're working on

modern warfare 3

And then finally from their trailer board they have fixed the grenade voice line that would repeat itself in the beta with a certain character now on top of this I just wanted to point out Sledgehammer, has been updating their Trello already, and they've also added a bunch of known issues that have popped up immediately at launch that people have been noticing and these should get taken care of hopefully quickly the first one is sometimes your field of view can just be extremely, high when you spawn in, then on Terminal Search and Destroy on the a bomb site inside the plane you can actually plant that from outside the plane current, that's going to end up getting fixed at some point hopefully soon then the multiplayer beta rewards haven't been granted to some players that's something they are aware of and will be working on and then finally for things that they've mentioned here that they're aware of is in free-for-all. It's currently allowing parties of multiple players to join free-for-all, and that obviously shouldn't be allowed for free.

Tons of weapon balancing

Tons of weapon balancing

After that, they actually just posted their patch notes as I was recording this, and there were a ton of weapon balancing adjustments.

Jumping ads penalty reduced

Massive spawn overhaul

This was by far my biggest gameplay issue in the beta.

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The spawns were awful in the beta, like really, really bad, and I did make an entire feedback article talking about all of the problems with the spawns, what exactly was going wrong, and what I'd like to see changed. And honestly, this is no surprise considering they completely overhauled things from beta until launch.

Obviously, they haven't had a ton of time to be testing this new spawn system, so I'm sure they're going to have to collect some data and make some tweaks here or there, so I'm in no way saying the spawns are now flawless in Modern Warfare 3, but the general logic and structure of these spawns are significantly better already compared to the beta.

modern warfare iii

What I've noticed with the spawn system at launch compared to the beta is that spawns tend to be a lot stickier; they can handle a lot more pressure before completely flipping out to the other side of the map. In the beta, spawns were flipping all over the place even when you barely put any pressure on them, and that was just creating a lot of randomness.


Whereas now there's going to be a lot more structure to the spawns you can push fairly close to their spawn before you force a flip out, and just one example here is on high-rise and domination for instance one single player can push right into their spawn Building, without completely flipping them to the other side of the map it'll still push their spawn around within their side of the map to try to stay away from you a little bit so if you push on the right side really hard their spawn will push more to the left or vice versa, but that one single player is no longer going to force a crazy spawn Flip or cause somebody to spawn like literally right in the middle of the map additionally in Domination, there now appears to be a very strong connection to a team spawn, and the flags that they hold it looks like it's going to be far more rare to see situations where if my team only holds the a flag in Domination.

And we've got the enemy team also spawning at the a flag that happened a lot throughout the beta and that was a complete mess domination was not playing too well in the beta I can tell already at least the general logic behind the spawns is so much better compared to the beta now highrise as well you don't have those like underground spawns in Domination, kind of pushed up toward the middle of the map now you're going to spawn in the proper spawns toward the end of the map above ground, and that's excellent to see, and overall I'm just blown away with how much of an adjustment they made here like I said I expected some tweaks here or there but I honestly didn't think they would take it far enough.


If anything, they may have taken it a little too far, and that's good. I would rather see them take it a bit too far and then dial things back a little bit, like maybe making them a bit too sticky at first, and then adjust back from there to ensure that spawn trapping doesn't get too crazy. You've got to be able to control that to some degree. I'd rather they go that route than start off with random chaos and just make it slightly less random and chaotic, update after update.

My thoughts so far

My thoughts so far

And with that, that is going to wrap up today's article on all of the main things that I've noticed that have changed from beta to launch, and I've got to say.

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I realize right now is obviously the honeymoon phase. I'm sure we're going to find new issues that pop up over time, and I'm not going to act like the game is absolutely flawless at this point.

Modern Warfare III is finally here and with it, we saw a TON of changes improvements from the Beta build of the game based on our feedback.
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