News - This Is The Easiest Mastery Grind Warzone 2

They're there just to kill zombies and have a good time, so you can't really fault them for that. It is annoying. I honestly have only experienced it a few times so far; they usually end up getting bored and leaving in a few minutes anyway, so it slows you down temporarily. Worst-case scenario, they're just a really annoying person who doesn't know any better and ends up sticking around for longer than you want them to, but there's really nothing you can do about it.

mw3 borealis guide

You can also farm other contracts if you really want to, or just continuously call XILs. It's going to be less efficient, but it just depends on your preference, and hopefully, fingers crossed, they don't change the Outlast contract anytime soon. I'm going to do this for bioluminescent eventually, so the easier the better, but on the off chance that they do change something in the future, we might have to switch to another method while grinding the Borealis camo originally, unless you were really unlucky.

You should have most schematics in the game at your disposal, which would not only make the Borealis grind easier in itself because you can craft things that you need for camo challenges rather than spending a couple contracts and wasting time just trying to have the random chance that you loot it.

mw3 grand master

Having these schematics available for the weapon Grand Mastery grind is just as easy. You can spawn in with perks so you can reload lmgs faster. You can spawn in with PhD so the dogs in our last contract's fire don't damage you and force you to constantly move around and put yourself in more vulnerable situations.

You're able to spawn in with tools and Pack-a-Punch crystals, so you can kill zombies even faster with some weapons that may be weaker. As a bonus, when you pack a punch weapon, it doubles the magazine size, so if you're stuck with 30 rounds, you now have 60 pairs with speed cola, and you'll be killing zombies even faster and speeding up the process.

mw3 grand mastery

And just so you know, when you pack-a-punch a weapon, you will be given a pack-a-punch camo that will get rid of whatever mastery camo you're trying to get kills for this challenge with now. When you Pack-A-Punch a weapon and have a pack-a-punch camo equipped, your progression will not be counted so what you have to do is navigate to your closest Pack-a-Punch machine from Spawn if you're going to Pack-A-Punch your weapons and you melee it once you do this it's going to have a little animation shine a green light and anytime from there on out if you Pack-A-Punch a weapon you'll still get the upgrade of effects except the camo won't change it's not necessary to Pack-A-Punch your weapons but it does make it easier, on top of all the schematics being able to craft items to make it easier whether you're camel grinding or Mastery weapon grinding, there was a new feature recently added called containment levels.

Every time you complete a contract, your containment level will go up. Once you reach the second last and final containment level, which is 75 and 100 each match, you'll load in 5, 000 points, which will allow you to pack-a-punch any weapon in Tier 1, and the cost of the pack-a-punch is going to be reduced by 20%.

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So if you have a weaker weapon and don't have schematics or any items available, you can just spawn in and not worry about it, and if you want upgrades, you're not required to because every gun is going to kill extremely fast in Tier 1. All these upgrades are going to do is speed up the process and make it easier to kill zombies and stay alive.

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If that makes it sound like the grind is already too easy, it gets even better with the addition of the chainsaw underbarrel attachment. If the weapon allows for it, you can use this chainsaw, which doesn't have an ammo counter, infinitely to kill zombies while holding down your trigger or keybind.

That means, in theory, you are able to grind not only Borealis but also this weapon. Mastery grind AFK; it's not even a question of if, but you need to have some upgrades to go AFK and stay alive, especially in an Outlast contract. We've already talked about the PhD and why you need it to not take damage from the dog's fire attacks.

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You're also going to need Quick Revive so you can heal faster, Juggernog so you have more health, and you're also going to need a three-plate vest that is 100% guaranteed. Even though it's a little bit hard to unlock this schematic, you must have the golden armor plates, which are going to constantly replenish your armor, even if you're not plating up yourself.

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With these upgrades, you are able to, under a Tier 1 contract, receive no weapon upgrades. Hold down the chainsaw. With your perks and with these golden armor plates, sit in a corner and go AFK, completely. Zombie will come from all angles, so find a corner or an entrance way where zombies will funnel in towards you.

You're automatically going to lock on with aim assist to the closest zombie to you, and with how fast the chainsaw kills, which is instant by the way, you'll truly be able to go AFK. Without worrying about going down, even with tons of hellhounds and zombies attacking you, the only variable that you need to take into account here is the weapon you want to use and grind.

mw3 weapon mastery

You have the option for this under Barrel Attachment. And I guess you're also not going to be able to run this strategy all the time since you're not going to constantly be able to craft some of these schematics, so saving them up is a good idea. Or if you, by some miracle of a chance, come across golden armor plates in a loot stash somewhere, don't use them right away unless you, of course, need them, and try and save them for some AFK camo grinding.

You can't use it all the time, but it is really nice. It's almost like a treat when you do have the opportunity to use it. I guarantee the vast majority of players don't care about this challenge, even if the reward was its very own new Mastery camo that was different from Borealis. Most people would be content with Borealis to begin with and wouldn't care about doing all this extra work just for something different.

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And I originally thought that this was going to be way worse than the multiplayer version; it was going to take longer; it was going to be way more mind-numbing and tedious; and while it is still tedious. I quite enjoy it just because of how laid-back it is; it doesn't take a lot of effort, and it lets me catch up with a lot of YouTube.

mw3 zombies

Netflix, and podcasts that I haven't been watching in forever. After school and getting assignments done, I'll usually just sit, pull up a movie, and in those few hours, get a couple of weapons done and call it a day. Surprisingly, the grind has been pretty smooth, other than those few annoying players who come and try to steal your zombie kill.

After recently completing the multiplayer grand master challenge, I've started working on the zombies grand master challenge for Borealis and it's too easy.
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