News - Take Out Streaks Fast Warzone 2. Stormender Breakdown

It's nice to have 200 rounds at your fingertips. Now to go alongside that setup we're going to be using the engineer vest so that we can Mark those streaks and you can kind of see them a little bit through walls so it's just a bit easier to find that streak if it's a bit hard to see, you also could put the anti- Armour rounds on here like I said I don't think that's all that practical you're better off just spawning in and shooting but if you really want to you can use those anti- armor rounds as your field upgrade, and then on top of this the key perks here are obviously, hijacked if strobe, that's basically cold blooded so that just means these streaks won't be able to Target you if they're AI powered and if they are player controlled they won't get that big diamond on you, that really highlights exactly what your position is and then I also top this off with mag holster since we have access to that second piece of gear and that's just in case I need to get a quick reload in I have the ability to do that so there we go that's going to be my anti- streak setup from here on out.

Stormender breakdown

Stormender breakdown

Now let's talk a little bit more about that Storm Ender launcher, because, like I said, it's terrible at taking down valls or Chopper Gunners because it's going to take you about 15 seconds rather than just 3 or 4 seconds. But one thing I did want to point out is that if you happen to have that storm ender on you and your primary weapon, like an SMG or something else that's just not going to be effective against something like a chopper gunner, the storm ender is still great at suppressing these streaks, so in the case of something like a VTOL, for instance, every time you shoot it with the storm ender, it disables it from firing at your teammates for those 5 seconds.

modern warfare 3

So in this situation, here I'm not using cold blooded so that Vall should be able to just target and shoot me, but you'll notice every time I shoot it, it just sort of sits there for 5 seconds, and then after those 5 seconds are up, it will start shooting at me again until the moment I shoot it, and then again, it's disabled for 5 seconds, so while this sucks at taking out a Vall, it is effective at suppressing that Vall while your teammates shoot at it, for instance.

And on top of this, when it comes to a player-controlled streak with something like the Chopper Gunner, this is what it looks like from that player's perspective; it doesn't prevent them from flying around, firing their gun, or firing their missiles. However, every time you shoot it, it will kind of obstruct their vision for a brief period of time, and it might be enough to throw them off a little bit, especially if you just keep shooting it over and over again while your teammates are hopefully trying to shoot it with regular guns that deal actual damage to it.

modern warfare iii

Additionally Just for another example, this is what it looks like against a wheelson, and as you can see, this actually disables you from firing or moving the wheelson. For that 5-second duration after being hit by this, it's actually quite an effective suppression counter for that, but again, not so great at actually taking it out.

However, the storm's ending is incredible. Against the smaller streaks in the game, like the UAV, it'll take you two shots to take down a UAV, and you really only have to shoot kind of near it; you don't even have to be perfectly on point with your shot; you can just blast up in the general direction of the UAV a couple times and it'll be gone.

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Then, with a counter UAV, it just takes one shot to take those down, but I mean, you can take a counter UAV down with anything really easily. Next up, something really interesting about the Storm Ender is that it's very difficult to accomplish with any other gun, even though it's technically possible.


You can shoot down cruise missiles with this, and again, you don't have to be 100% flawlessly on target with this; you just have to be pretty close to that cruise missile, and it will take it out of the air, which is incredible. Then let's take a look at some of the turrets with the guardian if someone calls that in and you shoot it with the storm Ender it will disable it for several seconds but it doesn't immediately destroy it with one shot, instead it takes three full shots to take one out or like I said if you want to just disable it for a few seconds so you can cross a lane you can also do that it's a similar story with a Sam turret if you shoot it once with the storm Ender it will disable it for several seconds, but it'll still be alive and it takes three total shots to destroy it, next for the Sentry turret it does the same thing where if you shoot it will disable it for a short period of time just in case you're wondering that period of time is 5 Seconds total that it disables these streaks for, however in this case it actually takes you a total of 10 shots to take out a sentury gun with the storm Ender and therefore it's not really that great at taking out Sentry turrets but it is excellent for just disabling them temporarily.


After that, I tested against the mosquito drone, and that's a simple one-shot kill against a mosquito drone. However, against a swarm, it doesn't work, even though it's just a bunch of mosquito drones. I think they're flying a little too high or something. In either case. I was completely unable to hit any of those swarm drones with my storm Ender, so this doesn't counter that at all as far as I can tell, and that's pretty much it as far as the effectiveness of the storm Ender.


I guess it also works for things like cluster mines. For instance, you can shoot them and destroy them with the Storm Ender, but you can typically do that with just about any gun. However, there's a bit more utility that you can gain with the Storm Ender, and this is against the field upgrades: if somebody calls in a throwable field upgrade outside of an ammunition style box, you destroy them in one hit, and very interestingly, with a trophy system, if you shoot the trophy system directly, or at least very close to directly, like a little bit off Target but still almost a direct shot, it will destroy a trophy system in just one shot.

However, if you're far enough off Target on that trophy system, then the trophy will actually block your storm Ander shot, so you do have to be at least reasonably precise if you're trying to use this against trophy systems, and if you do, this is excellent for taking those out, and then for basically all the other field upgrades that you throw down, like a signal jammer or the ACs, for instance, it takes just one shot with the storm Ender to take those out, so overall, while the storm Ender isn't so good at actually taking down the big streaks, it's amazing against those smaller streaks as well as field upgrades and enemy equipment.


I didn't mention that either Claymores things like that were really easy to take out with the Storm Ender. Now, just in case you were wondering, another thing I wanted to point out with the new Storm Ender launcher is that it deals literally one damage to enemy players. So this is not the type of weapon you ever want to be using against enemy players. If you're trying to kill them, of course you can EMP them, and this is the effect that they see when they get shot by a storm ender, but I mean, if you have the time to shoot them with a storm ender, you probably have the time to just shoot them with a regular gun and actually kill them, rather than just disabling their heads-up display for a short period of time.

Wrap up

Wrap up

And with that, that's going to be WP. Wrap it up with today's article on the best methods of taking out streaks in Modern Warfare 3. A like rating is always appreciated. And don't forget to subscribe for more if you haven't already. I'll talk to you guys next

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