News - Warzone Just Cancelled A Game Changing Update

new update

Pacing, so they fully thought that it was going to be good for the overall pacing of gameplay and that it was going to be a unique thing that didn't happen much but when it did, it wouldn't destroy. Lobby Ted also followed this up by saying that ultimately, we are the chefs cooking up new experiences in the kitchen, and like everything we create, we will listen to players and look at the data.

If we overcook, we'll correct it. Obviously, the pudding was done a little bit early because they already saw the feedback in regards to this with a lot of concern from all types of players. I know creators were voicing their concerns about it, but so were casual players. Hey i don't know if this is fully going to be a great thing, and they just.

new update 3

I think it's cool that they sort of jumped ahead and said. All right, if the community is concerned about this, we're just not going to drop it because if they do drop it and those concerns come to fruition, it is game-breaking and it does cause major issues. Then we're stuck with it either having to be disabled and then they got to go out of the way to do another update to completely disable it or they then have to continuously tweak it and focus on tweak after tweak after tweak and then relying on feedback to fix it over time, so rather than say.

Hey, we're going to toss this out and hope you guys like it. We're going to delay it, cancel it for just standard Battle Royale, and make it its own thing later on down the road so you don't have the concern of running into it if you don't want. Definitely it's cool that they're so quick to respond to community interaction and feedback on this feature, but it's also surprising that they're doing so quickly.

All right, we'll cancel it for this. Are you happy that this is now delayed for a different mode? I'm very curious to see what you guys have to say about it, but that's going to wrap things up for this one. Peace,

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