News - Sledgehammer Just Dropped Something Huge For Warzone 2


All right, ladies and gentlemen, today we have a handful of weapons to go ahead and discuss because you have to, and when I say you have to, you have to give them a shot. When season one reloaded first initially dropped, I got to be honest again. I was a tad bit worried. I'm like, really, you know, no changes to the AMR; you release a kit that doesn't work properly; the AMR is already bad enough in general; and you buff the Swarm, which is already just outstanding enough; but you don't touch the AMR.

Sincerely, it was insulting, you know, and I'm an AR SMG type of guy, and I'll be honest when it comes to ARS. Yeah, there could be some tweaks across the board to bounce them out a tad bit more, but they're pretty good where they stand. You know, I have to be honest; they're pretty. I enjoy using them all, but SMGs are really where everything is messed up and gunked up.

Everything is horrifying, but yesterday Sledgehammer actually put out a quick little update again; it wasn't big, it wasn't huge, but it definitely had some details and some things that I was really drastically looking for. Of course, this isn't as much of a shakeup as I wanted, and I'm hoping that with season two they really dive deep with a meta shakeup and really Tred to change things around, but for adding variety into the game, you know, having things to play around with and actually enjoy.

modern warfare 3 amr buff

I have to be honest. I'm happy at where we are right now when it comes to multiplayer, after of course this recent update and after season 1 reloaded just to start off since you know obviously the game you're watching right here is the Sidewinder. We'll begin with this gunman. This was probably the most hated gun in Modern Warfare 3, but boy, after the recent updates, it has gotten tremendously better.

I wouldn't say this is a top-tier competitor, but I will say it is definitely something that you should give another shot at because, realistically, this is like my favorite type of gun. You know, I'm a man-of-war lover. You guys know the man of war from you know Bo3, and also, there's a lot of other guns that can obviously resemble but have a slow fire rate, but it packs a freaking punch to the problem with the Sidewinder.

modern warfare 3 amr conversion kit

Is that the bullets just it felt too floaty The Recoil pattern was random I couldn't even figure out where the recoil is going to go when I'm engaging in gunfights which instantly pulled me away because if I can't consistently land shots especially with a gun that has an absurdly, low fire rate I don't even want to consider giving it a shot, but after season 1 they went ahead and actually reduced The Recoil and gun kick for The Sidewinder here which once again is Absolut absolutely huge because this was the exact problem the gun was having the gun kick was absurd there was no you know really designated recoil pattern that you could really follow When You're In the Heat of the Moment maybe when you're standing still but when you're engaging and you're strafing and you're getting shot at and you're getting Flinch.

It's impossible to use, so now when I'm engaged, I can actually land shots. I will say there could be one more improvement, and that is the bullet velocity. I think that is where this gun is really getting hit the hardest now. Of course, you can go ahead and deck out the gun with recoil attachments.

modern warfare 3 amr conversion kit buff

I'll show you guys my class setup right here for anybody who's interested in a base to give this gun a try, but honestly, I don't really care that much about bullet velocity right now. I'm still more focused on gun recoil. I think personally, behind the scenes, they should just buff the bullet velocity.

I think that alone would make this gun really, really fun, enjoyable, and a lot more rewarding. But I mean, as you can even see in the game play, this thing is just that I would have never considered even getting a game play like this, even if I'm a gamer. It can't compete; it simply could not compete, but now.

modern warfare 3 amr review

It's strangely addicting, it hits hard you know you kill them pretty much three bullets and it's honestly a demon machine and also with the recent update not the season one reloaded update but with the recent update that just dropped yesterday they fixed up the lmg conversion kit which was a little bugged I guess I hat it at first I didn't even bother with it but at first you needed 25, bullets in order for the you know fire rate to increase, now all you need is 15 you know 25 was just ridiculous you never hit that number so you never really got to witness the you know the side Winder with an insane fire rate but honestly it's not amazing I prefer the base side Winder over the conversion kit side Winder but it is kind of fun to see the side Winder with a ridiculously.

Fast Fire rate after you know you finish out 15 bullets. I would suggest giving that the next gun on the list, which I think is extremely important to go ahead and recognize and hopefully get out there to the public again. We are going to be talking about the AMR because it was a big buff. But this is a very huge one.

modern warfare 3 amr update

This is probably the biggest change when it comes to the season one reloaded update. I took a lot of time to test this multiple days of grinding out I tried to get the sweatiest of the sweaty games the most casual of the Casual games so on so forth versing metag guns, the striker 9 is really good right now I've always loved it in the past but the biggest problem was the damage The Recoil control is fantastic but it just could not compete with certain you know really powerful guns now of course if you know you can land a lot of shots you can compete if the other person you know couldn't land shots but if reversing people are competent, you will probably get outgunned a decent amount of times and it more than likely wasn't really even you it's just because the gun is absurdly weak but now they buff the damage from 27, to 29.

modern warfare 3 amr9

Plus 7%, which you know might not look like a lot but trust me it is an absolute Game Changer the amount of people I'm out gunning right now is absurd, along with the fact that this gun has virtually no recoil makes it just a beam machine, of course I will go ahead and showcase my class setup right here for you guys I met messed around with it a bit though I used to run you know more recoil attachments a stock and a rear grip but I just I can't let go of my suppressor I love my suppressor, and honestly I tried to run iron sights for a decent amount of time but I despise them way too much I just can't rock with the iron sights on the striker 9 so I put a red dot on this bad boy so this is my current load out that I'm rocking currently.

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