News - Tombstone Duplication Glitch, Keep Tombstone, Unlock All Schematics Warzone 2 Zombies

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Today I'm going to show you the easiest and fastest way to unlock all the schematics while still keeping your Tombstone. This is especially helpful if you're trying to share schematics with other players. Check it out. As you can see, we have every legendary schematic. Dog bone recipe ether blade plans golden armor plate plans legendary ether tool plans Flawless ethereum diagram, the scorcher plans We threw it in Epic Tool Plans because we have refined ethereum and the good old Tombstone, which would take me forever to find.

By the way, you can take schematics out of the game and keep them in your ruck if you use the Act Four Portal: Act One, Act Two, and Act Three. Mission Xfill, and then close out the game with the classic Tombstone glitch. If you don't know what I'm talking about, check out this article here; it's an exhaustive breakdown of how to do it.

Why to do it and how it's useful Etc Check that out. You can take them out of the game, but it does not actually unlock the schematics. This is my alternate account here, and as you can see, none of these are unlocked at all. Nothing's unlocked this is a brand-new account. I haven't done anything on it, so do as you can.

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See, we have all of our schematics here correct, so I'm actually, because there's nobody around, we're just going to drop these on the floor. I know some of you are cringing right now. I want those schematics. More importantly, if you want to find great people to play zombies with, we have like 3,500 people in our Discord.

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Jump on there and find a squad. It doesn't matter what skill level you're at; there are awesome people. We tend to be family-friendly too, so I'm going to take all the schematics out of my tombstone to break my tombstone. You notice we also have the 946, TH000, and Essence as well. That's not important once you've removed all the schematics from your Tombstone; that's how you normally share with people.

Now you're going to go find a regular xfill, so we're going to go to this one. Don't forget that on Wednesday they're dropping the new mercenary boss, the sniper, and the big tower. We're pretty excited for that, and we'll definitely be live for that, so be here for the update. It's going to be good.

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So you're going to call in the helicopter, and you're going to fly like normal. With all of those schematics in here, we have all these schematics, but none of them are unlocked on my character. We can unlock them right now, and they will indeed unlock again. It will also get rid of our Tombstone; therefore, we can't have these schematics anymore to give to people or to share.

I'm going to show you how to fill them. Unlock the schematics to actually craft and keep your Tombstone at the same time, so you can see we have our schematics now. What we're going to do is close as soon as it says fill. Or if you're on Xbox or Playstation, you're going to close a little bit before it says fill.

Like this, so see, we got all our schematics. Right here, successful fill boom. Forcefully close the game. If we did this correctly, our rucksack should be empty as it is, but we still have our guns, which means it's a successful fill. We still have our decoys and all that stuff; now check this out if we go to crafting nine.

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Boom, epic ether tool legendary ether tool, refined ethereum crystal Flawless Ethereum Crystal our Tombstone Soda, our scorcher case and etherblade dog bone golden armor plate were all unlocked, and we kept our Tombstone now just in case you're wondering if you're one of those people who didn't really keep your Tombstone.

Let me see proof. Let me go in and show you that my Tombstone is still there, but this is critical because now you can take what's in your Tombstone xfill, unlock the schematics, and share it with your friends afterwards. So even when you find your own schematic, let's say you're playing through and you get the Wonder W from Act 3 Mission.

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Die with it on a tombstone. First, go back and grab it from the tombstone successfully. After closing it, you can go back and still have that schematic to share with your buddies. That's pretty sweet, again. If you need the schematics, if you're trying to unlock stuff, and if you're looking for a great community, check out our Discord below.

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It's an amazing bunch of people who have been squatting up to fight the red worm, and all these different people. Even if you're a low-skilled player, come join us; there's plenty of high-skilled players to help you out and back. Up, boom, and there you go. As I said, the tombstone's there; all my essence is there; all my skimmatics are here, as promised.

How To Unlock ALL SCHEMATICS while still Keeping and using your Tombstone in Modern Warfare 3 Zombies.
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