News - The Continuous Problem Call Of Duty Warzone 2

100%, yes, if I have no skill-based matchmaking. This is going to be a daily AC coincidence for me. It's no big deal; I'm fine with that, but the part that's the problem is that we do have skill-based matchmaking. We continue to have skill-based matchmaking, and they state that there is still skill-based matchmaking.

modern warfare 3

So all I'm saying is this: if they're going to have skill-based matchmaking, if they're going to continue to do this type of matchmaking system, why does it always go against the best player in the lobby? Why does it always go against the person who is actually working hard to be better at this game?

And I get it, man. I'm going to get a bunch of comments saying I'm a crybaby. Why am I bitching if I'm better than everybody else? Just do what you have to do. It's just a game, ladies and gentlemen. It's a game, yes, but when you want to win, people on the other team are talking. Because you lose, you still drop 50 or 60 more kills than them, yet they still want to talk.

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Yeah, that's going to piss you off because you do kind of want some help. You do want to end up winning at the end of the day. If you don't, I don't know what the hell you're playing this game for; it's kind of a waste of time just in life. If you don't want to win in life, what are you doing? If you don't want to win in a sport, what are you doing?


I don't know what you're doing; it's as simple as that, man, and it continues to be an issue, and I don't. Understand why it's a simple fix: either use skill-based matchmaking and make I rather have all sweats where I average a 1.5 1.4, KD. I don't care, but as long as people on my team are good and it looks like my rank plays games, then I don't care.

I'm fine with it, but the problem is that they have skill-based matchmaking, but it always goes against the good players. I'm not saying for all these other bumps; a lot of people say yeah, it does it to me too, but I play them. I'm like you. Suck, I'm playing you. I just cannot believe it. I'm going to have a tantrum about it.

I woke up this morning. I have a great lift. I squat i have 455-pound squat legs that are freaking growing. Cavs are still small, though, but it is what it is. It is genetics. I don't care, but I'm freaking getting strong. I'm ready to go, and I have to come back home, and I'm like this has been happening way too much, given the fact that I got screenshots.


My God, you're playing bots, you're bitching the complaint. Ladies and gentlemen. They look like bots because you're a bot; they look like bots because I'm that good; It's that simple; if you are on the enemy team. I almost guarantee you I will make you look like my [__]. I'm telling you that right now, everybody who wants to say you're playing Bot's brother should at least shoot back, throw grenades, snipe, have stuns, and do all this movement.

But ladies and gentlemen, they're just not better than me in gun skills. I play this game too much. I have spent over eight days playing this game. I have no life other than my fiance and my dog. When I get home, my dog's with me. I take them on a long walk. I watch him [__]. I pick up his [__].

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I wrap it up and put it in the garbage can outside our garage. And then I come in here, I feed him, and then I kid on the game, and I go absolutely crazy. That's my life; that's my life after work; it's literally all it is, and when the fiance gets home, I then get off and spend time with her. It's that simple, but the ladies and gentlemen I get home two hours before my fiance gets home, yet I am going to sweat my balls off.


I am going to be sweaty by the time she's home. When she sees me, she will see the bucket full of sweat in my corner of the office. It stinks and smells like an absolute dog. But, ladies and gentlemen, that's what we're here for. We're here to sweat for you guys. We're here to win, but all I'm asking is for some help.

All I'm asking is for some dudes to have a freaking way of using their thumbs, not just sitting in the corner or sitting in the back, getting absolutely destroyed, and giving the enemy team streaks when I'm trying to streak up. It makes no sense to use skill-based matchmaking. Yeah, then help Rick out if we're going to have skill-based matchmaking; make it all average; don't make me have to play with dog-ass players and have to play against good players because they need more help than I do; that's not how it works.


Keep it average, and if you think it gets average, you're not even close. Check my lobbies out, watch my live streams all this time, and check it out. I am always at the top of the leaderboard. Always, whenever I play solo, if I'm not on top of the leaderboard, I will probably look at my game. I'll be like, I don't know what the hell happened.

I don't know what's going on because it has probably happened five times. I'm not joking; I'm not saying this in a freaking arrogant, cocky type of way; I'm saying it in a real, legit way, the Rick way, the most honest way, the Call of Duty honest opinion of the Ricks. Way, that's what I'm saying, but man Ladies and gentlemen, I can't believe I made over a 10-minute article talking about this.

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Because it has been an issue since day one, how many months in four, five, or six months—I don't even know that many months have passed and we continue to have these problems. We need to figure it out. Activision, ladies and gentlemen Sledgehammer Games, whoever the case may be Whoever has these opinions and these answers to this somebody, help me out here, man.

sbmm cod

I don't know how you watched this or how you ran to this man, but all I'm saying is, ladies and gentlemen. If you don't watch the gameplay, if you don't watch my streams, if you don't know what is going on here and you think that I'm the one that's playing against bots, you're lost, man. Go look at these other top content creators; they're dogmas; they're cheating.

Get the [__] out of my lobby and all that stuff, man. Come on, other than that, man. I hope you guys enjoy the rest of your day. I hope you guys have a less stressful day than I do because my blood pressure is freaking running from all this. I can't even believe it's a freaking article game like this.

Other than that, man, have a great, wonderful, and blessed day. Enjoy your Tuesday. It's beautiful out in the Chicago land area. I hope it is where you are as well as what you have been doing with the come-on.

Matchmaking with SBMM continues to be a problem in Call of Duty and Activision can still not fix it. If you are the best player in the lobby, expect bots on your team always. It is not fair.
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