News - The Riveter Can Be Great When Built Right Warzone 2. Stats & Best Attachment Setups

Riveter - incendiary "slug" build

Riveter - incendiary "slug" build

Next, let's get into a build that I'm actually quite excited about this is my incendiary, slug build, of course, we're not actually firing a slug but we are taking advantage of the caned laser which means when you aim down site with this it will effectively act like a slug in the sense that all of your pellets go in the same spot, now with this build of course we're using that caned laser we've got the sa Draven 20 long barrel again, we are using the flash twist 90 muzzle because we actually want to improve our recoil control a bit because recoil actually matters.

With a build like this, we also have the SL vertical underbarrel grip, which again will help a bit with recoil while also helping with handling. And then finally we're using the incendiary, ammo, and with this, our aim-down sight speeds improved to 286, milliseconds. Our sprint-out time's also slightly improved but pretty much the same as the base, and most importantly, here our two-shot kill range is 9.9.

modern warfare 3

M, which is very impressive considering we're killing in 150 milliseconds within this range, so anything within that range you're outgunning all of the SMGs in this game is no problem. Additionally, with this, our maximum hit potential is 27 M, and within that 27 M range, as long as you're aiming down sights, it's always going to be a three-shot kill even against an EOD user, and that makes for a very consistent setup.

One of the downsides, though, if you start stretching your range is that it does have a fair amount of recoil. However, I just want to show you what the recoil looks like at 9.9, M, which is our two-shot kill potential. And while there's definitely a decent amount of recoil that's manageable, you should be able to land your two shots on target before it gets too out of control on you, and this right here is just such a good build with the river. I really enjoy this one, and I honestly think it's one of the better builds that you can create with this gun.

Riveter - stealth build

Riveter - stealth build

In saying that though I've got one last build I wanted to share for you guys and this is my stealth build with a Riveter so with this one we have that integrated suppressed barrel the brew and Bastion angled grip the stoval Dr laser box since this is not a visible laser, and we want to be stealthy with this one we once again have that D 15 light tactical stock and then finally the X10 rear grip now with this one our aim down sight speed speeds a bit on the slow side so I would recommend using it in tact stance rather than fully aiming down sight and it's pretty decent in tact stance our Sprint out time is noticeably improved at 193, milliseconds.

modern warfare iii

Our three-shot kill range is 4 1/2 M, and our three-shot kill range is 14 M. Both of those are improvements compared to the base version of the Riveter since we're using that suppressed barrel, which improves our rage a bit, and with this one. I will say we don't have the most amazing hip-fire spread. I definitely prefer the previous two, but it is a very solid build if you're planning on staying off the radar, and you can definitely make this work quite well.

Final thoughts & wrap up

Final thoughts & wrap up

Well, and with that, that's going to wrap up today's gun guide on the river. We've now covered all of the primary weapons that are currently in the game, so there's just pistols left to cover and then any post-launch weapons as well.

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Welcome to Modern Warfare III Gun Guides! This is the series where I dive deep into the stats of a gun and share the best attachment setups based on tons of testing and data collection! In today's episode, we're breaking down the Riveter.
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