News - Warzone 2 Season 2 Weapon Balance Change Details. Mcw & Bas-b Nerf, Longbow Buff, And Much More

Melee weapon nerfs

Melee weapon nerfs

The first thing they did is our one- shot kill potential has been increased from 6.9 M up to 8.4 M, and then all of our other damage range drop offs were very noticeably buffed as well , and there we go that wraps it up for all of the individual guns that were changed with this update however there were also a bunch of melee adjustments here and basically most of the melee weapons saw a noticeable Nerf to their lunge range potential, and with this with the carit the combat knife the Dual kadachi and the gutter knife pre patch they all had a lunge range of 2.3 M post patch this has been cut all the way down to 1.6 M so that's quite noticeable, then with the Dual commas this was 2.5 M prep patch now it's 1.8 m and then finally with the pickaxe this went from 2.8 M, down to 2 m which was a very noticeable reduction there so in general these melee weapons are going to be quite noticeably worse post patch

Jak bfb muzzle nerfs


And then the last thing I want to cover here was an adjustment to the Jack BFB muzzle they actually nerfed this muzzle in several ways now the first thing is they added an additional penalty to your aim down sight speed your Sprint out speed and your aim walking speed so it's going to be a bit more harsh in those areas, and then on top of this they decrease the amount of recoil benefit that you gain now I just use the HRM 9 as an example here but this applies to all of the guns and with this it was honestly a very slight Nerf like your gun kit control went from plus 60% down to plus 55% that's still by far the best out of any single attachment in this game our vertical recoil control also went from a 40% boost down to a 35%, boost again still amazing in that category and then finally another thing they did with the Jack BFB muzzle is they introduced a bullet velocity penalty so it reduces our bullet velocity by 18%, whereas previously it didn't touch our bullet velocity at all so overall still definitely going to be your best option as far as getting maximum recoil control with a single attachment.

Final thoughts & wrap up

Final thoughts & wrap up

But it's just going to be not quite as amazing as it was pre-patched , and with that, that's pretty much it as far as weapon balancing goes. I'll just quickly mention it again since I mentioned it yesterday, but it may apply to this article as well. They did fix the Storm Ender launcher so it now works against all of the streaks properly, and therefore you can once again destroy cruise missiles with it, and we can once again disable VTLs Chopper Gunners and Wheelson, for instance, and there we go.

That's finally going to wrap up all of the weapon balancing that took place with the season 2 update.

Season 2 of Modern Warfare III brought with it a solid list of weapon balancing changes for multiplayer so today, I'm going to dive deep into this to share exactly what changed.
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