News - I Spectated The Best Warzone 2 Solo Player

cod warzone

All right, ladies and gentlemen, we're starting things off with Bainesey, who's currently right near downtown playing. Things are a little bit slow, and two kills only get him so far on the leaderboard as 33 players are left to go rock and attack 56 in the vastness of 9K. 9k trying to play things a little bit passively, taking full advantage of the top of the buildings here, which spots any player landing on top of a high rise, but he's not too worried about that instead, he's going to hold down these stairs here, the circle is starting to rotate so the storm is getting right there towards him, and he's going to have to start moving towards the safe zone here in a very few seconds, trying to make sure there's no one behind him, just so that way he doesn't get caught running now that he does have 3K.

If he gets a little bit more money, he might be able to get himself to a buy station to then pick up a UAV, which will come in clutch for him hopefully later on in the game. Now that he is rotating towards it, the buy station right now very apparent what he's going to spend 3K on if he does decide to go that way, but instead, it looks like he's still trying to hold down a few different angles.

He seems a little bit nervous right now, as he's rotating left and right and spotting an enemy player right there in front of him. I'm not too sure if he saw it or not, but the guy came out of the building and started rotating towards the building right there in front, so that's going to be a little bit of a hard rotation, especially.

cod warzone 2

If that guy saw him, it could have been a bite, though, because there was someone else just kind of crouched right there on the street, jumping down, and here comes the rotation; I'm curious to see where he's going to decide to go. He is downtown. A lot of players are rotating around here currently, and here comes a grenade.

not too worried about it. Two, grenades are actually coming over the wall here, so it's going to have to play things a little bit slow to spot an enemy player right there, but fortunate enough for him, that's nothing but an AI bot. Now he's getting pushed by different angles by him, and it looks like he's going to take them all out with no problem, but with that being said, there's a very good possibility that enemy players around could have very much hurt that, and there goes the shield shell.

Taken out by the AI, he's in a situation. Where he probably should think about trying to get out of here and maybe rotate to a different site with only 29 players left to go, you really don't want to spend that time only fighting for spots here. Here Comes The shield was knocked out from behind, and just luckily, he was able to make it over the wall here.

spectating solos

It's very curious to see if he's going to decide to leave this position, maybe try to actually rotate around and see if he can't find someone else other than fighting these bots here, but he's pretty headstrong, so he's going to make his way through here and get to where he wants to go, and these bots aren't going to get in his way.

29 players left to go and still stinky. With only two kills, he does seem like a little bit of an advanced player, a little bit more of an above-average player, and possibly has a 1K D or higher. But there are still plenty of AI bots around here, and Baines is just making sure that he takes every single one of them out using the last clip.

With only 22 rounds left to go with the vastnav, he's going to have to start making his way and looting up just to get some ammo. If he decides to go ahead and get some cash with actually $24,000 here, we'll go ahead and check the map and see if he's going to have another buy station with this rotation; he actually has a few along the way.

spectating warzone

Here on the ground as well that he could pick up, including some precisions, but instead of picking up the UAV he's actually going to run right acid. I'm not too sure that was the best play that bad snuff could have made here. At least he dropped something out of his bag to make room for that UAV that could come in handy for him, especially with this rotation.

With another player behind him here not seeing a seam, it's going to go ahead and Crouch while we talk about that AI banging him up a few times, go ahead and get him out of the game. He decides that he doesn't want to waste any more ammunition on these AI bots. Here are 27 rounds that he does need to reload, and unfortunately, he wasn't able to get any pistol or ammo for the Vasnab.

spectating warzone 2 solos

Either way, unless it's glitched out on my screen because it's currently showing zero and zero, there's a possibility that it could be that way, but if not. I'm very curious to see why he's running it and only showing 27 rounds in the attack 56, where he possibly wants to go ahead and reload, and I'm curious to see if he's going to maybe stop by and pick up this buy station.

Maybe go with a few other guns, get some of his own, and instead of doing any of that, he's going to say, "You know what, we're going to go ahead and rotate." towards this circle to see if he can't get into a good position now taking a few shots from behind, but he has a Jeep, he has the 2001 Jeep Grand Cherokee, so he's not worried about it.

He's rotating his way up here and going over here by the little army base to see if he wants to pick up a UAV or anything. He could have had a free one but decided that it wasn't worth his time. He doesn't know if anyone's going to be here or not, so he's going to go ahead and slow down that gameplay just a little bit, taking shots from behind as well in the base book.


We do have the X12 of Kimbos, which are really good, but I wouldn't be able to see exactly what that first person's gun was that he had there, the 762 NATO in the hostile takeover using the EBR and absolutely tanking. These players here now have taken out Stan's 16 kills, which are up on the scoreboard for him, and there are still 20 players left to go.

If he continues to play the way that he is now, he could potentially drop 20 kills. One thing that we've seen from a lot of YouTube articles is that these are Kimbo pistols, which absolutely slay up close, and that's why they are his main weapon of choice here using the EBR, which is another weapon that, like I said, we haven't seen too many times here on Warzone, especially.

Since the new game's been out, we did have a little bit of an EBR takeover in war zone one, but it's nice to see it back here in the game, possibly with 2 AP now starting to slow down his gameplay. Just a little bit checking the circle to make sure anyone's going to be rotating, for that safe zone here now.

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