News - Top 5 Best Akimbo Builds Warzone 2

Now again, I just want to be clear: I generally still prefer using the Core 45 as a single gun. This is just an alternative for you if you're looking to use a Kimbo and you really want that super close-range dominance without having the versatility of being able to challenge people at longer ranges.

Wsp stinger akimbo

Wsp stinger akimbo

And with that, we've got one last setup I want to share with you guys, and this is actually my favorite akimbo build to use at the moment.

This is my WSP Stinger Kimbo build, and it is the same build I shared in the gun guide for this, but we're just going to do a quick recap again and also a correction. I did make a slight mistake in my gun guide, and I wanted to make sure I was correcting that here, so with this again, we're using that X10 sidearm L400 laser, his short light barrel, the S37.

modern warfare iii

C DL breacher device, the 32-round magazine, and then finally the akimbo attachment. And with this one, we've got an excellent hitfire spread for both our minimum and our maximum, so it never really gets too wide on you, and you can stretch out your ranges surprisingly far with an akimbo gun. At least, the one correction I want to make here that I didn't catch while I was creating the gun guide is that, just like with the wsp Swarm akimbo, our rate of fire per gun is reduced when using this gun in a Kimbo by default a single wsp Stinger will fire at 1, 000 rounds per minutes whereas in a Kimbo each of them is going to fire at 596.

Rounds per minute, so a very significant reduction to our rate of fire there; however, we still have an amazing time to kill potential at 2011 milliseconds up close, and that can increase all the way up to 43 3 milliseconds, but that's more so if you're really trying to stretch the ranges out beyond the effective range more often than not, it's going to kill in roughly 200 to 300 milliseconds, which is solid and quite consistent.


Also, with this, our sprint out time is ridiculously good, at 30 milliseconds for our standard sprint out time and, more importantly, only 48 milliseconds for our tactical sprint out time, which is practically unheard of in this game. On top of that, because we're using that barrel, we increase our range values by 34%, which is a nice increase, and this just makes for, at least in my opinion, the best akimbo build that you can use currently in Modern Warfare 3.

Wrap up

Wrap up

What is your favorite gun to use in a Kimbo in Modern Warfare 3 currently?

Also read:

I do want to make a note that I did check out the Modern Warfare 2 pistols as well. I tried them out in a Kimbo, and while you can definitely make some of them work, none of them in my experience were better than these five builds that I shared in today's article, so that's why you're not seeing any Modern Warfare 21s here.

In my opinion, they're simply not as good. I'll talk to you guys

Modern Warfare III has a solid selection of weapons that can use an Akimbo dual wield attachment and today, I wanted to share my top 5 favorite Akimbo builds in the game.
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