News - The Spawns Got Worse Warzone 2

I spawned more mid-map between the b and a flag, and the natural inclination here when you spawn like this is to run toward the B flag because that's where it's positioning you and pointing you, and that's the type of thing that can lead to really awkward flow and very unpredictable spawns because I couldn't imagine being on the other team and predicting that this is where the other team is spawning now in this given situation.


I would have either still suspected them to be spawning in secondary spawns around the C flag if possible, and if not possible, then it would be flipping all the way over to the A side of the map where they would spawn essentially right on the A flag, and then finally, the last trend that I wanted to point out here that I've been noticing with the spawns is that it seems like they're once again anchoring quite heavily toward the direction of teammates.

And that honestly could perhaps just explain the previous two things that I was talking about where it's less likely you'll spawn on the flag that your team holds and more likely that you'll spawn near a teammate, so almost like the squad spawn system is seeping back in to some degree, but this is something I've been noticing as well, which makes it very difficult to predict where enemy players are going to be.


Not only that, but I've also found myself running into a lot more situations where you're running into like two, three, or four enemies at a time, and that's likely due to this apparent adjustment to the spawn system. I don't think player behavior has completely changed overnight. It definitely seems like something has changed with the spawns here that's influencing the situations that we're running into.

What effects have i noticed from this

What effects have i noticed from this

And there we go. Those are the main trends that I've noticed with the spawns lately, keeping in mind that this could have been as simple as one minor adjustment to the spawn logic just having a snowball effect, like perhaps they didn't actually adjust all of these things and they just made one minor adjustment, and that just has this impact on things overall.

Also read:

But in general, it definitely feels like they have adjusted something with the spawn logic, and I've just been noticing that it's much more difficult to keep track of the map flow and the general direction that enemies are coming from. Like I said, I also feel like I'm running into far more groups of enemies than individual players, and it just feels very noticeably worse than the pre-patch, which is unfortunate.

Because one of the big highlights of this game for me was the fact that they got domination spawn logic in quite a good place overall. Was it absolutely perfect? No, not at all, but the general logic was at least really refreshing to see because we didn't have good domination spawn logic in Modern Warfare 2 and also in the beta for Modern Warfare 3.

The domination spawn logic was really bad, and yet they really surprised me with how good they made it for the launch of the game, and now it feels like they've taken that away, which is really frustrating because I really liked the core gameplay of this game, especially in Domination, before this update, and now I'm suddenly not liking it nearly as much, and I really don't think I'm going crazy here.

Also read:

I'm quite confident they have made some changes. So if anybody from Sledgehammer is watching this and you did, in fact, make some adjustments to the spawn logic, please hit that undo button because whatever changed feels far worse now than it did before.

Wrap up

Wrap up

If you haven't already, I'll talk to you guys next.

Lately, I've been hearing a lot of new complaints about spawns in Modern Warfare III but I haven't had much time to play until yesterday and I definitely feel something has changed with the spawn logic and it feels much worse now compared to a week or two ago.
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