News - Unlock Gold Camo & Keep Duplicated Tombstone Items Season 2 After Patch Tombstone Glitch Warzone 2 Zombies

after patch

This is how you can keep your duplicated Tombstone items and unlock the gold camo and MW3 zombies, so you can unlock your Mastery camo super easily. As you know, it can be time-consuming to get all set up for your camo grind, so this will be a guide for you to have all your rare loot ready for you at the start of every game you play, helping you unlock your camo fast.

I've been getting a lot of questions about this, so let's get into it. To start, I'm going to assume you already have a tombstone on your map, but I will explain how to set one up later on in the article. So before you start your cam grind, you need to load into a game with no guns to make sure that your tombstone is set with all of the items that you want to use while getting your camos because we will need to duplicate the items inside of your tombstone.

As you can see, I'm just quickly getting all of the steps done, so I have all of the items in my tombstone and in my inventory ready for my next game. While I'm doing this, don't forget to leave a like on the article and subscribe if you haven't already. So now that I have done the tombstone duplication process, you can see in the lobby that I have all of my duped items.

after patch tombstone glitch

Now I'm going to equip the RAM 9, and I do not have the gold camo unlocked. I'm only doing one gun for this article, but I recommend you bring in two guns to work on at once. Also, if you follow all of the steps in this article, you won't have to deal with any cooldowns on your weapons before you load into your game.

Make sure you're completely set up by getting some decoy grenades to help you out and equipping a field upgrade because the tombstone process removes them, and this is very important to remember, especially if you need a camo that requires a field upgrade. Now, when loading into your next game, you can get MW3 camos, hard-unlocked bot lobby schematics, the nuke skin, or even instant delivery on pre-made accounts at Mitch Cactus, Com.

They're 100% legit with over 10,000 verified reviews on Trustpilot, so be sure to use code Gray for 5% off. As you can see in my next game, my tombstone is still at the graveyard, and I have all the items still in my inventory, so now I can use all of these items to make my life much easier and farm camos much faster.


From here, you are going to do whatever camo challenge you need to complete for me. I just need 100 kills before exhausting, so I'm going to do that very quickly. You want to make sure that you do not go over to your tombstone until you are done with all of your camo challenges. Now that I'm done with my 100 kills, as you can see.

I still have everything in my Tombstone, and you want to make sure that your inventory is completely empty so that you can take everything out of your Tombstone so that it crumbles, but you also need to keep all of these items in your inventory for your next Tombstone, so I'm going to go over to the xfill and do the entire process completely.

Normal while I'm doing that, I'm going to explain this new method because, technically, we are not saving our tombstone, but just the items. What I mean by this is that after the stash glitch has been patched, there's no such thing as glitched items anymore. All of your items are now real items, so it doesn't matter if we keep them with them; you will still keep your large bag, your armor satchel, and your weapons without getting a cooldown either.


This is why we went over to our Tombstone at the end of the game to grab all of the items because, as you can see since I X filled normally, not only did I get the gold camo, but more importantly. I have all of the items from my Tombstone and no cooldowns. So now the next step is to load into another game to set your tombstone again.

This is why I recommend you bring in two guns on your first camo run because, after each camo game, you need to set a tombstone. Again, in a different game, when going to set your tombstone, after you get your camos, do not bring a weapon in with you because you will get a cooldown timer while doing the tombstone.


Process: I brought mine in just to show you that I got the gold camo, and it's now unlocked. You also want to make sure that you do not use any of the items in your inventory in this game because we are setting our tombstone. Since these are not duplicated items, you're going to want to find a contract to complete to get 2, 000 points and then buy the tombstone perk so you can keep your can in your tombstone so you don't waste it.

Then you're going to make your way over to the bad signal portal, and to set your tombstone, you will activate the portal, then go directly into the water and stay underwater. Your breath bar will then turn red, and as soon as it does, you're going to open up your map to vote. Yes, this will then time your death with the portal animation, and if you play on a console, you're going to be forced to quit your game as soon as you see the portal animation.

season 2

For PC players, you're going to wait until right after the portal animation ends and then all F4 your game now when you get back to the lobby you will see that you have all of these items and these are all dupes so now you can equip two more weapons to get camos on and repeat the entire process since your Tombstone will be back at the graveyard in the next game that you load into, you can then use all of these items that you will spawn in with in your inventory to get your camos and start the whole two game cycle again.

Unfortunately, with this method, we are not technically saving our Tombstone, just the duplicated item, so you are going to lose the money that you have saved in your Tombstone. However, you can do the unlimited money glitch on your screen right now after you get your camos to get Max money in your Tombstone once again, like in the article.

This is how you can use the Tobmstone Duplication Glitch to Unlock GOLD CAMO In Mw3 Zombies.
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