News - The Lockwood 680 Is A Pump Action Monster Warzone 2. Stats & Best Attachment Setups


Next, we have slugs, and slugs are at least a little bit more effective. With this again, we have an infinite hit potential and also an infinite one-shot kill potential to the head, so it's technically possible to snipe people with this at really long ranges with that head shot. However, you've got a whole lot of bullet drop and a very slow bullet velocity, and you also still have a bit of that aim-down sight spread, so there will be some inaccuracy at play there, but at least you could use this as a fun change of pace, and our one-shot kill potential to the upper torso is actually a little bit better than the base Lockwood 680, so at least there's some viability there with the slug.

After that, we've got dragon's breath, which might look like an attractive option, but when you break it down, we're very noticeably reducing all of our range values. Aside from our one-hot kill potential, this is basically the same as the base shotgun. But you might notice there that our consistent one-shot kill range is significantly shorter, so it's technically just making the gun less consistent and a little bit worse overall, and I definitely wouldn't recommend Dragon's Breath Ammo.


And then finally, we have the explosive slug, and this one's hilarious. Yes, we have a slug, so there's infinite hit potential. However, we can't get a one-shot kill to the body even at Point Blank Range; the only way you get a one-shot kill with this is to the head within 3.7. M, which is a tiny range; you have to be practically barrel stuffing them and hitting a head shot if you want a one-shot kill, so again, completely useless ammo type. Generally speaking, I just stay away from all of this ammo; however, if I just want to change pace, the slugs are at least somewhat viable.

Barrel breakdowns

Barrel breakdowns

So there we go. Those are the ammo types. Now let's move on to our barrels, because barrels have a big impact with the shotguns as well, and it isn't necessarily clear just how much they're helping you in game.

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One of the key things that I want to point out right up front here is that using a different barrel can change your magazine capacity or your tube capacity. And for some reason, in this game, your pellet count and the number of pellets that you fire per shot will match your tube capacity, so in the case of the stalker heavy barrel and the aggressor 712 barrel, for instance, it's got a shorter barrel and shorter tube, so we can only hold four shells in there, and every shot that we fire will now only shoot Sho four pellets rather than the default six pellets.


Whereas on the other end of the scale we've got the Defender heavy barrel, which allows us to have 10 shells in our tube and therefore we also fire 10 pellets per shot, so you might notice some more consistency there with that barrel, especially when hip firing, just because the odds of pellets hitting it's going to be higher.

However. I still think it's most important to just look at the range values that I'm providing here because even though you get more pellets with the defender heavy barrel, that doesn't mean that you get a better one-shot kill range than the hammer forge barrel, which has the standard six pellets per shot.

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That one actually gives us the best one-shot kill potential at 9.5. M, so the way I look at this is typically, if I'm going for like an aim-down sight build or just a standard sort of Lockwood 680 build. I'm actually going to lean toward the Hammer Forge Barrel because it gives us that best possible one-hit kill potential.

Choke breakdowns

Choke breakdowns

However if I want something that's designed more for hip firing, this is where I'm generally going to lean in the direction of the defender heavy barrel just for that added consistency when it comes to the number of pellets that are likely to hit the target so there we go that's the barrels now I just wanted to quickly cover the chokes that actually have an impact on our aim down sight spread or our pallet spread mainly just to show that they're all pretty good here with the Lockwood 680 and honestly I don't think you need the Bryson choke which gives us the tightest spread possible, the aim down sight spread with this is just fine within the effect of one- shot kill range of this gun anyway, so I generally don't even worry about trying to get the tightest possible spread like I typically would in previous Call of Duty games one thing I will say though is if you decide to use slugs you want to tighten up that aim down sight spread as much as possible and therefore you should definitely be using the Bryson choke with slugs .

Lockwood 680 - all around build

And there we go. That's going to wrap it up for all of the important attachments, I would say, with the Lockwood 680. Now let's move into some excellent attachment combinations, and we're going to start this off with my all-arounder. This is my favorite Lockwood 680 build; it's just got a nice balance of everything on it, so with this, we're using the x10 full choke because with this one, even though it doesn't tighten our aim down sight spread, it gives us the best possible damage range boost in the muzzle section, and our aim down sight spread is just fine by default.

We've also got that brace Hammer Forge Barrel, we've got the EXs solar flare flashlight in the laser category because this helps with Sprint out time, we've got the saw off mod for our stock, and then finally that Express light bolt, which gives us that 89 round per minute fire rate, which is a nice boost from the base, and with this particular setup, our consistent one-shot kill is going to be 7.6 M, which is excellent; that's the same as our one-shot kill potential without these attachments, and our one-shot kill potential is now 10 m, which is very solid for a shotgun in this game.

On top of that, we have improved our aim-down sight speed; noticeably, it's now 314. Milliseconds our sprint-out time is also nicely improved; it's 169 milliseconds. And finally, we can sprint around the map a bit faster at 5.7 m/s. So, like I said, this is just a really nice all-arounder.

Lockwood 680 - hip & tac stance build

Lockwood 680 - hip & tac stance build

And then finally, once again, that Express light bolt for the fastest fire rate possible here, and with this one, we see huge improvements to our hip fire. Our hip-fire spread is very tight most of the time; you don't have to aim down sight with this. However, if you do want to aim down sight, like I said.

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I'd recommend going T-stance with this so you don't have to wait for the full aim down sight time to take place, and we got a very nice tight spread with this to the point where we can easily get a one-shot kill out to its maximum one-shot kill potential, which is 8.7. Unfortunately, with this setup, our sprint-out time is slowed down by a noticeable margin, and this is kind of unavoidable if you want all of the benefits of these other attachments.

So this is just something you have to work with when it comes to your play style. You don't want to be sprinting into fights quite as often, and as long as you make that adjustment to your gameplay, you should be able to find a good amount of success with this build.

Lockwood 680 - slug build

Lockwood 680 - slug build

But then finally, I did want to share a build using slugs with the Lockwood 680, so with this one, of course, we're using the Bryson choke.

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Welcome to Modern Warfare III Gun Guides! This is the series where I dive deep into the stats of a gun and share the best attachment setups based on tons of testing and data collection! In today's episode, we're breaking down the new Lockwood 680.
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