News - The Most Advanced Warzone 3 Movement Guide(in Depth Explanation)

how to slide cancel mw3

Really advanced technique against mom and have you move and around the map a little bit faster instead of just like running and just reloading like this you can just slide with it too you could also do it from a reloading starting position as well so going to reload and just move forward just jump and slide right after that jump you're going to get a like a slow slide but it's still better than just standing here and just reloading and just moving slow, but in war zone you can also run and reload so I mean it wouldn't be that slow. But that is my Chow SL jump reload and throwing knife combination.

Jump and reload/throw

Jump and reload/throw

All right, so now we have drop-shotting. I'm pretty sure I know what drop-shotting is. There are definitely two variations of the drop shot. I'm going to show it right now. But there is another variation of that drop shot, so the second variation of the drop shot is basically you snaking, but in the midst of snaking, you just basically snake once in the drop shot.

If that makes sense, so like this, how it looks, it'll go. Like, just a quick sneak and a quick drop shot, but from mem's POV, it looks like you just came from right here to right here in like a millisecond. You feel what I'm saying, so it looks slow on my POV, but on their POV, it looks crazy. And I usually do this, like, probably behind the head.



I'll probably do this behind the he and I'll drop shot to the side so like if being a little like aggressive and I realize that as I'm snaking I'll probably drop shot him to the side of that heady and kill him like that but there's just another technique I like to use but you can still do both variations of drop shotting doesn't really matter but they're still going to be effective all right let me talk to you real quick I know I was going to show you the dolphin dive mechanic, but realistically I mean there's no dolphin dive realistically I mean you can do it but it's just not it's not how it used to be in a sense I don't know it doesn't, just for the fact that if you do change one of your settings to let me show, you, if you do change your settings to allow you to dive or dolphin dive whatever you're going to have a delay within your slide cancel so it's just like what's the.

modern warfare 3

Point i don't like it. I'm going to showcase it right now. It makes the SL channel a little more delayed, and I feel as if you need that to just really break somebody's camera for real. Look, it's like delayed, so by the time a regular side cancels what happened for me, I'm already advertising and I'm getting an attack stance.

It's so slow, not even quick at all, so that's why I wouldn't recommending. I wouldn't recommend changing any of your settings or any of your slide settings to tap the dive or to allow yourself to dive, because it wouldn't make sense your slide cancellation is basically getting hindered, just so you can.

Dive. But I don't know if you guys could try it, but for me personally, I don't recommend doing.

Dolphin dive explanation

Dolphin dive explanation

So I have another movement technique for you guys, which is basically called misdirecting. And let's just say, Somebody's with all that I taught you so far; somebody's right here your opponent; he's in a corner; he's camping; he's probably laying down looking like a goofball right here.

What would I do if I knew that if I saw him on my beautiful UAV, if I saw him in this corner right here, I would slide and probably jump back out? But for him and on his camera, he would see me slide and jump back out close to this wall, but what I can do is jump again and CH him wide while he CHS me narrow.

He is challenging me, and he is going to allow me to get the upper hand and break his camera again with a jump shot. So misting is basically faking somebody into thinking you're going in a specific spot and going in the other direction really quickly. I would say it takes practice; definitely, it takes practice.

modern warfare 3 movement

You're going to have to test it out. Test this out within the war zone yourself, but it's very effective once you learn.


It's for sure all right, so now I'm not going to take too long with this mechanic because it's basically a jump shot, but from an angle, it's called the fade-away jump shot.

So, to initiate this honestly, in this game, I would basically SL slide cancel somewhere and jump back to where I came from, if that makes sense. So, say if I want to slide cancel to this, to this little entrance to the water here. I'll do that, and jump shot back, so it's really just slide canceling and going back to where he was, but with a jump, and looking at wherever you need to look at to look at that angle.

But it's not very effective. Like I said, jump-shotting is not that nice, but you can still do it. Don't get me wrong, but it's just not as overpowered as it used to be.

Fadeaway jumper

Fadeaway jumper

But that's it for the fade-away jump shot. So the next thing I'm going to go over is basically censoring, and you see this white dot right here on my screen right here. It would be ideal for you to keep this basically I would say chest level chest level so you have opportunity to either squeeze in a head shot or just stay at chest level I wouldn't recommend centering, towards the bottom of the floor it just wouldn't be nice for you would have to make that micro adjustment a little bit higher to your opponent every other time, but that wouldn't make sense so I'd highly recommend just practice yourself sliding around with movement and like having good centering so like having it within good PL spit if that makes sense, so depending on the map or depending where you are on the map there's a lower portion of the map so you'd have to rearrange your centering to a little bit higher so you would at least.

modern warfare 3 movement guide

At least be able to get at least a chest shot or, like, a beginning head shot, but as we're flowing through your map as you're flowing through the war zone, just try to adjust to the specific levels of the map. Overall, just practice centering; it's pretty simple. Just run around and make sure you can keep your right stick at a chest-to-headshot ratio level, and you should. I don't know why I said level, but you should be okay with hitting your shots and be able to be ready for other gunfights in the future.



So now I have another advanced movement technique for you guys. I would do this if somebody's chasing you and you want to catch them off guard really quickly.

Let's say somebody's really close behind me or chasing me right here. I would come behind this wall and make sure I covered my back with this wall, and I'd stay close to the edge of the wall. As they're passing my screen, I quickly run the other way, so by then they wouldn't really see me. Just imagine you're churning a corner; you're not really going to be looking at the edge of the wall right here.


You wouldn't expect somebody here, and they're laying down, so it's really hard to see because the typical player is not looking all the way down at the floor; they're looking at chest level or a little bit higher to see where you went right. So it'll be ideal for you to just stay in a prone position and kind of just run out really quickly so you can like reposition yourself, probably reload, get SL slack, cancel in, and get out of there to be honest, but that's one of the movement secrets I have for when somebody's chasing you all right.

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