News - Sledgehammer Is Adding Even More Into Warzone 2

modern warfare 3 season 1 content

This one makes me think of those old MLG edits from back in the day, but in camo design, this one's animated has a digital webbing design mixed with pigs skull emblems and what looks like bars of gold, but it's there's a lot going on all over the place here at this a lot for sure in this one. Might be a bit over the top for some people; maybe it's just right up your alley for some others, but this is going to be something that seemingly will be in an event at some point; again, we don't know which that will be, but coming in the near future, then we also have the duct tole plates event camo, which is a sort of goldplated, over top of a what appears to be matte black sort of Base This one reminds me of the design we saw with a mixture of the top 250 camo from last year's season 5 and the standard gold camo from what we saw during that season as well, which makes me think this very well could be the ranked reward camo for Modern Warfare 3 come midseason.

We know that ranking is going to come to Modern Warfare 3's multiplayer in that competitive sense following the CDL rule sets, so that could be something that, as we've seen with prior seasons, is a sort of win criteria. I think it was winning 100 matches in ranked play that we saw that kind of stuff happen in the prior season, so maybe that's what happens here with this duct tole plate camo.

modern warfare 3 season 1 info

Then the Abyssal camo is a vibrant blue and purple camo that apparently has some animated properties, like being slightly animated, but it's just like the initial release of the macro off camo; it's very slow moving animation, so you might not catch it initially, but it is indeed animated. We also see the Velvet Radiance camo, which is kind of reminding me of the Golden River camo, but it's not animated but still not quite to the degree of the Golden River camo.

This one's more of the aqua and teal colors mixed with some more green and yellow, whereas the teal and black are the main focus of the golden river camo with those slight streaks of yellow and gold, so again, a slight design difference, but that's like one that I'd sort of compare it to. Then we have the tiki camo, which is a blue and white aesthetic with tropical floral patterns intermittently thrown in there again.

modern warfare 3 season 1 maps

A cool one here with this, but a static camo It seems like we have the Forest Gloom Camo, which looks almost like a classic forest pattern. Nothing too crazy with this, almost like you'd see it back in the base camos of a classic game or something like that. The cervic Royal camo is a neon yellowish camo with cutouts that seem to be like brownish black webbing, designs of sorts, but it's a bright camo that gives off a bit of a glow in the right lighting, it seems like as well, so maybe that's by design; maybe that's something that's just the lighting of some of these is a little weird.

We saw the Roy camo, which really wasn't meant to have too much glow to it, but in certain lighting it glowed like crazy, and then you have the Hard Target camo, which is just kind of a cut and dry black and gray digital-looking pattern that on certain weapons almost looks like a base camo, like. I'm talking base camo in the sense of just the base weapon, so that's one we're looking to get, but might not be anything too crazy.

modern warfare 3 season 1 nerfs

But anyway, by the looks of it, we're going to be seeing a hefty number of camos in the coming weeks and months here that are all seemingly earnable. Now, how many of these are at events again? That's up for discussion because we have 8 weeks and a few days in change on the season 1 offering, but there's more than eight camos listed here, so we already know of the Dune event upcoming the Santa slayr event, so six or more unaccounted for weeks, but nine camos beyond that.

Like I said. I think we can toss that duck dial camo likely being a win criteria, camo reward for ranked play that still doesn't account for every single camo that we've seen so far, but sure looks like Sledge is doing their absolute best to try and keep Pace with their introductions for camo rewards this year.

modern warfare 3 season 1 news

And I'm all here for that I've said it before and I'll say it again, yes it sucks they're kind of building off the fear of missing out Factor but I will absolutely log into a game a thousand times to one to get a Camo versus something like a weapon charm a battle pass token a double XP token or something like that even if it's just adding ranks still not really a care in the world that will affect me here at this but based off prior interviews it sounds like that Sledge didn't want this Prestige system we have now but they were just kind of stuck with it, but instead they want to actually reward user interaction with that and that's something that I can get on board here at this I will one 1000%, come back time and time again if there's something tangible that I can earn and use across all my Weaponry.

That's why I think that what we've seen so far right now is such a hit, at least in my opinion. That's why I'm so happy with it; it's not a blueprint or a single-use item; it's something that, if you like it, is available for every single weapon, every single gunfight. From here on out, whether you want to equip it or not is entirely up to you, but it gives you the option to do so.

modern warfare 3 season 1 sbmm

I don't know if I'm one of the only ones who feel this way, but maybe I am. I definitely can tell that in the last, like, 3 to 4 years or so. I've been more about completion items and having a goal in mind when playing, rather than just mindlessly jumping on and trying to get high kill dominance games or something like that.

I don't know if that's just me getting older and wanting my time to be more valued, but whatever it is, this is exactly what I had in mind—nothing too crazy in terms of challenges. I mean, most of these are probably going to be just simply like playing the game and getting XP over the course of a week, which is like an hour or two of in-game play time based off the last two we saw that sort of nature already, and it's all simple to achieve and refreshes on a relatively quick interval, so for that.

I love that, and I do hope that Sledge can keep up with this because of me. Those are awesome. So I guess we'll see where this goes now going forward with season 1. Take care, Peace.

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