News - New" Warzone 2. 0 $25k 21 Savage. S Fright Night Custom Vondel Tournament. Game: 5

But I would actually love it if we could do some listening with this team to see what the communications are like after they mapy, UAV, somewhere on you, u yeah, he's on green, Mark. Someone's right here; push right there. I'm going for my Lo Stay. Up Bridge, be advised that your team is outside the safe.

I got 20 seconds on Resurgence. I know I'm going to regroup really quickly. I got the armor box, and I'm going to get over to D. I'm getting looked at, though, under the bridge, deep through me. Yeah, I'm getting up, zip. I heard you. I'm about to get an armor box for your armor box—a box that's destroying them over there.

mw2 warzone 2

Watch out, watch out. That's destroying them there; it is picking One cracked one in this main staircase on the left, almost cracked them up there; you got to get it to, so shoot this thing out. yeah, I did. Did I like they're from, across they're looking at us from across they showing him is going to play for us hard we got to worry about that push okay yeah remember there's a bu right there they're going to try to hit maybe yeah I hear him close right here yeah they're definitely working.

Close nice someone jumped in the water over here he might come out I'm right here one jumped in the water over there okay yeah our, staircase just find freeze right now just wi out right now yeah I have [__] guns right now so I'm just wait he's like right here I think there is an MP5 over here. Ground, under, Look at this guy in the A.L.

savage vondel tourney

Is he the one? The sentence that really stood out to me was listening. Destroy is going to be gunning for us; they know they are so aware right now that their lead is not safe. Not safe whatsoever, and you can see it is completely adjusted the way they're playing this; they're playing a lot slower.

They do have a decent amount of kills already due to their early game, but they have adjusted their play style, and this is what we talk about, like, how do you want to reset after that unfortunate drop that you had prior, and it's stay up top, play the circle, get those kills, and destroy? You can see he's still remaining pretty aggressive, and as the circle gets smaller, how epic would it be if they got into a fight?

I would love to see that, especially if we got lucky enough for maybe a final 1v1 between both of their squads, that is. Picnic, who was going down teammate with the cleanup destroy on five eliminations. Just 30 players left, but it's really going to be this next circle close where things get really mixy for a lot of these players.

savages tournament

There's not a ton of space left to work within. Take some shots across the way looking to crack the armor, not able to secure it down, but well, at least force that player to back off for the time being. Yeah, playing this well is really close. They have a ton of loot and a shield actually down there, but they're going to have to rotate through the open street, so you have to use smoke; he doesn't have a smoke.

If the first destroy team does strike first shots going down, Ru is going to be very injured. He gets away with his life that is about to crack and destroy rep repositioning on the right side; it's going to be destroying a dream here, destroying Ru. Actually, R is able to get his health back. Sunday goes down, and he's going to have to be careful; he's taken a lot of plates.

Health damage pops one around the corner; they don't see him going to be a massive down gets the sixth elimination: the smoke goes out. How can you recover because you have been in this storm for a while? No plates, my goodness, and he has a sliver here, just a little bit. No, this could be disastrous.


I don't know if they have the utility to get out of here, and they certainly can't shoot their way out of it, and there you go, destroy goes down, and that's Hoka, maybe getting the last laugh on destroy his team, and this is who we want. And Biff is still alive. He kills Biff here, but one goes down.

I don't know if they're going to be able to get first, but they want to survive one more team to get that extra multiplier, and they just called it out 1.3, which is one team elimination away. And that multiplier can be the difference you need to survive here, and you see he's not able to do it, so 1.26, Place an improvement from their last drop, but still, teams are alive.

Noobs are alive here with his squad of 10 kills on the board. Only imagine what the top four have kicked. I mean, Hoka team, you got to be happy with that bounce back. Is it perfect? Is it the same placement as Map 3? Yes, but you're going to get the kill cushion you need. Take a look, though.


Noobs with 11 kills are just trying to stay alive, using the smoke to their advantage, but they don't have the gas mask to really make this play for too long. Aiden up on the top got to get away from those streaks, and suddenly there's just three teams and only seven players. What can Aiden manage to do?

He's got aent alive with him; he's on the complete opposite side right now on the right. This is getting pretty intense. We have two teams or three teams of two right now: one play, one solo. Oh, that gets the flare off for the redeployment. I don't know if he's going to even be able to land before he gets picked off, but he can still land right here.

You can't be looting right now. Aiden, yeah, I'm not sure noobs did spot him out. I'm not sure exactly about that play. Noobs, now at 13, this is going to be the biggest game we've seen out of the Noobs team yet. He's taking some pop shots into the sky. He knows there's one player in the building in front of him just working his way around that door, and now it's 2v2.


To end things, can noobs come out on top? You get one, and the answer is most certainly yes; that's exactly what it will be. Noobs with a smile on their faces in a war zone Victory and a big one for them Let's see how many kills they ended up with. That was a fantastic game, and that's what they needed.

You know, when you talk about noobs, they were in eighth place, and that's a huge game. 2329, right now for the squad, so massive performance out of them. Yeah, I mean, for sure, let me see, that's what the 29 kills are, and then the 1.5 multiplier, okay, that's a nice 43 points for them. Qui ma for you, no.

I got a calculator up, trust, that's going to bump them up to around 120 points, so that's a huge game for Noob's team, which very well could now be in contention for the top three, maybe second place.

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