News - Rebirth Island Returns With A Big Twist Warzone Season 3

modern warfare 3

this is the cut scene here where you can see, the top of the roof is completely gone, and as we saw at the beginning it wasn't in the overview of the map so we have two options at this point either, one we can call in an air strike it blows up the roof of the building and something else that you're going to see in a second and we trigger that or when you spawn into the game it is triggered and I'm leaning more towards that one because when we saw our characters dropping in we could see that big smoke cloud over top of the prison so I'm guessing there's going to be a cut scene before you drop in on rebirth where planes fly over, and things happen you're going to see another one of the things that happen right here A lighthouse explodes and falls down, and we are going to get another look at that one in a second.

modern warfare 3 season 3

We're going to have to pay close attention to that one, so we get a quick little trailer for Call of Duty Mobile here. I'm not going to talk about that whatsoever, but right here, we can pause it. We can see that the lighthouse has fallen. We are somehow driving way up in the air already here, but there is a ramp going onto the prison roof, which is the Fallen Lighthouse.

The prison roof is destroyed, the lighthouse is falling, and there's another way to get on the roof, which I think is good. It's going to add more flow to the map because before we just had people that, like, camped on top of the prison roof. Now there's more ways to get up there, there's more ways to get vehicles up there, and there's more ways to get down into the prison.

It's not just a few stairwells that we have zip lines. Things like that, there's another way as well, so I think that's a good addition, and of course you can get vehicles into the prison as well, which will be interesting to say the least, but that is kind of the big takeaway and the big change that we see on this map.

new rebirth island

Unfortunately, we don't get a better look at the roof, like on top of the roof, but what's interesting is that even here, when we get the promotional material for Rebirth Island, we have macarov. Here we have two new characters: the roof of the prison's not destroyed, and the lighthouse is standing.

That's why I say I don't know if we trigger the falling of the lighthouse, the explosion of the prison, or whether it's an event that happens right at the beginning. I'm guessing it's the ladder. I'm guessing there's just going to be a cut scene at the beginning of every game, and that's what happens, but as we can see, it's not always like that.

The other takeaway that we have here is that we have Marov, and we have two new operators. They are both in the crony group; they're wearing the symbol for Marov's people, the con alra Nationalist, and they are now Marov is coming to Rebirth Island, assumably, for Nova 6 Gas, and as we get more information on that story.


I will make another article on it and give you the story of Rebirth Island. That's what we do on this channel, so stay tuned for that. But for now, that is what we know. It appears as though there's going to be some bombs dropped on the map. The lighthouse is going to fall, the roof of the prison's going to be destroyed, and we just don't know how it's going to happen yet, but season 3 is happening April 3rd, in other words, next week, so stay tuned.

Star, we are making this hard for you, and I wonder where you

Today we look at the Return of Rebirth Island to Call of Duty Warzone with a big twist in Season 3. In this video we look at what has changed on the new warzone rebirth Island map and things you may have missed in the trailer. I hope you enjoy.
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