News - Things I Want Prioritized The Next Big Warzone 2 Update


I hope you're all having a fantastic day today. Now, ladies and gentlemen, right around the corner, we're going to have an absolutely massive day for Modern Warfare 3. As we all know. Eastern time ladies and gentlemen So the first thing that I want to go ahead and see when it comes to the next big update from Monday over 3 would be a meta shift.

Now I have to be honest when it comes to the balance of all the weapons across the board. The previous update that they did was pretty darn good. You know, the ARs across the board are pretty balanced out, and the SMGs across the board are semi-balanced out. You know, some guns will obviously outshine others.

But you know, in all reality, balancing wise. For example, like The Sidewinder. My goodness, the gun is absolute garbage. It's been said that it's garbage since day one, and they still haven't put much effort into making sure that gun is balanced out, and things like the striker 9 in the SMG category are phenomenal.

modern warfare 3 info

I love using it, but sadly, not too many others really want to go ahead and focus on it. I would just enjoy seeing meta-shifts. I would enjoy to see them mess and fine-tune certain things on different guns, not necessarily Nerf other guns, but buff other things around to make other guns more viable and, you know, make people want to go ahead and switch up what they're currently using next up.

I would also like them to go ahead and prioritize fixing up the ranks. As you all know, before you get into a match in the pregame lobby, you see everybody's correct rank, but once you go ahead and load into the match itself, you tab into the scoreboard. It would be nice to have everybody's rank back on track, and also after that one.

I do, you know. I'm not going to touch on Pawn this too long because I made a whole article about this, but the Assassin's vest. I would love to see them. Nerf it in some type of way I know they're not going to go ahead and remove it, which I wish they really would again. I made a whole article about why I think it should be completely out of the game.

modern warfare 3 major update

But you know, at the end of the day, if they do have to go ahead and keep it and they need to find a way to fine-tune it, just take away stuff. Man, take away our tacticals and our lethals. Make it a bit more challenging to go ahead and use this vest. If it were more of a challenge, I wouldn't mind it so much, but it literally takes away nothing besides your field upgrade, and you know, honestly, not shabby.

I find it very overpowering, and I would love to see them, you know, tweak it a bit to make all the other vests feel a little bit more powerful again. After that, I would love to see huge perk changes. I will say Raven has nailed the perk variety when it comes to War Zone, but over in multiplayer, the perk variety still lacks a ton, and they haven't touched upon it whatsoever.

The only thing they really adjusted was the ghost perk to make it work a little bit better, but my God, you know, slide of hand sucks, stalker sucks. You know that over half of the perks in this game are irrelevant; you know you don't even bother using them. Everybody's going to know exactly where you're coming from, so realistically, I would love to see a huge perk overhaul.

modern warfare 3 meta

This is probably one of the biggest things that I want to see from Sledgehammer, and then one of the most realistic things I want to see from them because I know some of these things I touch upon they probably won't bother even you know adjusting, but the perk variety. I can definitely see them touching upon this, and I really, really hope they do.

Next up is the SK matchmaking talk, you know. About a month ago, they said within the next few weeks we're going to hear more information, and they're going to be very open with the community about SK matchmaking. We're definitely past weeks, ladies and gentlemen, and we still have no knowledge of what's going on here and no word on anything SC's matchmaking-related.

Within Call of Duty again, I understand they're on break, and that's what I'm cutting them slack on, for you know a lot of this stuff. I'm cutting them slack because I know that they're on winter break and they were kicking it with their family and friends, but now they're back and we're in action.

modern warfare 3 meta changes

I want to see results; I want to see them actually live up to their word, and a month plus later is not looking too good for the skill-based matchmaking talk, so I'm hoping within the next big talk here the mid-season update, or maybe you know. Season Two update one of these updates. I want to see a skill-based matchmaking talk, but honestly, if it doesn't come by season two.

I'm just chalking it up as they're trying to finesse the community and talk us over and make us stop talking. Next up, the spawns definitely need to be tweaked a bit. I understand that spawn trapping has always been relevant, but, my goodness, some of the things that I can hold in this game are insane.

I can even have people just spawning right into my crosshair and just absolutely mow them down time and time and time again, and I'm not just talking about small maps; I'm talking about medium maps, even sometimes large maps, which is in my opinion completely unacceptable. Again, I do play a lot of 10 vs.

modern warfare 3 new buffs

10, so that might be why, but still, even on some of these large maps, there are so many different spots that you could put me in. A lot of the time, the spawn system is just absolutely busted, and the Revenge spawn system, boy, let me tell you something about the Revenge spawn system. That is really disgusting.

The amount of times I've had an enemy spawn behind me after I killed them or shot them, not even the amount of times I spawned behind an enemy that just killed me, is just insane. It happens way too frequently. The overall spawn system needs to be touched upon. And I have another one here, the test servers.

Where are they, you know? That was such a cool feature. I was extraordinarily excited to see this. Still no word; I don't know what's happening here. I hope it's not going to be something that gets thrown in the trash. I hope that they go ahead and hyperfocus it; they bring it back, and they had other features they were talking about doing, like disbanding lobbies in there.

modern warfare 3 new nerfs

You know, recycling streaks. There were a lot of cool ideas that they were planning on using in there. Nothing, nothing at all, and it's weird because, you know, it hasn't been anything for a while now. Even before they went on their winter break, they had weeks to go ahead and put another test server up to try new stuff, and they never bothered doing so, so again, they're back, they're in the house, and they're, you know, going to be working on the game again, so we'll see if they are going to go ahead and reintroduce the test servers.

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