News - Warzone: New Long Range Meta Loadouts After Update. Warzone Best Weapons

New long range meta in warzone after update!

New long range meta in warzone after update!

ladies and gentlemen. is looking very competitive across the board, and today I wanted to break down the best weapons and, of course, the best loadouts you want to be running for the long range meta in specific.

Warzone best katt amr meta loadout

So of course we got to start with some sniper rifle talk obviously for the longest ranges in the game you're going to be using snipers and there's two in particular that are phenomenal for any kind of range but particularly fighting at 60 70 880 90, 100 plus met and being able to get those one shot head shot the cat of course being one of them and all we're focused on here really is upping our velocity to a decent number right now we're looking at just over a th with all these attachments on here so I got the Nightfall suppressor first and foremost, keep in mind range control none of that really matters all that much for a sniper in this case we just care about that V and that one shot head shot I also go for the Zang 34 barrel; this will help extend that velocity as well, and so will High Velocity too; this will give us a 20% boost to get us up over that 1, 000 mark, which is super convenient.

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I also go for the Tactical Pad stock just to get a slightly faster ad speed. Having all these heavier options on here definitely slows it down a little bit compared to just behind the face cam, in case you're interested in a screenshot. I do use the quick bolt just so I can get my shots off faster back to back to back and get those cleanups and get those secondary shots to knock them if I don't get that one shot head shot.

That's definitely a nice little safety net if you have one on there. Cat is still an absolute meta-sniper for.

Warzone 3 best mors meta loadout

Warzone 3 best mors meta loadout

Sure, but alongside that, that's also a fantastic option, and personally, it's my favorite right now for sniping just because you can build it to be a little bit more aggressive. It's also a little bit more new, so it just feels fresh, which is always nice, and it's a little bit nostalgic as well, obviously from Advanced Warfare.

Here, all you have to worry about for the most part is running the antimaterial slug rounds. These will give you the ability to one shot head shot at any range; beyond that. I've also got the ton heavy barrel this UPS the velocity; the V here is not as good as it is on the cat; obviously, it's still sufficient, but keep in mind it's a little bit less.


I do go to the Razer Hawk laser site as well, just to increase my ad speed. Same deal with the super light 90 stock, getting a lot of mobility benefits out of that, and then once more, just behind the face cam. I've got the quick bolt on there too, so this is a little bit more aggressive. Compared to the cat, it also has slightly worse velocity, but really, each of these options is phenomenal for long-range sniping.

Warzone best bp50 meta loadout

Now the BP50 is phenomenal for long-range sniping. Technically, it's got the best-in-class ttk, Over the long range as well, for the assault rifles, it's personally like my favorite gun in the game right now. It's been frying for a minute here and season 3 Reloaded, and it's still feeling phenomenal, so this setup in particular is super aggressive but also super low recoil, so you can play at 30 4050.

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M, but also 60 70 80 M, just as efficiently. We got the Cassis break on here, attacking that horizontal recoil, making the pattern a lot more predictable. Lower 9 heavy barrel doing the same thing for control but also extending out that range and giving us some better velocity, dr6 hand stop just to keep things agile and aggressive in case I do find myself in some of those closer fights keeps things speedy, and fun there definitely very versatile, 45 round extendag, very basic there then also the mo 40 stock gives you better control but also some better mobility at the same time, so that's the best of both worlds. I love that as a singular attachment on here, definitely like my favorite aggressive rifle build in the game at the moment.

Warzone 3 best sva 545 meta loadout

Warzone 3 best sva 545 meta loadout

After that, we've got the SBA, 545. I would call this one old reliable; this thing is just always consistent. It's been right there pretty much since day one of War Zone 3, right?

It's easy to use; it's not the heaviest-hitting rifle, but it gets the job done. This particular build is meant to be used in hyper-burst mode, where there is essentially no recoil, despite the fact that it's invisible for whatever reason. This game's menu constantly breaks, but we have the spirit fire suppressor on here for better range velocity and control.

I also go for the Precision long barrel on here for better idle sway and better range velocity and control as well, because there's no recoil in hyper burst mode. I actually drop an underbarrel, and I go for high-grain rounds just to get even better velocity and even better range, so that extended TTK range is even better there.

60-round extended mag is very basic, but for mid-to-long-range fights, I love the Coro 2.5, times Eagle Eye optic here. Nice and clean, very visible out to really any range there. You're not going to have any problems with not being able to see enemies using this thing. There is a pretty consistent mid-to-long range setup here, and I love the fact that hyper burst is just so easy to use. Quick reminder:.

Warzone best dg-58 lsw meta loadout

Warzone best dg-58 lsw meta loadout

We are going through all the loadouts here today. Much love, as always, to everyone who takes the time to do so. Next up, we got the DG58 LSW. This thing for long range is a beast, and this season it absolutely fries. Super low recoil It is one of, if not the single, best long-range guns in the game, at least in my opinion, and the stats can back that up.

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We do have a Spirit Fire suppressor, better range velocity, and control yet again with the Woody long barrels. better idle sway, better range better velocity, better control, and pizza Papa Joe had to throw the plug in there; we got the bruin heavy support, making the recoil pattern even more predictable.

You don't need an extended magazine here because we already have 60, so that works nicely. We got the 2.5, Times Eagle ey optic, and then you can kind of mess around. I've gone with setups that have the CQC butt plate so that the mobility is a little bit better. You get a good strafe and decent ads for an lmg, but if you really want to go all in on the mid to long range, you could also jump into your ammo here and throw on some high grain rounds to get that better velocity and get that better range on there for minimal control decreases.

I mean, the weapon is so easy to use that's not going to be a huge deal whatsoever, and this setup works really well too, so it's just a matter of preference: more range, more velocity, versus better mobility. Either way, you can't go wrong. This thing is.

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