News - Tombstone Duplication Glitch (season 1 Reloaded Update) Tutorial Warzone 2 Zombies

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Season one reloaded I just dropped Modern Warfare zombies, and they have made some ghost changes to the tombstone. I'm going to break down all the changes and show you how to do the tombstone glitch in the season 1 reloaded patch, and as a bonus, I'll teach you how to get 225 items in your stash. Even though they patched out the ability to use your rewards and your purchases to swap them out, there's a new way.

Check it out so we have all the items that we want to duplicate in our tombstone. Sometimes, you can add a large backpack. Normally, I would, but for this article, I don't really care. We also have a bunch of essence, but with a new update, it seems their theory behind it is that if there is a way to get revenge, then they're not going to make your tombstone work when you're in a squad and you die out like we used to do.

They're now making it so that it won't work. So the first thing we want to do to test that theory is with Tombstone Drink, who is still in a squad with my buddy Instinct here. We just hit like 5, 000 members there. We're going to let ourselves bleed out. We don't have a self-revive. We don't have any of that stuff.

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I'm sure these people aren't doing anything fishy; they're just wanting to hang out, you know. Just normal day, okay so now that we've died, I'm observing my teammate. Traditionally, this is where you can just leave the game, and your tombstone will be set up for sure, so let's actually test this out.

So now I'm going to leave the match, even though my teammate's still alive, hasn't left the game, successfully exited, or died out to where it says Squad Eliminated. Let's test it. Yeah, all right, so we're running back now, and as you can see both on the map and in game, our Tombstone is not here, so this confirms that if your teammates are still alive, haven't X filled, and haven't left the match where you're by yourself, you don't get that squad eliminated, sign, you officially cannot Tombstone, so that is the main patch now.

It's not a big deal. Let me show you another way around it all, right? So now we are back, we have my teammate, we have Essence, we have all the items, we want to duplicate large backpacks, all that stuff, but the difference is we're going to leave the team first. This is a new option they added with season one reloaded, so if I hold on the computer, it's alt; it's a different button on the Playstation or X box.

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There you go. Leave Squad all right, so now I'm solo. Now let's let myself, Die, and now we're going to let ourselves bleed out in just the same way. I'd say a couple things first: I wouldn't have a self-revived team. Still. I don't know if that affects it or not, but the way they've changed all the rules to help make Tombstone not work makes me think that it might break it because you had a way to revive yourself and you didn't.

When you're bleeding out, don't give up; just let that whole timer count down. Don't rush it; it might mess it up. Also, when you're holding a plea, don't rush it; just let it in and let the squad eliminate the screen. Go anytime that you do wait; it works. Does it fail if you do it early? I don't know, but if you let it time out all the way like this to leave the match, it works every time.

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Time is okay, so we are back after leaving my team first, then setting up the tombstone just like you would traditionally in the old patch. It works completely fine. Really the main difference is don't have yourself, revives, make sure that you leave your team before you set up a tombstone or that they've already X filled and left the game type of thing, but because they added the whole leave squad thing.

I don't get it, they patch it, but then they add the leave squad in that same patch, so easy workaround. It's not even like my buddy Tenacity has to leave the match; I can just leave the squad. Or then rejoin like it's kind of Call of Duty logic, right? You patch one thing and break another, which isn't bad; it's still an easy workaround, but if you're just duplicating items, the reality is that going solo is still the easiest.

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By far, if you're doing it solo, really nothing has changed. If you're in a team, leave the squad first and make sure you don't have a self-revive. Make sure you bleed out all the way, Go to the leave game screen, right, and everything else is the same. There is one weird glitch I came across that, when you're going into the dark ether, if you still have your team while voting, you leave your squad, which I did.

It does freeze out here; you can see this; it still says one vote is needed even though my teammate's already gone into the dark ether and closed the game, and then you can't get into the dark ether. So if that happens, like always, just look for the story Mission X fills, and that workaround will work just fine.

Boom, there you go. All our items are there, as promised. I'm now going to show you how to get above that tin-stashed item all the way up to 225. With the new season 1 reloaded patch that stopped you from using your Rewards or your purchase to swap them out, if you have an item that you want to save, you guys probably know this by now, but let's say if I want to unequip it.

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I can't. Right now, the acquisition stash is full. I have 18 out of 10, which you're only supposed to be able to have. 10 out of 10, you need to destroy this item or free up space in the stash to use it. Okay, now you used to be able to swap an item out with your purchase or rewards and then put that reward or purchase back in, but they've patched that.

In the newest season 1 reloaded release, we are going to take everything in our stash and delete it. Okay, destroy all 170 items here. Goodbye, sweet items in my stash; goodbye; I love you so much; I will miss you; and this will not be the last time we see each other. Other, It feels weird inside.

It feels so weird inside for this exploit to actually work and get that unlimited stash really up to 200 225. Whatever that number is, it varies in order for this to work, though you have to have less than 10 real items in your inventory. What I mean by real items is that these are items that you found on the map or that you crafted, and then you put them in your stash the way you're supposed to get them naturally.

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If you have under 10 items, you can go up to that 225. Number with tombstone duplicated items, and you won't run out of stash until you hit that 225, so if you have fewer than 10 real items in your stash, you can store up to 225. Total items if they're duplicated from a tombstone because they don't count against that.

The problem is that you can't tell which ones are real items and which ones are duplicated items, so if you're like me and you already have a big stash, you just have to start deleting items until you get under those nine. The only way to check is when you try to put items back in your bag; does it automatically go in?

Season 1 Reloaded Patched the Tombstone, here is everything that has changed and how to use keep doing the glitc.
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