News - New Tombstone Glitch. Unlock New Schematics & Keep Tombstone. Warzone 2 Zombies Season 3 Reloaded Glitch


I'm going to show you the new Tombstone duplication glitch that allows you to exfill and unlock the new schematics in the new dark ether and any rare items that you have while keeping your max money Tombstone and all of your duplicated items to use every game. You can do this completely solo or with the squad if you would like; it is completely up to you.

You are going to need any of the schematics that you want to unlock. In my inventory, I have all of the season 3 and reloaded schematics. I also have an elder sigil, which is required for this glitch; a regular one will work just as well, but you need to have a sigil. You will also need one scorcher case to use, and I suggest you have another one in your tombstone, but I will explain more on that later, as you can see.

I currently do not have the schematics unlocked, but I will show you that I have unlocked them and keep my Tombstone. To start, you want to make your way over to your set tombstone and take everything out of it so that it crumbles what you have in your inventory. After you crumble your tombstone, it is what will be saved in your next tombstone and what you will be filling with.


I already have the duplicated schematics, so I tried dropping them to the zombies, but they went to Mitch Cactus. Com, where you can get the nuk skin unlocked, the new schem itics for your account. MW3 camos hard unlocked bot lobbies to max out all your weapons, or even instant delivery on pre-made Call of Duty accounts.

Now that I have crumbled my tombstone, I'm first going to show you what we're going to do so that you can practice the entire process. It's actually very easy to do, but then you're going to do it first. So come to this location in the Tier 3 Zone. We will use this teleport and portal in this location that I'm showing you here, and I'll give you guys the code in just a moment.

But in your practice run, pretend that you started it, and then you're going to use your scorcher and copy where I go towards the new dark Ether Portal. For this glitch, you need to have completed the new Act 4 missions and have access to the new dark Ether Portal, where we will use a regular or Elder sigil.

new schematics

I also want to mention that this will not work with the smaller portal for the Act 4 missions and only the big one now again. In this practice run, you will stand in front of the portal, where you will use the sigil and pretend that you're holding it to activate it while charging up your scorcher.

To fly back to the teleport portal, you must stay facing the portal until you get into the air. From here, you will then turn around and make your way back over to the teleport portal. The timing isn't actually hard to get, but you want to practice going up twice with the scorcher. Pulling your parachute.

Then cut it and use your scorcher one more time to get to the portal. As you can see in my practice run, I actually messed up a little bit and charged it up twice, so this is why. I really suggest that you guys practice it first, and then it becomes very easy to do. Now, when you go through the portal, this is what it'll look like when you spawn on the other end.


You're going to be at the Water Tower, and from here, you're going to turn to the right, jump off, and fly towards the edge of the map. It is also important to know the landmarks in this area so that you can get the timing perfect, even though it is easy. So while facing east, when you land, you're going to go over to this bush by the edge of the map, and this rock is where you will need to be to get out of bounds when doing the glitch process.

So now, for the real run, first check that you have the tombstone and perk equipped, because that is necessary for this, and I recommend that you use a decoy grenade while you enter the code that I have for you on screen into the teleport portal. You are then going to act to activate the portal first before running away, and then run into the open and use your scorcher to fly over to the new dark Ether Portal.

The timing at this particular moment isn't super strict, but you will boost up twice and then pull your parachute, cut it, and then use a small burst of the scorcher to get to the portal. Now you're going to face the sigil activation and charge up your scorcher. When it gets to about 80%, you're going to start to hold to use the sigil and stay facing the portal while you are boosting upwards.


You're going to continue holding both buttons to charge the scorcher and use the sigil activation until it opens the portal. Once you get the prompt, you're then going to turn around and fly towards the teleport portal. You've now boosted up twice already, so pull your paracho. Cut it, and then charge your scorcher to only 50 to 60%, which will get you right back to where you need to land.

Just that small boost will get you back to the portal, so now you're going to run into it, and when you spawn in on the other side again, you will turn to the right and jump off and fly in between the trees, so now you're going to open up your map to vote. Yes, to teleport, and then get ready to go out of bounds by The Rock next to the bush.

season 3

Then you're going to go out of bounds as the timer is counting down from 7 to 6, and from here, as long as you have the tombstone perk equipped, you're going to set a tombstone while staying out of bounds, so you're going to get the eliminated screen after the portal animation screen. Now keep in mind that you're just going to wait until you get into the new dark ether.

We are not quitting out of the game at this point, so your screen will go black. You're just going to wait for it to take you to the new area. When you spawn in, you will not have any perks or weapons, but you will still have your inventory, so the items that you have in it you can now use because they are already saved in your tombstone for your next game.

This is why I mentioned that you should have a scorcher to save on your tombstone. There is an Xville portal. Straight Ahead from where you spawn, and I'm going to ping it on the map. it is possible to get to the portal without the scorcher, but it definitely helps, especially because you don't have any guns or perks when you spawn in, so you just want to go straight to the portal to Xville.

season 3 reloaded

While I'm flying over to it. I want to mention that if you wanted to do this glitch with your friends, then you have to have everybody wait by the outof bounds area while one person does the dark ether portal process. The other players will then use their votes, and you will go out of bounds at the same time when the counter is going down from 7 to 6, if you all go out of Bounds at the same time with the tombstone perk equipped then you will all spawn in the dark ether.

This is how you can unlock the new schematics and keep your max money tombstone in Modern Warfare 3 Zombies After the Season 3 Reloaded Update.
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