News - Sledgehammer Just Dropped Something Huge For Warzone 2

Again, it has a bit more recoil than my previous build that I had for it, so again, if you don't mind not having a suppressor or not having a scope, replace those for a stock and a rear grip to help with gun kick and recoil control, and it'll make this thing even more of a demon machine, but the damage definitely makes up for it, and you have to give it a go.

I mean, like I said, if you got scarred by this gun because you thought it was weak before, you have to give it a shot right now the next weapon honestly. I think I'm most excited about the AMR, even though I still love what they did to it. I just really like this right now, and that is the Rival 9 conversion kit.

modern warfare 3 january 23 patch notes

I remember this thing. As you can see, I'm going to showcase it to you guys. It didn't hit, It didn't hit you know. I couldn't see myself pulling myself away from using the DG or the Famas whatsoever. You know, in place of the Rival 9 conversion. But honestly, after seeing what they did to it.

I thought they were going to make it disgusting, like disgusting in a bad way, and it was going to be even less of a reason to use it, but after giving it a shot, to be honest, these changes were phenomenal. It feels fantastic and it really is you know going into their vision of having a nice fast, burst fire SMG, that is meant to you know try to aim for the upper torso or even for head shot and that's exactly what it feels like honestly this is probably, the number one thing that I would tell people to go and try right now again try everything of course even the well actually it's hard the striker n is also beautiful the side Winder okay I can't say this man like I said that's why I'm pretty happy with today's article because you know Sledgehammer really did do some good changes here these aren't pointless changes I thought a lot of these things were going to be useless and not existent and it wasn't going to change anything with the meta but.

modern warfare 3 january 23 update

I have been having a blast. Like I said, I've been testing them out. I've been trying to make sure that they're good. You know, the Rival 9; this one just happened, so I only have a couple of days of, you know, play time along with the AMR, but they both feel fantastic. This is a really fun burst weapon now, and I think that you guys should give it a go because it's kind of addictive between the extremely fast fire rate it has now and also the consistency, with, you know, the bullets that are landing it; just yeah, it's definitely way better than it was before; and finally, ladies and gentlemen, last but not least, we are reaching over to the AMR.

modern warfare 3 new amr stats

Now what I'm showcasing right here is the SMG build I have for it, and of course I'll show the conversion kit build that I have for it as well, gameplay-wise, when we switch over to that portion of the AMR, but this gun is honestly, like I said, highly disappointing when they did not touch upon this weapon, and I felt insulted when they worked on other guns that were already extremely dominant and they even bother doing anything to this, you know, weapon, and then I saw them doing more works, changes, and tweaks to War Zone, and I'm thinking to myself.

modern warfare 3 new patch notes

What the heck is going on? Nothing is happening. And then I saw increased fire rate from 789 to 833 and I thought this is the Saving Grace you know, this is the this is what will literally make this gun relevant so I had to test it out and ladies and gentlemen I can indeed confirm that the fire rate change made this gun so much better it is a night and day difference than what it was before it's not like dra it's not like it has you know the Rival fire rate you know what I'm saying it's not like the Rival, but it is way better way more consistent and you can land way more shots, and then of course moving over to the conversion kit as you can see once again you know they have all these updates to this actually got some pretty good tweaks and they admitted that the conversion kit was busted you know at first the conversion kit was bursting so when you were shooting it was bursting instead of shooting two bullets at once it was basically just doing D do which made it horrifying.

Now it actually shoots two bullets every single time you fire, and let me tell you, it's freaking disgusting. Now, at long ranges, in my opinion, it's a little less consistent compared to the AMR regular SMG no conversion, because I feel like with the Fast Fire rate now. You know, it still has a lot of hit markers, but with the Fast Fire rate.

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I can get more shots, you know, out there, and honestly. I can get some consistent kills from long range sometimes with the AMR now, but with the conversion kit, honestly. I would say just stick with, you know, small to medium ranges, honestly, playing like a shipment. I popped off with this thing; it was just disgusting on shipment.

modern warfare 3 new update

It feels pretty nice for what it is, but again, it's not. I know I said it's disgusting; maybe I shouldn't label it as disgusting. But it's extremely, entertaining now and that's the problem you know I don't need the conversion kits to be meta you know I just want the conversion kits to be fun I want them to you know to be, enjoyable enough or you know good enough that I want to use them and that's where this is at right now will this conversion kit outbeat a meta class probably not but can you still have a good time with it can you still get kills back and not get absolutely you know stomped to the ground yes you can withstand you know a beating and at the same time when you get some more casual games you can really see the fun potential that this weapon actually has but across the board ladies and gentlemen yeah I am having an, a really good time with these you know the new variety of weapons here before all you saw were mcws and swarms and yeah you still see a ton of them but I don't feel, punished I should say before I felt punished if I wanted to Branch out and use a striker 9 I felt punished if I wanted to use you know, anything an AMR I felt punished.

modern warfare 3 u

That's not the case right now. If I wanted to use any of these conversion kits, I felt punished. You know, I didn't feel like I could actually do anything. But even in the sweaty matches, I'm not. I might not be dropping swarms in the sweaty games with these conversion kits, but I can still top the leaderboards, get in the top three, get great frag-out games, and definitely hold, you know, an average of a 2kd, sometimes with these weapons.

It's not going to be the most insane thing in the world, but they are woo; it's fun, and I really do appreciate that sledgehammer. Hopefully, you guys will continue to do these updates. Don't ignore multiplayer. I'm begging you again. You know I might be giving you guys props with this article, but you know we still have to see.

mw3 new amr9 patch notes

I'm still worried after this winter break. I still feel like they're in, you know. Lag mode: they're lagging behind a little bit. I feel like there's a lot of stuff that has to be done for season 2. I'm kind of letting it slide a bit more since this is just season one reloaded; it's not an actual season.

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