News - I Unlocked "one Trick" Camo Warzone 2. Animated. Weapon Prestige Camo

animated camo

Season 3 Reloaded is finally here, and that means we've got a new weapon and a new conversion kit, but weirdly enough, I don't care about any of those right now. What I do care about is the fact that they've added a brand new camo grind into the game, so if we go over to the camos now, we can see MCW Mastery as normal, we can see zombies Mastery as normal, but now we can see weapon prestige and the way you unlock this no this is the one trick camo and the way you unlock this is by getting a 150, 000 weapon XP per weapon, so for each weapon you get that on, you'll unlock this camo, essentially you get 150, 000.

XP You've technically prestiged your weapon for the season, and this is the reward, and surprisingly, this looks flipping insane, and it's animated too, so you guys already know I need it, but like I said, you can unlock this for every weapon just like you could with obsidian, so hey, if we get it.

If we get 4, 000 likes on this article, I'll do a whole grind on unlocking that camo on every single weapon in the game. I'm currently editing this article, of course. This is me after I've gotten the camo, and now I know what it takes to get it. I'm going to need 10, 000 likes on this one for me to get this on every weapon.

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I don't know what I was thinking. By the way, there's a bunch of new people on the channel. If you are around here, make sure you subscribe. We're getting closer and closer to 500k, and if you can really get this 150k XP out, do it. So I am going to pop a double-weapon XP as well, and I've also got the C tracks.


We're going to see how fast you can really get this 150k XP out of the way. I don't know. All I'm saying is that I don't see any changes at the bottom. Just yet, let me see if anything actually changes. Changed okay, it did change. Okay, I thought it was bugged. It turns out I just wasted my time leaving that game.

Luckily, we found a shipment. This might make up for it. I am curious to see how long it takes to get each. 15, 000, XP because I've got a feeling it might take a while, but I don't know if it will take as long as Obsidian; who knows? I guess that's what I'm here to find out. I'm not sure if there's any good method to get weapon XP as fast as possible.

I don't even know if it actually means weapon XP; it could just mean just getting kills with your weapon, and the XP you get from that goes towards the camo. I really don't know why we're in the early stages of all of this, but I'm sure eventually we will figure out the fastest methods to do this.


One thing I have noticed is that it is 150, 000. XP per weapon, so regardless of what weapon set it is, it is still going to be 150, 000. So remember, with the obsidian camo. I think you had to get 15 kills in a certain amount of games; however, with certain weapons, it would be less, and with assault rifles, you had to get it in.

I believe, 30 games or something like that, but then with some of the other weapon categories, it would take less games to do that, but for this one, they've kept it quite consistent all the way. Through the EMP, now we can get a bunch of kills. It's annoying that the tracking doesn't work in the game, so now I really have no idea what my progress really is.

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This is going to be fun, though I'm excited for this new grind, and it's also something I wasn't expecting either. If you guys have been on the channel for a while, you will know that I did go to an event in LA a few months ago to play. I don't even remember what it was; it might have been season 1 early, and at that event.

cod mw3

I actually asked one of the developers whether they planned on adding an obsidian-type camo into the game, and they said they had heard about it, but it was just too early at the time. I guess now's the time for them to add that, so I kind of knew this entire time they were going to do it, and I have mentioned that before, so those of you that heard that will have known we just didn't know when, we didn't know how, and we also didn't know what the camo was going to.

It is needless to say that I am very excited to grind this for every weapon, although I am very sure I will regret that. Wait, I got an EMP. Yeah, Harry is being taken out. Buddy, yep, bye-bye, Say, goodbye. There we go. 168 kills, so this is going to give us a good indication of how much XP you can really get for a weapon in one game.

Imagine that you just didn't track the entire time. Let's have a look. If we go to the camos now, then weapon, prestige. I only got 17K. That's not too crazy. That means if I were to get the same amount of XP per game, it would be about nine games, which is quite a lot considering I got 168k later.

how to get weapon xp fast mw3

Okay, we just got 222 kills. I just went crazy. I want to see how much XP I get from this. I would say I had around 34, 000 XP before we got into this game. Let's see what got us to 56, 000. Okay, so that gave us around 20K XP. I'm pretty sure what happens is that the normal rate of getting XP is normal for a certain amount, and then once you get to a certain point, it lowers it like crazy because in that first game that you guys saw.

I got 1,200 XP just from like three kills. Ah, this doesn't make any sense; it is what it is. 3 hours later, okay, so it's currently been a few hours since I started going for this, and now we're at 135, 000, 15, 000 away from unlocking this; it takes a little bit longer than I expected it to, so I've noticed that I get around 10 to 15, maybe even 20, 000 XP per game that's a weapon.

how to unlock one trick camo

XP By the way, I don't think it calculates all your XP and puts it towards it, and I don't know. It does take quite a while. I don't know if it takes longer than Obsidian did, though I will say it definitely does feel like they control the amount of XP that you can get, not by stopping it at a certain point, but by lowering the rate at a certain point, which is very weird; it's very suspicious, and I'm not going to lie for the enemy.

Like I said, we only need 15, 000 more. We could get it done in this game. Most likely, it's going to take two games, though it just seems really inconsistent. I don't know exactly what counts as weapon XP and what doesn't. I have got decoy grenades on, but I don't know if that's doing anything towards it.

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Of course, you could probably try War Zone. You could probably try zombies. Maybe they're better than multiplayer, and if so, that means I've completely wasted my time doing this. My popping off gave him an advantage. UAV Hey buddy, you're going to have to save some kills for me. One thing I'm also not sure about is whether double weapon XP counts and actually doubles the XP that goes towards it.

Season 3 Reloaded is finally here for Modern Warfare 3 and Warzone. With this they added a whole new camo grind that requires you to "Prestige" your weapons by getting 150,000 XP. Each one you do it for, you'll unlock this new camo called "One Trick" so I had to check it out. Thanks for watching and hope you enjoy.
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