News - Top 5 Meta Loadouts Warzone Season 6. Warzone 2 Best Loadouts - Mw2

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I want to give you guys the top five meta loadouts for season six of Warzone and Modern Warfare 2. As you guys see, there's going to be new weapons in here too, so be prepared for that. Even though they nerfed it, this build right here is the absolute best build. Starting out with the second trade to 40 for the vertical and horizontal recoil control at the cost of aim-down sight speed and aiming stability for, the tuning what you want to do is set the recoil control to 0.11 inches and the recoil stabilization to 0.49 ounces.

The next thing is that you're going to put on the cast 10 to 584 millimeter barrel for damage range, bullet velocity, hip fire accuracy, and recoil control at the cost of aim downside speed hip. Reco control and movement speed are not a big deal for tuning. Set the damage range of 0.28 inches and the recoil to anus to 0.26 pounds.

The next thing is that you're going to put on the lock grip Precision 40. If you don't want to use this, you could always use the VX pineapple completely up to you, but for the tuning, you don't even have to tune it, so that's one freebie right there. Next, put on the 40-round mag. You don't really want to have the 20, and the base is just not ideal.

best loadouts

The next thing is the amount of V4, and I set the maximum distance. Last but not least. I put on the Amop V4, and the beautiful thing about this is that you can choose any optic you want to, but the far distance is going to be maxed out, and this thing is the ultimate AR to use despite any new update that's happened in the series.

This thing is the best AR to use, in my opinion, because it just does the damage so easily, it does the job with very little recoil, and even with the three plates on, it still does insane amounts of damage. Look at this; it's just that you barely have to try with it. The long range is the only one that gives you somewhat of a hard time, but barely look at that recoil as it is.

Next, we're moving on to the beautiful ISO of nine millimeters. This thing is now the new close-range meta. Trust me, you want to use this. It gets the job done so quickly. We're going to start out with the nine-inch PTX trainer for damage range hipfire accuracy, movement speed, and bullet velocity at the cost of inbound side speed hip or equal control and recoil control.


This thing has basically no recall, so even if you see a bunch of things I put on here that take away from recall control, it's still not going to have any recoil, so I increase the damage range by 0.30 inches and the recoil stays in this by 0.47 pounds, then I move on to the nine-millimeter hollow point for the crippling power.

This thing is basically a concussion on steroids as soon as you hit their legs, so try that out; you'll really like it. If you don't want to use that, then I have an alternative for you; don't worry next: a 50-round drum. This is a necessity because the initial bullets are not enough in a 20-round mag.

It is just a joke. Do not use the 20-round mag; you're going to be very disappointed, or put on the VLK laser (7 mW) for aim-down sight speed and aiming stability, and sprint the fire speed at the cost of the laser being visible in ads. Just be aware of that. Don't just sit in a corner with ads, and you're going to die; they're going to be ready to fight you.


For the aim down sight speed tuning set to negative 0.20, wait 24.68. Feet, or, as close as you can get someone to comment, if you guys can get exactly on there. I'd be very surprised, but the sprint to fire speed set to negative 0.23, ounces, and last but not least, put on the collapsed stock for aim down sight speed.

Sprint to fire speed movement speed and hit recoil, control at the cost of aiming recoil, control aiming stability, and Flinch resistance. This thing is honestly the best for close range; I can't really find anything that actually competes with it. The only downside is the long range. It's just not happening.

I don't think anyone would think of using this long range, but it's not happening long range. If you thought it was, this is so ideal for close range, so just make sure you're using it for that, and you'll be good to go. I mean, I've always loved this weapon; they've tried to nerf it to death, and it's still amazing.

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Put on the second tread 40 for vertical and horizontal recoil control at the cost of aim-down sight speed and aiming stability. Set the recoil control to 0.28 inches in The recoil stabilizes at 0.59 ounces next. Put on the HR 6.8 barrel for damage range recoil, control bullet velocity, and hip fire accuracy at the cost of aim downside speed, hip recoil control, and movement speed.

Now set the damage range to 0.37 inches and the recoil stain to 0.39 pounds. On high velocity, just for personal preference, you can use a hollow point if you want to, but the tuning is going to be the same. Set the Boulevard velocity of 8.71 g and the damage range of 0.50 g for the 50-round drum because the bass is not a good idea.

40 round, I mean 30 round mag; it's just not in my favor either, so 50 is ideal, and then the amount of P4 or whatever you want to use is just my personal preference. Set the tuning to the far Max it out, and this thing is, honestly, one of my favorite ARS in the game as well. The cast-off is like number one, but this thing just feels like such a heavy punch.

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Sub, but it's not this version right here. I set the inbound side speed to negative 0.27 inches and the weight to negative 0.44 ounces. Next, I put on the nine-millimeter hollow point for the crippling power. The tuning for bullet velocity is set to 4.65 gr, and the damage range is set to 0.38, G.

40 round mag. I mean, I don't think 50 is necessary, and 15 is just not it. You don't want to start with the base 30 either, so 40 is just a sweet spot right there, with the LK laser 7 mw for aim downside speed, aiming stability, and sprint to fire speed. Remember that the laser is visible in ads, and set the tuning to negative 18.10 feet or as close as possible.

011 ounces for Sprint to fire speed and then the Ft Mobile stock for Sprint speed aim walking speed. Crouch movement speed and aim downside speed at the cost of aiming stability and recoil control Set the tuning for the aim walking speed to negative 1.47 inches and the inbound size speed to negative 3.23 ounces, and here's the end product.

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This thing is now close second—I mean very close second—when it comes to close range, but you see the difference, like the iso just kills so much faster and even does a great job at mid-range, but this thing is still ideal. I think the majority of people are still going to use this for their main SMB, and I don't really blame them.

TOP 5 META Loadouts in Warzone Season 6! Warzone 2 Best Loadouts - MW2.
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