News - Take Out Streaks Fast Warzone 2. Stormender Breakdown

The stormender sucks at taking out big streaks

The stormender sucks at taking out big streaks

Additionally, throughout this article, it's also going to be a storm-ender breakdown. This is the brand new launcher that was added with season 1, because it definitely has some very interesting uses and characteristics. However. I'm going to point out right up front that this is a terrible launcher for taking out the heavy aerial streaks, so streaks like the Vall or the Chopper Gunner, for instance, you definitely don't want to be using the Storm Ender because it's going to take you roughly 12 shots to kill those, and with the really slow fire rate of this, that's going to take you about 15 seconds, which is way too long compared to what we are going to be looking at today, which is primarily lmgs.

So we will be circling back to the storm Ender toward the end of the article because it's great for some other streaks, and I want to point out some really interesting things you can do with.

Best ammo type for streaks (re-cap)

But for now, let's focus on taking out streaks like the Vall or the Chopper Gunner. The first thing to point out is that I didn't watch the ammo breakdown article already, where I went through all of the primary ammo types in the game, and one of the things I tested was shooting down streaks, and it seems like last year with Modern Warfare 2, incendiary ammo was always going to be the best bet for taking out air streaks, even over armor-piercing rounds, which, if you just read the descriptions, seems like armor-piercing rounds should be the best option, but that's just not the case. Incendiary rounds are your best bet, so that is going to be the primary focus.

Is the so-14 still good for this?

Is the so-14 still good for this?

First, and what I did here is obviously that I first tested my So4 setup with those incendiary rounds and the 50-round drum mag in full auto, and unfortunately, against a Vall in this game, it takes you 54 rounds, which means you have to get a Reload in between, and that immediately rules this out as the best option for taking out valls in Modern Warfare 3 even though it was definitely the best in Modern Warfare 2 so the next thing I did is I tested every single one of the Modern Warfare 3 lmgs.

Best mwiii lmg for streaks?

Versus the VTOL as well as the chopper Gunner, just so there's a little bit of variation there, and these are the results that I found with incendiary ammo. generally speaking against a VL this is going to range between 46, and 57 rounds to take one down however it's not just about how many rounds it takes we're also have to factor in the rate of fire to see how fast we take it down and when we do that all of the lmgs are actually pretty good at taking out these heavier streaks, but the clear winner here is the Bruin Mark 9 this will take a Vall out with incendiary rounds in just 4.43.

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Seconds and with a chopper Gunner it only takes you 3.64. Seconds, so this is obviously a super effective method of taking out streaks especially because it has an excellent default magazine capacity at 100 rounds and if you want you could even bump that up to 200 rounds which is excellent for shooting down multiple streaks. At the end of the day, though, like I said, any of these LMGs combined with incendiary ammo are going to be great for taking out streaks.

Anti-armor rounds (field upgrade)

Anti-armor rounds (field upgrade)

However, I did want to take this to the next level. Something I obviously didn't test in my ammo breakdown article is the anti-armour field upgrade, and with this, at least with lmgs, when you activate this field upgrade, it will load 60 anti-armor rounds into your gun, and with this, when I'm not using incendiary rounds or any other ammo type at all.

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I'm just using the anti-armor field upgrade. the Brun Mark 9 against a chopper Gunner is now just going to take 41 rounds to take that out whereas if we look back to incendiary rounds it took us 47 rounds to do the same so these anti- Armour rounds are actually a little bit better than incendiary rounds at taking out streaks on their own but very interestingly, these also stack with the incendiary rounds when it comes to taking out streaks, now with that Brun Mark 9 using the incendiary ammo combined with anti- armor rounds this takes us just 32 rounds to take out a chopper Gunner for a total time of 2.45.

cod mwiii

Seconds that is absolutely insane to be able to take such a high streak down in less than 2 and a half seconds, but you can do that if you'd like so if you are looking for the absolute fastest method of taking down a Vall or a chopper Gunner this is actually going to be the combination of the anti- armor field upgrade and the incendiary ammunition, now in saying that unfortunately it's not all that practical because typically when somebody calls a streak in and you're going to be switching to that class setup that's designed to take down streaks you don't want to have to take the time to find cover load those anti- armor rounds into your gun which is going to take a few seconds with an lmg. And then start shooting at your target instead you generally just want to spawn in and immediately start putting rounds on that target, and in that case if we factor in the reload time, these anti-armor rounds really aren't going to be your best bet in the vast majority of situations you'll find yourself in instead you're better off just using that Bruin Mark 9 with incendiary ammunition, and also with these you'll want to use the biggest magazine possible and you simply spawn in and start putting those rounds On Target, you'll take those down within just a few seconds , and honestly, you really can't go wrong with any of the LMGs in this game combined with incendiary rounds.

My best anti-streak setup

My best anti-streak setup

It's just that the Bruin Mark 9 is technically the best, and for me, this is going to be the setup that I use for taking out streaks from now on. I decided I wanted to use the 200-round magazine on this because what if the enemies have multiple streaks in the air and you don't want to have to get a reload in between those streaks?

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