News - New Warzone 2 Zombies Tombstone Glitch Dark Aether & Bad Signal

bad signal

This is how you can go into the dark ether and do bad signal missions while still keeping your tombstone. You'll be able to keep all the loot that you get while in the dark ether and keep the maximum amount of money that you have in your tombstone. Items are mandatory for you to keep your tombstone for when you come out of the dark ether later, so if you have a tombstone set already, you're still going to want to duplicate those items so you have them in your stash and don't lose them.

Later, you will have all the items that you want to duplicate in your inventory, and you are going to want to have as many points as you can. The number of points that you have when you die is what will be saved inside your tombstone, and this will be very important later on in the article because the points that you have will be the only true thing that will be saved in your tombstone.

But I will explain more about that later in the article. If you don't have Max Money like I do, I will have my unlimited money glitch tutorial at the end of this article, so don't worry. Now you're going to drink the tombstone perk and down yourself, and make sure that you do not have self-revive. When doing this, you're going to wait for the plea for help timer to expire.

dark aether

After the red screen is eliminated, a leave-match button will appear in the top right corner. You're going to press leave match, and the only time you will ever press leave match is when you are setting a tombstone. If you want the new MW3, camos hard unlocked bot lobbies, all the best schematics, the brand new nuke skin, or even instant delivery on pre-made accounts, check out Mitch {462}.

100% legit with over 10,000 verified reviews on Trustpilot, so be sure to use code Gray for 5% off. When you load into your next game, your tombstone will be in the same spot where you died. Now take everything out of it so that it crumbles, and you're going to go over to the bad signal portal to duplicate your items.

If you haven't beat the bad signal mission yet, you need to start this mission before you load into the game so that the portal will spawn. After you have activated the portal for console players, you are going to force close your game on the purple portal animation, and for PC players, you're going to wait for the black screen after the portal animation to alt-f4 your game.


For that tutorial, tomorrow I will briefly explain what you need to do in order to get extra items into your stash right now, but that full guide is on its way, so stay tuned. You will need to find the real items in your stash and delete them so that the number for me is 13 out of 10, which goes below 10 out of 10.

Once it's at 9 out of 10, any items that you bring out with you from the portal, you'll be able to simply press unequip on them, and that will force them into your stash. Again, the full guide on the stash glitch will be uploaded tomorrow. I just wanted to post this glitch first because so many more people have been asking me how to go into the dark ether while keeping their Tombstone, so be ready for the stash glitch guide tomorrow.

Now in your next game, you're going to take everything out of your tombstone so that it crumbles, and now you can go into the dark ether or bad signal. You can use all the items in your tombstone because we already duplicated them and put them in our stash, so it won't matter if we lose any of these items.


However, you are going to want to have as many points as possible because, like I said earlier, the points that you have will be 100% saved in your Tombstone. Before you go into the dark ether, I recommend that you set yourself up with all of the perks, and you are going to want to buy the tombstone perk as well.

Also, make sure you grab a bunch of self-revivals because it is awful in the dark ether, and you want to make sure that you don't accidentally set a tombstone when you're not ready for it. Technically, you don't need to farm more points, but I wanted to save Max money in my Tombstone, so I did a couple of contracts to get my money back up to Max, and then I went into the dark ether portal.

new warzone

At this point, once you've got into the portal, you have lost your Tombstone, but while in the bad signal or dark ether, any loot that you find and have in your inventory, we are going to set a new tombstone with so you can bring it out with you into your next game to do this you are going to play normally until you get the loot that you want to bring out with you and since we already bought the tombstone perk after you are done inside the dark ether you're going to die and bleed out this is going to set a new tombstone, with your dark ether loot and after the eliminated screen you can press leave match when you load into your next game because we died in the dark ether your tombstone is going to spawn at the graveyard, make your way over to it and everything that you had in your inventory while in the dark ether will be in the tombstone.

But more importantly, all of your points will still be there. The reason we did it this way is for you to get any rare items that you looted from the dark ether back into the game and keep your maximum money. Technically, you could not use any of the items from your tombstone and die with them in the dark ether after drinking the tombstone perk, but there's literally no point in going into the portal unless you're trying to get loot from the dark ether or the bad signal since we do not have the items that were in our original tombstone.


While saving the schematic to your account, this method will not work for the regular story missions because you will have to go through the cut scenes in order for it to count, so you will lose your Tombstone. If you try any of those while using this Tombstone method, click the unlimited money glitch article on your screen right now, and if you're watching this article in the future, then the unlimited stash glitch article will be on your screen as well.

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This is the NEW way to keep your tombstone after going into the DARK AETHER BAD SIGNAL in season 1 reloaded MW3 Zombies.
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