News - The Katt Amr Is So Powerful But So Slow Warzone 2. Best Attachment Setups

We also have the Coro Eagle Eye 22x optic; this one gives a great boost to aim-down sight speed, and it's much lower zoom, so it's better for those closer quarters engagements. We once again have that tactical stock pad and then finally the ephemeral quick bolt again, and with this one again, we get that same rate of fire boost up to 42 rounds per minute.

modern warfare iii

Our aim-down sight speed is 612 milliseconds, which is way faster than the default aim-down sight speed, but again, still on the slower side for a sniper rifle. You're never really going to get really quick with this now. I do want to mention that you could technically get faster aim-down sight speed with other attachments, but I just feel like you're sacrificing in too many other areas.

And this is about as good as you're going to get while maintaining a reasonably balanced build with other areas that are also important to playing aggressively. Our sprint-out time is improved just like the previous build, but it doesn't really matter.

Katt amr - long range setup

Katt amr - long range setup

Flinch resistance is the same and our bullet velocity is harmed with this but with this sort of a setup we're not taking really longrange shots generally anyway, so it is okay to sacrifice that bullet velocity in order to get that faster aim down sight speed and with that I've got one last build I wanted to share for you guys and this is my extreme long range build and with this one we're using the Sonic suppressor SL, partially so we don't show up on the radar one firing but more importantly this one helps nicely with bullet velocity without harming our aim down sight speed at all we also have the Tempest or a heavy barrel and the primary reason we're using this one is it massively improves our aiming idle sway which we'll look at in a little bit that's one of the big things I was leaning into with this we also have the Precision stock pad the singer LR rear grip and then once again that 50 cal high velocity, ammunition.


And with this build, it's really designed more for things like ground war and invasion. I probably wouldn't pull this out on 6v6, outside of maybe a small handful of maps like Wasteland or Derail, for instance, because with this we maintain our very slow default rate of fire at 33 rounds per minute.

Our aimed-on sight speed is ridiculously slow at 840 milliseconds, so this is really designed for post-in-up at longer ranges. Our Sprint at that time is also slower but doesn't really matter; our Flinch resistance is very noticeably improved at 43 Newtons; our bullet velocity is pretty close to as good as you're going to get with this gun at 894 m/s, which is going to be excellent for those really long-range fights; and like I said most importantly, one of the things I really wanted to lean into with this build is aiming idle sway because, as you can see here, when you aim down sights, you'll almost never have to hold your breath with this build; it stays very steady on its own.


And this means that while it will take you a long time to get your aim down, once you do, the ability to get onto your target quickly and precisely is going to be better than many of the other builds where you're swaying all over the place and have to take the time to hold your breath before taking that long-range shot.

So when it comes to those long-range engagements and just really consistent one-shot kills at any range, this setup is excellent for that. The only thing is that it's not versatile at all, and for most of the 6v6 maps, I would never touch this build.

Final thoughts & wrap up

Final thoughts & wrap up

And with that, that's finally going to wrap up today's gun guide on the cat AMR, as for my thoughts on this gun. I just don't really like it for 6v6. I don't think it's well suited to the general pacing and lines of sight that you'll generally find on most of the 6v6 maps.

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Sure, some of the longer range ones this gun is excellent for, but I really think it's more so designed for ground war, and the big thing I don't like is that it kind of goes all in on ensuring it's a one-shot kill anywhere in the body, and in order to gain that power, it sacrifices so much in like every single other area that counts, and I'd much rather just have a gun that's pretty consistent with one-shot kills where you'll rarely get a hit marker, but it's possible, but then that gun is also better in every way compared to this one, so that's just my opinion on this.


I think it's excellent for something like ground war, but not so great for 6v6. If you enjoyed this one, a like rating is always appreciated, and don't forget to subscribe for more if you haven't already. I'll talk to you guys next time

Welcome to Modern Warfare III Gun Guides! This is the series where I dive deep into the stats of a gun and share the best attachment setups based on tons of testing and data collection! In today's episode, we're breaking down the KATT AMR.
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