News - Warzone 2: The New Season 4 Leaks Are A Bit Wild. Warzone 2 & Warzone Season 4
I'll say at every single update is it really a Cod update if it doesn't either one break the game in some capacity or two reveal something that it's not supposed to, well, season 3 Reloaded did both, so you can cross those off the list, but today I want to take a little bit of time to talk about the upcoming Modern Warfare 3 content that leaked as a result of Modern Warfare 3's season 3 Reloaded update we also saw how leaked Cod 2024 or perhaps Black Ops 6 content is out there in the wild as strange as that is to say aloud, but we also saw a handful of details pertaining to season 4 content and Beyond upcoming, later this month and into the future with Modern Warfare 3 So today, we're breaking down what you need to know as we go along. I would love to have you in the community, but for now, let's take a look at season 3, your loaded leaks, and what.
Disclaimers about the modern warfare 3 season 4 leaks
We learned, so first we had to talk about disclaimers. As we do with every single leak article number one. I unfortunately cannot show any of the content on screen that's been leaked because it's still unreleased, and thus, in the electronic property of Activision Sledgehammer in any studio working on the product, a lot of the time content isn't taken down, so links will be provided where possible.
Number two, the content seen today is a snapshot; in the time of development, all things are again seen from when this update went out; timetables can easily change; items can be cut or pushed back; we don't know the circumstances in particular, but as it appears, this is what we have as of the update.
And number three, this content is sourced from the likes of Bob Network UK. Reality UK. One of the things that is kind of surprising is that we got another weapon on Deck to expect seemingly for season 4, this being the return of the stg44 rifle.
The new weapons of modern warfare 3 season 4
We also learned of the new weapon of the spear, another melee weapon, so again, that could be all of our season 4 weapons right up on deck here at this two in the battle pass, one at mid-season, and a melee weapon somewhere in between, maybe in the battle pass, maybe just via armory unlock, we don't quite know, but again, the full list now being the stg44, a new spell, and previously we learned of the kar98k and the spaz 12, both classics returning.
Though additional details were provided, we learned a bit about the Spas 12 having an akimbo attachment coming, so that'll be something then, and the Kar98k having a bayonet attachment here, seemingly increasing the lunge associated with that. Beyond that, in terms of weaponry, we also learned of the additional aftermarket parts for the FJX Horus, the Basilis, and the COV 762.
The new after market parts of modern warfare 3 season 4
So one Modern Warfare 3 weapon and two Modern Warfare 2 weapons Obviously, we saw the wardens for the Lockwood Mark I this past week, and we're going to see the M16.
Jack Patriot kit introduced upcoming, but then the further continuation of additional Modern Warfare 2 weapons as aftermarket parts, which honestly I can get behind. I think that's pretty cool that they're expanding out not only to their content but to the prior games as well for people that still want to see love and support for those weapons, so I'm big into that idea, and that's the weapons we learned about as of this update, but we also learned in terms of weapons about the new Camos 2 in particular that I think look pretty cool.
The new animated camos in modern warfare 3 season 3 & 4
There's one upcoming event called The Blazon Animated Camo, and this looks like it's going to be something associated with the code event of the Call of Duty endowment that is coming in the next week. Here with this that is going to last for 2 weeks, but it's the animated version of the prior red, white, and blue sort of ink blotch patterns that we've seen in other Call of Duty endowment camos, so that'll be something that's a little different and animated, so it's definitely nice.
It's not necessarily the best camo, but definitely not the worst for sure, but then there's also an unnamed, animated purple, black, and white pulsing camo that looks. Really cool The best thing I can compare this to is kind of like the Galvanic Camo from season 3 Reloaded. I think it was that raid veteran reward camo; there was the lightning-looking camo, but instead of that, it's pulsating, and it's something that just gives off like a bit more of a rave vibe, but apparently it's going to be a special camo, so it doesn't seem like it's going to be associated with the events themselves.
Existing special camoes have come from CDL packs and rewards, and the seasonal completion camoes have since moved here, like the rotten Inferno, paid for promotions, like your royalty tiger, and stuff like that free promotion. Also, if you ended up getting the hundreds of camo hidden reward camos, like that's a lot of molecules, camo battle pass camos, like that grave robber camo we had in the redacted section of the Season 2 reloaded battle pass, there's a lot of things that it could be, but interestingly, these special camos don't contain Easter egg camos.
The new operators of modern warfare 3 season 4
That is still something that is seen in the events tab most recently as of the Crimson worm camo which was part of the Fortune's keep Easter egg so, doesn't seem like this will be an Easter egg camo as strange as that is but anyways new camos have been leaked as for your operators, well we have a couple here and as we talked about as of yesterday, the one that's probably the most important to people is Woods likely being a pre-order operator of some kind here coming probably in season 4 that seems the most likely to me simply because well right after season 4 launches is when like a week later we'll have that Xbox, showcase and the Black Ops direct here as it's rumored but then we also have an additional operator of time sage, and void, now beyond that we have more crossover events that we know of which is going to be one for Fallout times Call of Duty, which is awesome to see.
The new crossover events in modern warfare 3 season 4
Number one is the love that Fallout has been getting following the launch of the Amazon Prime series, which is so awesome for the franchise, and number two is Microsoft owning Bethesda. Does this open the door now for further collaborations with other large IPS like this? Of course, we had things previously in regards to Diablo and the Crash Bandicoot series because those were Activision properties, but with the Xbox umbrella being so much more and having so much more to offer in terms of large game franchises, maybe this is just the start.