News - Pack-a-punch 4 Wonder Weapons Warzone 2 Zombies Guide (season 1 Reloaded) Mwz Glitches

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Modern Warfare 3: Zombie has been a massive hit for the zombie community and has brought a lot of casual players into zombies now. For those that don't know, the ray gun wonder weapon has always been the gun that you wanted to find in that mystery box. It didn't matter what everything else was; you're looking for the ray gun because that was the most powerful.

Unfortunately, with Modern Warfare 3 zombies, the ray gun is absolute trash. If you take it into Tier 3, you can't do anything, even when you're Pack-a-Punch Level 3, but there's an exploit called Pack-a-Punch 4. Shout out to Matrix, a YouTube content creator, for really refining this glitch for season 1 reloaded.

So today I'm going to teach you how to do that glitch but also show you some examples. Of how viable the new Wonder Weapons are when you're able to Pack-A-Punch four, even the vr11. Can take down Mega Abominations; the scorcher, which is typically just a mobility gun now, is taking down everything.

In Tier 3, including Elites, check it out. Okay, so the pack-a-punch for your weapons It's changed a little bit in season one reloaded, and how you do it if you're familiar with how to do it before season one reloaded is pretty simple. It's still similar, but there is one major change. So first, you're going to pick the weapon that you want to supercharge the Pack-A-Punch for.

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With a gold ether tool, you can drop that, and now all you're going to do is get it. Hey buddies, you don't have to do it here; I'm just here with my tombstone, so make him mad and get him throwing that flesh at me. Okay, so what we're going to do now is throw our juggernaut down, make sure you have a self-revive juggernaut, the wonder weapon you want equipped, and then a gold ether tool.

Once that hits, it's like, So perfect. Bo, watch it all right now. Let these guys kill you. You should probably take four or five shots. One more time, and there we go. Yeah, there we go. Okay, so they've knocked us, and now we're going to self-revive. Now you're going to take both your weapons, drop your first one, drop your second one, they're both on the ground, pick up the Juggernaut, kill some bades cuz we got to wait for the time limit to go.

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Out now when I say Pack-a-Punch 4 it's not technically Pack-a-Punch 4 but what you're doing, is we're going to put a gold ether tool, on a wonder weapon then Pack-a-Punch three so you're not supposed to be able to do that if you didn't know a gold ether tool does four times the damage, of a regular gun and that does multiply by Pack-a-Punch so now we have both of our guns in our Loadout, there's also they just disappeared but the guns were right here and you can see they have zero, ammo, and look at my Wonder weapon it's no longer that yellow color see the yellow color is different than the gold right the legendary it's normally that wonder weapon yellow now it's not but because of that because it's gray you can do.

It's that dark orangish gold now. Now you pack-a-punch that thing and get the ammo back. Now you are pack-a-punched, level three like normal, but then you also get the gold ether tool. A legendary ether tool is actually four times the damage, so you can see it's black here but it's gold here. Hit that up.

This is obviously going to do extra damage to convert those guys, so let's go fight a mega-abomination and see what it does.

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