News - Warzone 2 - Prestige Camo Fastest Unlock Methods

unlocking the prestige camo in mw3

And then we'll leave and get on the helicopter, now unfortunately, the weapon XP cap is in total so it doesn't matter if you hit the cap with one weapon no you're not able to just switch to a different weapon and then have the cap set as soon as you hit the cap for one weapon it doesn't matter you can't just switch weapons you're still not going to be getting much xp per kill look at this thing go, we should have hit the cap by now we'll get on the chopper and we'll leave now unfortunately the worst part about doing this story mission is there's a cut scene after it and I have tried to back out of this cut scene before and I lost all of my stuff so , yeah I just watched through the entire cut scene and this is like a 2minute cut scene you've got to watch at the end of this and no there there's no way to skip it you can't just it'd be nice I've seen this cut scene so many times once you get the hang of this method you can get the 550.

Kills on both maps in around 20 to 30 minutes, giving you about 30, 000 XP, so you can finish a weapon in about an hour and 40 minutes with double XP, but if you don't have double XP, it takes a little bit over 2 hours. From my testing, farming XP with this zombie method is faster than doing it in all their modes without double XP.

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However, once you have double XP active, it doesn't have nearly as big of an effect as it does in the other modes, so I would really waste my double XP tokens if I were farming zombies. Obviously, there's a double XP event live that's great, but if you're going to use double XP tokens unless you only play zombies.

warzone mobile prestige camo

I would probably end up using my double XP tokens when I'm grinding MP, or war zone, and I wouldn't use them much in zombies; they're not useless, but they don't have that big of an effect because of the weapon XP cap now moving over to the fastest war zone methods to get the prestige C, starting off with a general tip for all war zone modes.

This is something I don't really see anyone talking about, but it's an amazing way to get extra free XP when you first load into a match and you're in the pregame lobby with the countdown. Get kills; yes, these count for XP, and a lot of times people who are just going to be AFK are not moving; it's some of the freest XP you'll ever get.

For the playlist we want to be playing to get the most XP, we want to play a game type that lets us spawn in with our loadout. That way, we can start grinding the moment we spawn in, and that gives us two different options: the first one being plunder, and the Strat with plunder, which is to grab a Most Wanted contract and loot like crazy.

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And even if you're not good at war zones or even if you're not even getting kills, you're still going to get a good amount of XP. The best way to farm XP in this mode is to pick up a bounty contract. Right away, the faster you pick it up, the better. This is because since everyone spawns in with their load out, these bounties get poached fast.

If you don't play War Zone, if your bounty gets poached, this essentially means that someone else took out your target. However, you still get XP for it now. As soon as your bounty gets poached, all you want to do is pick up another bounty contract and wait for that one to get poached. In the meantime, you just want to loot as many containers as you can find because everything you open is going to get you XP.

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While you're looting, if you find a kill streak, you want to pick it up and call it in because calling in kill streaks in this mode gives you XP. If you get a large amount of money you want to go to a buy station you want to buy uavs, and immediately call them in because not only do buying uavs get you XP when you call them in you get even more XP for doing that and keep doing this until you die and then just start a new game and rinse and repeat I was doing this solo with the sniper not getting any kills and was able to get 5, 000 XP in 3 minutes multiple times in a row it's going to take about an hour and 30 minutes in this mode with double XP to finish an entire weapon meaning if you've got double XP active, this is the quickest method if you're farming it correctly One thing I noticed was that the longer these matches went on, the less XP I was getting because the bounty wasn't getting picked up as quickly, so honestly, after you start the game, pick up three or four bounty contracts.

It's probably best just to leave the game and find a new match and rinse and repeat because once the game goes on, if you're not getting a bunch of kills quickly, you're not going to be getting the same amount of XP as you were picking up those early-game Bounty contracts, and with that, that covers every method I use to grind these Prestige camos quickly.

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Technically, I've only finished four Prestige camos, but that's a little bit misleading. Because of these tests, I wasn't really finishing weapons, but I was getting a large amount of XP on them. I have over 10 weapons right now that I've got over 100, 000 XP on, and then I've got four different weapons that I'm one game away from finishing, so I've got over a million, close to 2 million total XP grinded on these Prestige camos from using these different methods, and to wrap up this article too long.

I didn't read zombies without Double XP using the method we showed was the fastest. Check them out. Thanks for checking out my sponsors; it does help me out. Have a great day, peace. Lego, unlocked, he's Lego, unlocked, it's going to unlock all these

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