News - Warzone: Top 5 Best Ttk Meta Loadouts After Update. Warzone 3 Fastest Ttk Weapons


Crazy quick, it's not 45 or 60, so you know it's not super ideal, but it's definitely not as bad as like the FTA or Recon, for instance. Right brewing and heavy support are very standard here again, with reentering the faster reentering. I should say the consistency of firing aim stability and idle s on here makes spamming this thing a lot easier.

The Spe fire suppressor has better range. better velocity, better control, and pizza from Papa Johns We also got the Predator Barrel on here for better control, better velocity, and better range as well. So this thing is a weapon that you probably first used when the game dropped. You're like, this thing's absolutely trash, but after seeing so many different buffs, it's very competitive now and in semi-auto.

Warzone best ttk wsp stinger meta loadout

Warzone best ttk wsp stinger meta loadout

Hey, busted in that mid-range , I briefly want to chat about my friends over at Gamer Advantage. Of course, GA is no stranger to the channel here. In every single face-camera article, you guys see me rocking my Horizon frames. These things are game-changers. I've said it before, and I'll say it again: there's no more important thing at my setup here—the computers, monitors, and controllers—than these glasses because they allow me to do what I do best day in and day out.

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If you're looking at screens for long periods of time, whether you're working, doing school gaming, or whatever it may be, you've got to get yourself a pair of GA frames. Best of all, if you want to throw in code immortal at checkout, you end up getting yourself a nice little discount. Wasp stinger now akimbo obviously means hip fire, which is not 100% accurate, so the ttk is going to vary here, but up close this thing is nuts at 11 M; it's got a 520.


Mill ttk, which is the best option available there basically for pistols for SMGs, you name it, but obviously if you're in Hip Fire, you miss a couple of those shots that ttk, will you know slow down a little bit depending on how many shots you're missing versus how many you're hitting, so this one's a little bit less constant than the other options, but its potential is there for sure, and obviously the closer you get, the more accurate it's going to get too, so obviously we are using a Kimbo on here, that's what makes or breaks this ttk being crazy fast 32 run extend mag isn't great for one pistol, but when we got two.

It ends up working out nicely; that's enough ammo to get a couple of kills there. The sidearm L4 laser is going to help out with our hip fire spread, obviously, so that's going to be a go-to choice. I go for the short-lived barrel; it extends the damage range out some and helps out the velocity, which is like, okay, none of these barrels are that great for a hip-fire build, right?

warzone 3

The other ones hurt that hip-fire accuracy, which isn't great, and the stocks aren't great either, hurting some of your hip-fire accuracy. The ammo is here. I mean, none of this is going to be crazy helpful for hip fire either, so you might as well use the barrel. I guess, and lastly. I go for the breacher devices compensator here because it ends up actually helping with hip fire spread as well, which is kind of strange, but it actually ends up helping, so that's convenient for what it is, awkward with the setup, but the potential is there for sure, and you probably didn't see this one coming if I had to guess, but that being said, those are five of the fastest ttk options here in war zone right now, and that's going to wrap things up.

Peace out.

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