News - Warzone 2 - Unlock Mastery Operator 2 Games. Cursed Ammo

It's got a fancy design at the top, but if you look at the bottom, it's now more flesh-like, and it's got some glowing eyes on it. A lot of people were upset with this because I thought this was going to be some sort of tracer or some sort of new type of ammo box, not just a normal ammo box skin, personally.

I kind of like it just because if this wasn't an Ammo Box skin, this probably would have been an emblem, a sticker, or a loading screen. And I would rather have a field upgrade or lethal skin. I think it's worth doing, and I think it's a pretty decent reward. But with those guys, I'm going to wrap this up.

Have a great day. Lego, unlocked, Lego, unlocked—it's going to unlock all these.

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