News - Top 5 Best Akimbo Builds Warzone 2

Renetti akimbo

Renetti akimbo

After that, we've got the MLX short competition. Barrel, the 50-round drum magazine. And this one may seem a little overkill, but when you compare it to the downsides of these slightly smaller magazines, they're really not that different, especially for a Kimbo build where we don't have to worry about aim-down sight time at all, so that's why we went with the 50-round drum here.

cod mwiii

Of course, we do have the akimbo attachment on here, and finally, the Sonic suppressor. And the reason I'm using this one is partially to stay off the radar that's always a nice benefit, but on top of this will boost our range values a little bit and the only downside is to our aim down sight speed which again we don't need to worry about so with this build we get a reasonably tight hipfire spread it's not the best spread you're going to be seeing in today's article but it's not bad a big one you want to be focusing on is our hipfire Max because this is what's going to happen as you start firing your gun and this is 3.2 de, also our time to kill potential right up close and personal if we're hitting all of our shots this is 144 milliseconds, which is very fast however the downside with the renetti is since it's a burst gun, if you don't get that kill within that first burst as you're firing both guns at once that time to kill will increase pretty sharply all the way up to 306, milliseconds.

And that's actually one of the reasons I didn't share this Aikido R-netti build in my gun guide. I simply prefer the consistency of using this gun as a single gun, but then again, it is still a very solid akimbo build, and I did want to make sure I was sharing one for you guys in today's article. I almost forgot to mention that one of the huge upsides of this particular build is our sprint-out time.

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This is just 39 milliseconds for our standard sprint-out time and 64 milliseconds for a tactical sprint-out time, and both of those values are ridiculously good for this game, so there we go. That's the first one. That's my retti build—honestly not my favorite out of the five I'm going to be sharing today, but still a very solid build for you to try out.

Wsp swarm akimbo

Wsp swarm akimbo

Next, let's get into my USP swarm akimbo build, and with this one, unlike the pistols, this has its own aftermarket part, which is the akimbo brace stock, so we're going to be using that one combined with the Marauder grip, the 40-round mag, the schogger, the ULO 66 laser, and then finally the S37.

C DL breacher device. And with this one, our minimum hit fire spread is literally 0 de, which means that the first bullet that you fire as long as you're standing still will always go directly to the center of your screen, which is a nice upside, and then even after that, as you continue firing, it only increases up to 2.5 de, which is still an extremely tight spread, and therefore accuracy-wise, in a Kimbo, this is a very solid gun.

However, the big downside with this one using it in a Kimbo is that it does reduce our rate of fire per gun, but in saying that, we still get a great time to kill potential at 180 milliseconds up close, and that will only increase up to 270 milliseconds if you're missing a shot or two, and that's still a very highly competitive time to kill, so it's quite forgiving as well.

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We've got a pretty decent sprint-out time, not as amazing as the Renetti, but 144 milliseconds is not bad, and just in general, this is definitely one of my favorite akimbo builds to use very easy to use very straightforward.

Tyr akimbo snakeshot

Tyr akimbo snakeshot

And definitely deserved a spot on my top five list , next up getting into number three on my list this is my akimbo snake shot build with the tier and this is a build I shared not too long ago in my gun guide and it is quite good with this one we're using the cs15 Scarlet mounted laser the zuu 16 heavy long barrel W Fury Trigger action and also of course a Kimbo and the snake shot ammunition, and with this you've got a pocket shotgun and each hand and it is very effective if you can get yourself ra up close and personal while there is a slight pre-fire delay at 60 milliseconds, that's not so bad if you're killing in literally one shot meaning your effective time to kill with that one shot is 60 milliseconds.

Our Sprint out time well it's slightly worse than the base version of the tier it's still incredible, at 52 milliseconds for our standard Sprint out time and 104 milliseconds for our tactical Sprints out time and on top of that we've got a super tight hit fire spread for our minimum and minimum is what matters the most with this one since we're generally just trying to fire that one shot or at least one shot with each gun at the same time and you're not going to be spamming this quite as much as the other builds, and the great thing about this is we've got a two-hit kill potential so technically a one shot kill potential if you fire both guns at once out to 9.2.

Cor 45 akimbo

Cor 45 akimbo

M which is very impressive even for a primary shotgun in this game, so there we go that's just a recap of my Kimbo snake shot build, next let's get into a build that a lot of people were disappointed I didn't include in my gun guide for this is my core 45 a Kimbo build and I'll admit I totally overlooked this one initially simply because I really like this gun as a single gun it's actually my favorite secondary weapon to use as just one single gun and therefore I didn't even bother playing around with it a Kimbo it's just so good on its own why would I bother, well it turns out it is a very solid option in a Kimbo as well so with my build I've got the x10 sidearm l400 laser the xrk v21.

modern warfare 3

Heavy match trigger: this is the one that increases our fire rate up to 600 rounds per minute, so not the fastest possible fire rate, but this trigger also helps us with hip fire a little bit, so that's totally worth it, and then finally, outside of the akimbo attachment itself, we're using the Sonic suppressor to increase our ranges a little bit while staying off the radar.

And with this one, we have an excellent hip-fire spread. Our time to kill potential at Point Blank Range is literally 100 milliseconds if you're firing both guns at the same time since it's a three-shot kill, and therefore you only need to fire both guns twice, and you can even miss one of those bullets, and you'll still get that insane 100 millisecond time to kill.

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The nice thing is that even if you drop all the way down to a five-shot kill, we're still getting a great time to kill potential at just 200 milliseconds. Top that off with the fact that we have a very good sprint out time at 83 milliseconds, and that makes for a pretty deadly combination with this particular build.

Modern Warfare III has a solid selection of weapons that can use an Akimbo dual wield attachment and today, I wanted to share my top 5 favorite Akimbo builds in the game.
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