News - New" Tombstone Glitch After Patch. Stash Glitch Patched (what You Need To Know) Warzone 2 Zombies

after patch

The unlimited stash glitch has been patched, but the tombstone duplication glitch still works. However, there is one new thing about it that is crucial for you to understand to get it to work perfectly. I'm going to explain everything you need to know about the stash glitch and the tombstone glitch after the patch.

I'm first going to go over the Tombstone glitch, but very briefly since it's the same process as before the patch. With that in mind, I will still explain the new variable about this glitch. To start, you will need to drink the tombstone perk and get all of the items that you want to save in your tombstone for your next game inside your inventory.

If you already have a tombstone, then take everything out of it so that it crumbles, and whatever you have in your inventory at this point is what will be saved in your next one. Now go over to the bad signal portal and activate it. You will then immediately go into the water and stay underwater.


As soon as your breath bar turns red, you are going to open your map to vote. Yes, this will then time your death right as the portal teleports. If you play on console, you will force quit on the purple portal animation like I showed, but if you play on PC, you're going to wait a little bit longer until right after the portal animation finishes, and you're going to alt-f4 your game while your game is loading.

You can get MW3, camos, hard-unlocked bot lobby schematics, the nuke skin, or even instant delivery on pre-made accounts at Mitch {566}. Putting a scorcher and a tombstone in your set tombstone can save you a lot of time, so you can use these items to be prepared to set your tombstone again when you bring them back from your last dup.

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After the patch, you can use all of these items to play out your entire game if you wish, and towards the end of the game, you can go over to your tombstone, which is now spawned at the graveyard. Take everything out of it so that it crumbles, and if you have any new items that you want to save in your tombstone, this would be the time to have your inventory properly organized.


Every game you will need to have the tombstone perk equipped because each game at the bad signal portal, after we activate it and wait underwater for our breath to turn red, we are setting a new tombstone for our next game, so you will need to do this process. Every game you play, like I showed in the beginning of the article, you should keep your tombstone for your next game and keep Max money in it.

If you were saving it after the patch, many of you may have this new problem of the game not letting you bring all of the items from your inventory out of the game with you at any point after the patch. If you tried to mess with your stash and the number in your stash showed higher than 10 out of 10, you have an extra step to do.

As you can see, my number shows 14 out of 10 when it shows anything higher than 10 out of 10. When you use the portal to bring items out of the game and keep your tombstone, it'll randomly choose items to delete from your inventory. As you can see, it did not let me bring out all of the items from my tombstone, even though they are still saved in my tombstone for my next game.


To fix this, you will need to go into your stash and get that number back to 10 out of 10 by equipping real items that you tried putting into your stash back into your gear. Now you can see that my number says 10 out of 10, so I can go into my next game and make a tombstone with these items, and that's what I'll be able to use in every single game, and then it'll allow me to pull those items back out of the game and still keep my tombstone.

Before you go into another game, you need to check the number by trying to unequip an item, and it'll say 10 out of 10. That means you're all good to go. If it says any number higher, you will still need to swap out different items until it says 10 out of 10. After the patch, you should now view your stash as an absolute backup in case you lose your Tombstone.

tombstone glitch

Since the Tombstone glitch is still working, we don't really have anything to worry about because, as long as you can duplicate your items for your next game, you'll still be able to use all of them and have them ready to go once again until there's an update to the game. The Tombstone glitch now is more or less used as a single-use duplication to store your load out for your next game, as if you were playing War Zone and got the selector class that you wanted to use after the patch.

The money glitch still works, so click that article on your screen right now.

Also read:
There is one NEW step for the tombstone duplication glitch after the patch! Im going to show you what you need to know about the tombstone glitch which is still working after the patch and explain what happned to the stash glitch now that it has been patched.
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