News - Proof Warzone 2 Season 1 Will Be Ruined By Sbmm


I hope you're all having a fantastic day today. Now, ladies and gentlemen, as you probably already know, yes, indeed, season 1 is finally going ahead and dropping from Mod Warfare 3 today. Of course, if you guys know. And if you guys do want to, you know, go ahead and squad up with us while we play season 1.

We do open lobbies all the time while we're streaming, so you guys can go ahead and find the link to my kick. Channeled down in the description of this article, usually that stream goes live around 12:00 to 1:00 p. M eastern time is all right, so ladies and gentlemen, today we have an extremely juicy article, and honestly, it worries me about season 1 as well, even though I have some pretty decent expectations for season 1, especially with what I saw.

I'm still a tad bit worried that this is going to go ahead and pull away a lot of the audience for this game, but of course I do want to mention this. We are indeed, as you can see, rocking the ACR variant. I forget what it's called; it's the aftermarket part, which turns it basically into almost like an SMG AR, which is actually extremely fun to go ahead and play with, and on rundown.

modern warfare 3

I usually, you know, hold back on tips unless I go ahead and make a complete tips and tricks article, but every once in a while, try SMG builds or even, like I said, this ACR variant here that turns it kind of into an SMG, people underestimate the routes that you can run on this map people see it as a very large scale map and it is depending on the game mode as well if you're playing TDM, it's a little bit more complex to cross, but if you just have a couple of, smokes.

The indoor combat within this game can turn into some extremely fast-paced, intense combat, and also, along with how the spawns rarely flip unless you extremely aggressively push them, you can get some nasty locations where you can run up some really crazy streaks with an SMG, but of course, you know, like I said.

I'm just throwing out some suggestions there because I know some people don't enjoy the style of map stuff like this underpass, so on, so forth. Wasteland, so every once in a while. I like to throw out some ways that you might be able to find enjoyment out of it. Ladies and gentlemen, today we're going to be going ahead and discussing, once again, skill-based matchmaking.

modern warfare 3 2023 season 1

Now, of course. I was going to go on a bit of a break discussing this topic because I pretty much feel like I talked about everything that you know could be talked about when it comes to skill beas matchmaking, and I want to dive more deeply into actual content within Modern Warfare 3, which obviously you know will definitely expect more of that coming with in the next upcoming week, obviously since you know Season 1 went ahead and dropped.

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But some new stats have come out that I've seen making their rounds on the internet. And honestly, it kind of shocked me a little bit. Now, ladies and gentlemen, pretty much every single game that you play, you're reaching level 55. Now for me personally. I came to the conclusion that maybe it's just extremely easy to go ahead and, you know, hit Level 55, and everybody in the game has gotten it; even the casual players who barely even give a crait about Cod, who might hop on every so often, have been able to hit Level 55 because that's all I see in my lobbies, either that or obviously, the player account is drastically dropping.

But again, like I said, I saw a tweet from Exog Ghost, and of course, like I said, it's made its rounds on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. I'm sure you might have seen it from another content creator, but this is who I saw it from personally: An exoo said less than 4% of players on Xbox have reached level 55 in Modern Warfare 3 and less than 3%.

On Steam, if you're playing against level 55s all the time, that means you are playing against less than 4% of the player base in Modern Warfare 3 skill-based matchmaking. Is that strong? Of course you want to go ahead, and you know I've showcased some proof. I'll put it up on the screen for you guys so you guys can see it personally on Xbox and also on Steam, showcasing how many people have actually completed and gotten to level 55 within this game, but this right here is extremely informative because, like I said beforehand.

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I thought that either the player base was non-existent or B, you know, people are just, you know, the mass majority of people are just easily able to get to level 55. But from the proof that we see in front of our eyes, the mass majority of people in this game are not technically at level 55. The biggest portion of this game is below that level, Yet and still pretty much all of us across the board only see level 55s.

Nine times out of 10, you are going to be against a full deck of level 55s. And like I said beforehand, I thought this was just, you know, the norm, but it's not the norm. Scoas matchmaking is so thick within Call of Duty that it is literally optimizing you against, like, what did EXO say around like 4% of the player base at this point?

modern warfare 3 sbmm

Actually, it's less than 4% of the player base, and this right here is where the variety kicks in. This is why there is no more variety between your matches when it comes to casual play. This right here is proof; it's proof that the game isn't technically dead. It might not be as popular as other Call of Duty titles, but it's proof that the algorithm is indeed categorizing you within a group of players, and you are not allowed to step outside those boundaries.

And again, as you can see from the gameplay right here, we're in a pretty competitive match. I love competitive play, you know? I enjoy games like Rainbow Six Siege and, you know, CSG Go. I like a lot of these types of titles, and every time I play those titles, I play comp. I don't play casual.

I play ranked; that's the enjoyment factor out of it, and the same thing when it comes to Call of Duty. You know, when ranked comes out, you best believe I'll probably dabble within ranked as well. But rank is different from casual. If these were the rules for ranked, which it basically is, it's not a problem in the world because when I hop into ranked, that's exactly who I want to be, and I want to continue to get better.

modern warfare 3 sbmm info

I want to improve. You know I want to get a better rank, so on and so forth, but when you hop into a casual match, when you go into the casual player base, you are supposed to be with everybody; you're supposed to have variety across the board. But you don't get that, and variety when it comes to Call of Duty means you know streaks.

Right, I'm so tired of people getting pissed off or people wanting to streak out on enemies. What do you think the purpose of cod is again? Yes, ranked play is completely different, and I love how Call of Duty plays competitively, but when it comes to casual play, the whole fun of it is the freaking streaks, and you can't drop fun cool streaks.

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