News - What Exactly Changed From Beta To Launch Warzone 2i. Massive Update & Spawn Overhaul

Visibility - map haze

Visibility - map haze

And most importantly, spawn changes , so let's dive right into this and let's start it off with the visibility changes, because this is something that was one of the bigger complaints throughout the beta, and the first part of this was that in the beta, it felt like there was always a haziness on all of the maps in the game, and things just felt really washed out.

There was also a lack of saturation because of this hazy feel, so let's have a look at some direct comparisons between beta and launch. In fact, they may have taken saturation a little too far, but I'd rather be oversaturated than undersaturated. And I do think this looks noticeably better now at launch compared to the beta, at least on most of the maps.

I will say on Skid Row, for instance, in this one situation.

Visibility - target identification

Visibility - target identification

It's still pretty hazy they haven't really changed much there it looks pretty much the same as the beta, and it was a similar story on Rust the lighting changed a little bit looks like it got a little brighter but there is still a little bit of a haze there so I'd say these two maps haven't changed as much as the other Maps but in general I have noticed this looks much better now at launch compared to the beta as for the next part of visibility that was a common complaint throughout the beta this was the visibility, of the teammate dots above their head as well as the enemy diamond above their head often times especially in a brighter background these would just blend in and let's just look at side by side here with that teammate name tag and Dot you can see in the beta this was far more faded, and it would often blend into the background whereas at launch.

cod mwiii

Not only did they increase the size of the dot and the name tag, they also added a dark stroke around it, so this is going to make it pop regardless of the situation. If you have a super bright background, it's not going to blend in like it would in the beta, so that's a huge improvement.

Calling card display

And we saw the exact same story with the Enemy name tags and diamonds they did the same thing they increased the size of the text as well as the diamond itself, and they added that stroke to make it pop a whole lot more, so for me at least this is a massive improvement from the beta and completely resolves that issue that I had now let's talk about a fairly minor thing but another thing that we asked for and they provided it to us this is with that little notification, that pops up on the top right when you call in a UAV, or you get like a five or 10 kill streak any multiple of five your name will appear on the top right and throughout all of Modern Warfare 2 it would look like it did in the beta just sort of a plain text thing whereas now you're calling C card will also appear up there and that's great this is something we've been asking for quite some time and they just never change it with Modern Warfare 2 it's great to see sledgehammers listening. Even though it is a very minor thing, little things like this can go a long way.

"toggle tactical" hud change

"toggle tactical" hud change

Next, let's talk about that toggle tactical UI element. This was another complaint throughout the beta that I had, at least where every time you aim down sight, it would pop up saying toggle tactical, right in the middle of the screen, just under your sight line, and that was just way too cluttered and unnecessary.

Kill counter is back!

As for the next thing, this is something I've been asking for throughout the entire life cycle of Modern Warfare 2 because it was in the beta for Modern Warfare 2 and then they removed it; it wasn't in the beta for Modern Warfare 3, but it is here at launch.

Detailed match stats

Detailed match stats

Still you can't see your deaths on the regular scoreboard and you can't see other people's deaths which would be nice to see, but you can also see how many head shots you've got your current kill streak the amount of total damage you've dealt the amount of total damage you've received your score per minute, and there's also weapon stats for the weapons that you've been using, and this is an excellent addition to the game as well I'm really happy that they brought this, then another thing that wasn't in the beta but we now have available at launch we have little metals or accolades I guess that pop up as you get certain types of kills so if you get double kills or head shots or long shots for instance, you'll have that little metal pop up on the top Center of your screen.

Medals pop up

And I like the addition of those. One thing I will say about these is that I think the audio is a little bit loud. I think they could tone that back just a bit because it actually gets a bit annoying if that keeps popping up over and over again, but I am personally glad they brought that feature in.

Pre-slide delay

Pre-slide delay

And now let's talk about something relating to movement. This is something I briefly covered in my Best Settings article yesterday, but it was one of the complaints from controller players throughout the beta.

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There was a bit of a pre-slide, DeLay. So when you hit the slide button, you kind of had to hold it for a brief period of time, but not too long, because if you held it for too long, you'd end up diving, and you had to get that sweet spot, and what that meant was that you didn't have that instant reaction the moment you hit the slide button.

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Well, at launch, what they've done here is they've just added a new setting that allows you to tap to slide, which disables diving entirely. And this eliminates that Pride delay in saying this another thing I've noticed is even if you don't activate that and you just keep it on the default setting the same setting we had in the beta, it does seem like they've cut down on that pre-s slide delay anyway so I think it requires a little bit less time to determine whether or not you've tapped or if you're continuing to hold that for a dive and at least based on feel it really seems to have cut down that pre- slide delay compared to the beta and again that's another big Improvement because that was one of the bigger complaints throughout the beta after that let's go through a bunch of bugs and issues that were in the beta that Sledgehammer has just simply resolved, the first one is footstep volume.

Various bug fixes

Various bug fixes

For teammates versus enemies, these are now as different as they should be, so you should be able to determine whether it's a teammate or an enemy if you're really paying attention to that footstep audio. Next, they fix the issue with the guardian, SC, causing the heads-up display to disappear. Sometimes, they also fix the issue where your loadout screen would pop up randomly in the middle of the game, and then with the Counter UAV, a lot of the times when you tried to call it in throughout the beta, it wouldn't actually work and it would say there was not enough space to call in.

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Modern Warfare III is finally here and with it, we saw a TON of changes improvements from the Beta build of the game based on our feedback.
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