News - The Solo Dark Aether Easter Egg Guide For Warzone 2 Zombies



This is a multi-step Easter egg that can take quite a lot of time to complete and will take several matches to get all of the items that you do need to complete it. There are four items that you'll need to collect, which are the locked diary, the pill bottle, the CCTV, the camera, and the dog collar.

Okay, so let's get started. The first part of this Easter egg is to actually complete the Act 4 Story Mission. Now you don't need to complete any of the previous acts to select Act 4, so don't panic if you haven't progressed through the zombie missions right now. From the main menu, go to the mission screen, scroll across to Act 4, and then select the story mission to activate it.

So the mission is being tracked for you in the game, and you'll then want to gear up with the best gear that you have available to yourself, including at least an epic Rarity ether tool for your primary weapon, plus any Pera colola drinks that you might have—the more, the better. I strongly advise you to bring in tear gas with you as your tactical grenade slot as well, and I'll explain why later, once you've loaded into the match prep for an insanely hard boss fight, that means making sure that you have a pack-a-punch gun at tier three, plus plenty of perks, and especially plenty of self-revivals as well.

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I also recommend using the healing aura field upgrade and bringing in a friendly dog with you, but that's completely optional.

Act iv mission / locked diary

Act iv mission / locked diary

When you're ready to go head over to F6 on the map there should be a special xfill icon on the map when you actually get there, there should also be an Ether Portal that you can interact with so activate it and then open up your tack map to confirm that you want to travel to the dark ether, if you have a team with you they'll also need to select yes to travel with you now you're in the dark ether and it might look very familiar right well that's because it is it's actually albra Fortress from almazar that you've probably seen a million times from playing DMZ in war zone, it's good to be back isn't it you'll now be tasked with activating four signals that are scattered around the map once you get there activate them and then kill the zombies inside the circle to collect their souls.

al bagra

Once your meter on the side of your screen is fully charged, you'll complete this step, and you'll need to move on to the next one. After you've completed all four steps, you then need to head over to the south side of the map and go onto the beach. Now this is where things get interesting.

Act iv boss / locked diary

When you get to the portal that's on the beach, a giant worm boss will appear from the ground and start to attack you.

If you have a large squad with you, this might be fairly easy, but if you're doing this solo, make sure you stay behind cover and use all of your equipment to your advantage. The worm is at its weakest under the scales, where the blue light shines. You can use kill streaks like air strikes and juggernauts, but I found that they don't actually do a whole lot of damage, so don't try and rely on them.

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The worm will also release energy wisps that will attack you and deal small amounts of damage, so you'll need to shoot them a couple of times to destroy them so you can then focus back on the worm. Now the worm can sometimes retreat and burrow underground to reposition. I've had several games where the worm would start to burrow and never reappear again.

al bagra fortress

The only way I found to always bring it back to the surface was to throw a gas grenade at roughly where the worm is currently burrowing, and it would get stunned and resurface. So it is absolutely crucial that you bring in some gas grenades with you because if you don't have any gas grenades with you and it burrows and never reappears, you're basically going to have to lose all of your gear and start again.

Once the worm has been defeated, head over to the portal, and inside that, you'll see you've got an ultra-rare locked diary. Put it in your bag, and then head over to the portal to fill it. This will bring you and your gear back to the main menu. Store the lock diary in your inventory because we've still got plenty of things to do yet, and if you die and lose the diary, you can replay the Act 4 Story Mission again, but that just takes so much time that it's not really worth it, so just put it in your inventory so it's safe.

Now head back into another zombie match because we'll get the other three items that we need. I did this across multiple games as it revolves around a lot of RNG, but you'll need two things: the brain bra rot ammo mod and the dead wire ammo mod.

Pill bottle

Pill bottle

We'll start with the pill bottle to do this, equip the brain bra rot ammo mod to one of your guns, and go to the nearest ether nest, preferably in zone one because it's easier once inside the ether nest. Walk up to any of the spores and shoot them once with your gun that has brain rot activated, and it'll change color.

You then get a prompt to open it; don't shoot it. Use the prompt to open it up, and inside you'll find that you have a pill bottle, so you can then take the pill bottle and then you can leave the fines you don't actually need to complete it.

Cctv camera

Okay, so now we need to get the CCTV camera, and you need to find one of the flying orbs, which are like the purple energies that fly around an area and drop the vials of ether that are the in-game currency, the points.

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You'll need to drive around the map and hope that you find one; they can be pretty hard to find sometimes, so you just need to have a bit of a look, but once you do find one, equip the dead wire ammo mod and shoot the orb, and it'll change color to yellow. Shoot at it again and destroy it, and once destroyed, the reward portal will have a CCTV camera inside.

Dog collar

Dog collar

Okay, so the final item now is the dog collar , which is super simple: find one of the dog houses that are scattered around the map. I went to one that's located here and interacted with the dogghouse and put in a Molotov cocktail in it, and an aggressive hellhound will spawn in and attack you.

Once you kill the hellhound, it will drop a dog collar on the floor, so just pick it up, okay? So now you should have the pill bottle, the CCTV, the camera, and the dog collar. Now don't worry if you don't have all three of these items together in one game; you can do this in stages. If you want to now, you need to head through one of the teleporters, which are these purple portals that change location throughout the game.

This is how you complete the Easter Egg to access the Dark Aether mini-game in Modern Warfare 3 Zombies.
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